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Resource CodeSystem/FHIR Server from package hl7.eu.fhir.unicom#current (422 ms)

Package hl7.eu.fhir.unicom
Type CodeSystem
Id Id
FHIR Version R5
Source http://unicom-project.eu/fhir/https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7-eu/unicom-ig/CodeSystem-pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs.html
Url https://spor.ema.europa.eu/v1/lists/200000000004
Version 0.1.0
Status draft
Date 2024-10-11T11:07:46+00:00
Name PharmaceuticalDoseForm_EMA_CS
Title Pharmaceutical Dose Form EMA
Experimental False
Realm eu
Authority hl7
Description Pharmaceutical dose form. Based on EDQM, re-coded with RMS codes.
Content complete
valueSet https://spor.ema.europa.eu/v1/lists/200000000004-vs

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edqm-ema-pharmaceuticalDoseForm-cm EDQM-SPOR Pharmaceutical dose forms
http://unicom-project.eu/fhir/ValueSet/authorised-doseform-vs EMA SPOR Authorised Dose Form
http://unicom-project.eu/fhir/ValueSet/pharmaceutical-doseform-vs EMA SPOR Pharmaceutical Dose Form

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Generated Narrative: CodeSystem pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs

version: 3; Last updated: 2023-02-17 14:41:04+0000


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

EDQM codeEDQM codeinteger


This case-insensitive code system https://spor.ema.europa.eu/v1/lists/200000000004 defines the following codes:

CodeDisplayDefinitionEDQM code
100000111496 Age-appropriate dosage form, otherAge-appropriate dosage form, other
100000111513 Age-appropriate oral liquid dosage formAge-appropriate oral liquid dosage form
100000111493 Age-appropriate oral solid dosage formAge-appropriate oral solid dosage form
100000111494 Age-appropriate dosage form for parenteral useAge-appropriate dosage form for parenteral use
100000111495 Age-appropriate dosage form for rectal useAge-appropriate dosage form for rectal use
200000003236 Solution for cardioplegia/organ preservationLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution of electrolytes typically at a concentration close to the intracellular electrolyte composition, intended for inducing cardiac arrest during heart surgery, and for storage, protection and/or perfusion of mammalian body organs that are in particular destined for transplantation.13107000
100000074055 Solvent for solution for infusionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solvent containing no active substances, intended for use in the preparation of a solution for infusion.50076000
100000143551 Inhalation vapour, impregnated plugSolid preparation consisting of an impregnated plug that generates a vapour to be inhaled, for example by the patient inhaling through a device containing the plug, thereby drawing air through or over it and vaporising the active ingredient(s) impregnated therein.50033100
100000073875 Implantation chainSolid sterile preparation consisting of small spheres mounted on a non-degradable thread to form a chain that allows withdrawal of the remainder of the chain after a certain period of action. Each implantation chain is presented in a sterile container. The implantation chain is intended for release over an extended period of time in order to obtain local or systemic effect.11303000
100000073696 Oromucosal creamSemi-solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an oil-in-water emulsion intended for oromucosal use. Oromucosal creams are applied to the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity, other than the gingivae, to obtain a local effect.10314010
100000073785 Ear gelSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a gel intended for application to the external auditory meatus, if necessary by means of a tampon impregnated with the preparation.10702000
100000073791 Ear tamponSolid single-dose preparation intended to be inserted into the external auditory meatus for a limited period of time, consisting of a suitable material impregnated with active substance(s).10714000
100000073771 Eye creamSemi-solid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a cream intended for ocular use. Eye creams may be presented in collapsible tubes fitted with a cannula and having a content of not more than 5 g of the preparation. Eye creams may also be presented in suitably designed single-dose containers. The containers or nozzles of tubes are of a shape that facilitates administration without contamination.10601000
200000004200 Nebuliser dispersionLiquid preparation consisting of a dispersion intended for inhalation use. The dispersion is converted into an aerosol by a continuously operating nebuliser or a metered-dose nebuliser.13129000
100000073831 Powder for rectal solutionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal solution.11009000
100000073913 Solution for blood fraction modificationLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in extracorporeal modification of a blood fraction that is returned to the patient following modification.12103000
100000073363 Oral gelSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation intended for oral use, consisting of a gel, usually hydrophilic, to be swallowed after administration to the oral cavity.10108000
100000073722 Dental stickSolid single-dose preparation, rod-shaped and usually prepared by compression or moulding, intended for dental use.10403000
100000073780 Ear drops, suspensionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous or oily suspension intended for application to the external auditory meatus. Multidose containers may be dropper containers or containers provided with a dropper applicator, or the dropper may be supplied separately. Drops are not necessarily administered dropwise, but may also be administered as a small volume.10705000
100000073792 Nasal creamSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a cream, usually of oil-in-water type, intended for nasal use, usually to obtain a local effect. Nasal creams are usually presented in tubes fitted with a nasal applicator.10801000
100000116131 Oromucosal ointmentSemi-solid multidose preparation consisting of an ointment intended for oromucosal use. It is applied to the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity, to obtain a local effect10314005
100000073756 Solution for skin-prick testLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution containing an allergen product intended for diagnostic use in a skin-prick test.10548000
100000073859 Powder for solution for infusionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified aqueous liquid to obtain a solution for infusion.11212000
100000073885 Solution for haemofiltrationLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution containing electrolytes with a concentration close to the electrolytic composition of plasma, intended for parenteral use in haemofiltration. Glucose may be included.11402000
100000173956 Powder for prolonged-release suspension for injectionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a prolonged-release suspension for injection.11208400
100000074067 Solvent for solution for intraocular irrigationLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solvent containing no active substances, intended for use in the preparation of a solution for intraocular irrigation.50074000
100000073804 Ear wash, emulsionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting usually of an oil-in-water emulsion with a pH within physiological limits. Ear washes are intended to clean the external auditory meatus.10713000
100000074036 Prolonged-release granules for oral suspensionSolid preparation consisting of prolonged-release granules intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a prolonged-release oral suspension.50056000
100000074044 Radiopharmaceutical precursor, solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution containing a radionuclide produced for the radio-labelling of another substance prior to administration.50056500
200000011722 Gastro-resistant powder for oral suspensionSolid preparation consisting of a gastro-resistant powder intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a gastro-resistant oral suspension.13136000
100000073658 Prolonged-release granulesSolid preparation consisting of granules showing a slower release than that of conventional-release granules. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Prolonged-release granules are usually single-dose preparations intended for oral use.10207000
100000073924 Irrigation solutionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a large-volume aqueous solution intended for irrigation of body cavities, wounds and surfaces, for example during surgical procedures. Irrigation solutions are either solutions of active substance(s), electrolytes or osmotically active substances in water for injections, or they consist of water for injections as such.12113000
100000074001 Ear/eye drops, solutionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as ear drops or eye drops.50018000
100000074068 Dispersion for injectionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of two or more phases of which at least one is dispersed in the liquid phase, intended for administration by injection. To be used only when emulsion for injection is not appropriate. Solid suspension preparations are excluded.50077000
100000174051 Solution for solution for infusionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in the preparation of a solution for infusion.13061000
100000073794 Nasal drops, solutionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for nasal use by means of a suitable applicator.10804000
100000073797 Nasal spray, emulsionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion in a container with or without a metering dose valve or in a container with a spray pump or equivalent device to create a spray, intended for nasal use.10810000
100000073810 Nasal washLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of usually an aqueous isotonic solution intended for cleansing the nasal cavities.10811000
100000174028 Powder for solution for skin-prick testSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for skin-prick test.13032000
100000073691 Oromucosal solutionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for oromucosal use.10305000
100000073374 Modified-release granulesSolid preparation consisting of granules showing a rate and/or place of release different from that of conventional-release granules. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Modified-release granules are usually single-dose preparations intended for oral use, and include prolonged-release, delayed release and pulsatile-release granules. The generic term 'modified-release granules' is used only when the more specific terms 'gastro-resistant granules' or 'prolonged-release granules' do not apply.10208000
100000073710 Periodontal gelSemi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended to be placed in the pouch between the tooth and the gingiva.10410000
100000073921 Kit for radiopharmaceutical preparationA preparation to be reconstituted or combined with radionuclides in the final radiopharmaceutical, usually prior to its administration. The word radiopharmaceutical may be omitted if there is no ambiguity on the radiopharmaceutical nature of the product. Combinations with other standard terms are not recommended.12107000
100000125711 Ear/eye drops, suspensionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use as ear drops or eye drops.50018500
100000174029 Solution for solution for injectionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in the preparation of a solution for injection.13033000
100000073901 Endotracheopulmonary instillation, solutionLiquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for instillation to the trachea and/or bronchi. Preparations for inhalation use are excluded.11601000
100000125750 Powder for intravesical solution/solution for injectionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an intravesical solution/solution for injection.50050500
100000073702 Muco-adhesive buccal tabletSolid single-dose preparation to be applied to the buccal mucosa to obtain a systemic delivery over an extended period of time. Mucoadhesive buccal tablets are usually prepared by compression of mixtures of powders or granulations into tablets with a shape suited for the intended use. They usually contain hydrophilic polymers, which on wetting with saliva produce a flexible hydrogel that adheres to the buccal mucosa.10319000
100000074012 Oral solution/concentrate for nebuliser solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for oral use or intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a nebuliser solution.50038500
100000073854 Inhalation vapour, liquidLiquid preparation consisting of a liquid active substance per se, such as an essential oil or a volatile anaesthetic, intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled. The vapour may be generated by adding the liquid to hot water or by the use of a vaporising device.11117000
100000073861 Inhalation vapour, solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour is usually generated by adding the solution to hot water.11114000
100000073378 Prolonged-release capsule, softSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a soft shell containing a semi-solid or liquid formulation, showing a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release capsule. Prolonged release is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Soft prolonged-release capsules are intended for oral use.10216000
100000073802 Ear spray, solutionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for application to the external auditory meatus by spraying to obtain a local effect. Ear sprays are presented in containers with a spray pump or in pressurised containers fitted with a spray valve.10709000
100000073681 Effervescent tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet generally containing acid substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates, which react rapidly in the presence of water to release carbon dioxide. Effervescent tablets are intended to be dissolved or dispersed in water before oral use.10222000
100000073713 OintmentSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a single-phase basis in which solids or liquids may be dispersed. Active substance(s) are dissolved or dispersed in the basis, which may be hydrophilic, hydrophobic or water-emulsifying. Ointments are intended for cutaneous use. In certain cases, transdermal delivery may be obtained.10504000
100000125706 Oromucosal spray, solutionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for oromucosal use. It is administered by spraying into the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity or the throat. It is presented in a container with a spray pump or in a pressurised container with or without a metering valve. Sublingual sprays are excluded.10308200
100000174026 Gas for dispersion for injection/infusionSterile preparation consisting of a gas that is intended to be mixed with the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion of the gas in the liquid, which is intended for administration by injection or infusion.13050000
100000073862 Inhalation vapour, ointmentSemi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour may be generated by adding the ointment to hot water.11116000
100000073883 Implantation tabletSolid sterile preparation prepared by compression of a solid active substance as such or of a formulation thereof into an implant of a size and shape suitable for implantation, usually subcutaneously. Each implantation tablet is presented in a sterile container. Implantation tablets are intended for release over an extended period of time in order to obtain local or systemic effect.11302000
100000073369 Soluble tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid before being swallowed.10120000
100000073715 ShampooLiquid or, occasionally, semi-solid, usually multidose preparation intended for application to the scalp by rubbing and subsequent washing away with water. Upon rubbing with water, shampoos usually form foam. Shampoos are solutions, suspensions or emulsions containing surface-active agents.10508000
100000143499 Sublingual spray, solutionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for sublingual use. Sublingual sprays are usually presented in pressurised containers with a metering valve.10309200
100000174020 Powder for emulsion for injectionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be mixed with the specified liquid to obtain an emulsion for injection.13040000
100000073778 Ear creamSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a cream intended for application to the external auditory meatus, if necessary by means of a tampon impregnated with the preparation.10701000
100000073945 Medicinal gas, cryogenicA gas which liquifies at 1.013 bar at a temperature below -150 °C.12302000
100000073643 Oral drops, suspensionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use. The preparation is administered in small volumes by means of a suitable measuring device such as a dropper, pipette or oral syringe capable of accurate dosing of the suspension. The measured dose may be diluted in water or another suitable liquid before swallowing.10102000
100000073670 PillulesSolid preparation for homoeopathic use, obtained from sucrose, lactose or other suitable excipients. Pillules may be prepared by impregnation of preformed pillules with a dilution or dilutions of homoeopathic stocks or by progressive addition of these excipients and the addition of a dilution or dilutions of homoeopathic stocks. Pillules are intended for oral or sublingual use.10231000
100000073692 Oromucosal dropsLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution, suspension or emulsion intended for oromucosal use. Oromucosal drops are administered by instillation into the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity.10307000
100000073867 Powder for suspension for injectionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a suspension for injection.11206000
200000002245 Transdermal ointmentSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a single-phase basis in which solids or liquids may be dispersed. Active substance(s) are dissolved or dispersed in the basis, which may be hydrophilic, hydrophobic or water-emulsifying. Transdermal ointments are intended for transdermal use.13102000
100000173966 Powder for intraocular instillation solutionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an intraocular instillation solution.13029000
100000073805 Ear stickSolid single-dose preparation of usually conical shape intended to be inserted in the external auditory meatus where it melts or dissolves.10715000
100000073793 Nasal gelSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of usually a hydrophilic gel, intended for nasal use, usually to obtain a local effect. Nasal gels are usually presented in tubes fitted with a nasal applicator.10802000
100000073809 Nasal spray, suspensionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension in a container with or without a metering dose valve or in a container with a spray pump or equivalent device to create a spray, intended for nasal use.10809000
100000073846 Nebuliser suspensionLiquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for inhalation use. The suspension is converted into an aerosol by a continuously operating nebuliser or a metered-dose nebuliser.11102000
100000074034 Powder for oral/rectal suspensionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an oral/rectal solution.50052000
100000174033 Granules for suspension for injectionSolid sterile preparation consisting of granules intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a suspension for injection.13048000
100000073895 Intrauterine delivery systemSolid single-dose delivery system intended for intrauterine use that releases its contents of active substance(s) over an extended period of time.11901000
100000073881 Solvent for parenteral useLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solvent containing no active substances, intended for use in the preparation of a product for parenteral use.11216000
100000143500 Sublingual spray, suspensionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for sublingual use. Sublingual sprays are usually presented in pressurised containers with a metering valve.10309300
100000169806 Prolonged-release solution for injectionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration by injection; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time.13076000
200000002381 Sublingual powderSolid preparation consisting of a powder intended for sublingual use.13105000
100000174019 Suspension for suspension for injectionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use in the preparation of a suspension for injection.13039000
100000174022 Epilesional solutionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended to be administered onto a lesion.13042000
100000073789 Ear spray, suspensionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for application to the external auditory meatus by spraying to obtain a local effect. Ear sprays are presented in containers with a spray pump or in pressurised containers fitted with a spray valve.10710000
100000116135 Transdermal spray, solutionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution in a pressurised container with a spray valve or a container equipped with a spray pump, intended for transdermal use.10546500
100000116134 Transdermal gelSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a single-phase basis of liquids gelled by a suitable gelling agent. Active substance(s) is (are) dissolved or dispersed in the basis, which may be hydrophilic or hydrophobic. Transdermal gels are intended for transdermal use.10546250
100000174021 Endosinusial solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended to be administered to the sinuses to obtain a local effect.13041000
100000145128 Ear/nasal drops, suspensionLiquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use as ear drops or nasal drops.50020200
100000074005 Gastro-resistant granules for oral suspensionSolid preparation consisting of gastro-resistant granules intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a gastro-resistant oral suspension.50026000
100000073758 Eye gelSemi-solid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a gel intended for ocular use. Eye gels may be presented in collapsible tubes fitted with a cannula and having a content of not more than 5 g of the preparation. Eye gels may also be presented in suitably designed single-dose containers. The containers or nozzles of tubes are of a shape that facilitates administration without contamination.10602000
100000073877 Solution for haemodiafiltrationLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution containing electrolytes with a concentration close to the electrolytic composition of plasma, intended for parenteral use in haemodiafiltration. Glucose may be included.11403000
100000073646 Oral solutionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.10105000
200000018781 Pharmaceutical dose form not applicablePharmaceutical dose form not applicable
100000174032 Solution for suspension for injectionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in the preparation of a suspension for injection.13047000
100000073856 Emulsion for injectionLiquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for administration by injection.11203000
100000074009 Inhalation vapour, impregnated padSolid preparation consisting of a piece of absorbent material impregnated usually with a liquid or semi-solid preparation, intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect.50033000
100000074037 Solution for haemodialysis/haemofiltrationLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as a solution for haemodialysis or a solution for haemofiltration.50057000
100000174009 Gel for gelSemi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for use in the preparation of a gel for cutaneous use.13014000
100000073929 Medicinal gas, compressedA gas packaged under pressure which is entirely gaseous at - 50 °C.12301000
100000116182 Powder for concentrate for solution for haemodialysisSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for solution for haemodialysis, which must subsequently be diluted before use as a solution for haemodialysis.50049200
100000173962 Powder for dental gelSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or gel to obtain a dental gel.13022000
100000116184 Powder for dental solutionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a dental solution.50049270
100000073795 Nasal drops, emulsionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for nasal use by means of a suitable applicator.10806000
100000073806 Nasal ointmentSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an ointment, intended for nasal use, usually to obtain a local effect. Nasal ointments are usually presented in tubes fitted with a nasal applicator.10803000
100000174007 Gas for dispersion for infusionSterile preparation consisting of a gas that is intended to be mixed with the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion of the gas in the liquid, which is intended for administration by infusion.13012000
100000073841 Rectal emulsionLiquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for rectal use or for diagnostic purposes. Rectal emulsions are usually presented in containers with a volume in the range of 2.5 mL to 2000 mL. The container is fitted with an applicator or an applicator is provided separately.11007000
100000073829 Rectal solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for rectal use or for diagnostic purposes. Rectal solutions are usually presented in containers with a volume in the range of 2.5 mL to 2000 mL. The container is fitted with an applicator or an applicator is provided separately.11005000
100000173963 Powder for dispersion for injectionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for injection.13023000
100000073995 Ear/eye ointmentSemi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment intended for auricular or ocular use.50019000
100000174003 Emulsion for emulsion for injectionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for use in the preparation of an emulsion for injection.13008000
100000073837 Nebuliser emulsionLiquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for inhalation to obtain local effect or systemic delivery. The emulsion is converted into an aerosol by a continuously operating nebuliser or a metered-dose nebuliser.11105000
200000003971 Intrauterine gelSemi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for intrauterine use.13113000
100000073734 Solution for iontophoresisLiquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for transdermal delivery by means of iontophoresis.10518000
100000073775 Eye drops, solvent for reconstitutionLiquid preparation consisting of a sterile solvent containing no active substances, intended for reconstitution of a usually freeze-dried powder for eye drops.10608000
100000073834 Tablet for rectal suspensionSolid, usually single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal suspension.11012000
100000073845 Rectal tamponSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a suitable material impregnated with active substance(s) intended to be inserted in the rectum for a limited period of time usually for a local effect.11015000
100000073847 Powder for nebuliser solutionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a nebuliser solution.11104000
200000023323 Not assignedNot assigned
100000174002 Effervescent granules for oral suspensionSolid preparation consisting of effervescent granules intended to be dispersed or dissolved in the specified liquid, which is supplied in the same packaging, to obtain an oral suspension. Where the granules are intended to be dispersed in water, the term 'Effervescent granules' is used instead.13007000
100000073694 Mouthwash, tablet for solutionSolid preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a mouthwash.10311000
100000073760 Eye drops, suspensionLiquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous or oily suspension intended for ocular use. Multidose preparations are presented in containers that allow successive drops to be administered. The containers contain usually at most 10 mL of the preparation.10605000
100000073827 Rectal gelSemi-solid preparation consisting of a gel usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for rectal use to obtain a local effect.11002000
100000073833 Tablet for rectal solutionSolid, usually single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal solution.11011000
100000073876 Solution for peritoneal dialysisLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution containing electrolytes with a concentration close to the electrolytic composition of plasma and glucose in varying concentrations or other suitable osmotic agents, intended for intraperitoneal use as a dialysis solution.11401000
100000073919 Solution for organ preservationLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution of electrolytes typically at a concentration close to the intracellular electrolyte composition, intended for storage, protection and/or perfusion of mammalian body organs that are in particular destined for transplantation.12112000
100000173964 Powder for endocervical gelSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or gel to obtain an endocervical gel.13024000
100000116186 Powder for solution for injection/infusionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection/infusion.50053500
100000174055 Solution for intraocular irrigationLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for irrigation of one or more internal structures of the eye, for example during surgical procedures.50073500
100000073788 Ear powderSolid, usually multidose preparation consisting of one or more powders consisting of (a) solid active substance(s) intended for application to the external auditory meatus. Ear powders are presented in containers fitted with a suitable applicator or device for insufflation.10708000
100000073858 Emulsion for infusionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an oil-in-water emulsion intended to be introduced, usually in large volumes, usually into the circulating blood stream.11211000
100000111533 Dispersion for infusionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of two or more phases of which at least one is dispersed in the liquid phase, intended to be introduced, usually in large volumes, usually into the circulating blood stream. To be used only when emulsion for infusion is not appropriate. Solid suspension preparations are excluded.50017500
100000116163 Nasal/oromucosal solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for nasal or oromucosal application. 'Nasal/oromucosal spray, solution' and 'Nasal spray, solution/oromucosal solution' are excluded.50036500
100000073770 Solution for skin-scratch testLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution containing an allergen product intended for diagnostic use in a skin-scratch test.10549000
100000073942 Living tissue equivalentCultured, living tissue used for the reconstruction of parts of the body. The tissue may consist of ex vivo expanded cells with an extracellular matrix. Where appropriate, the tissue of origin, such as epidermis, dermis, cartilage or muscle, will need to be stated elsewhere in the product information.12118000
100000157838 Sealant powderSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be applied directly onto the intended site (e.g. a lesion) to form a haemostatic agent and/or tissue glue after contact with an appropriate fluid (e.g. blood).12115200
100000074003 Endosinusial wash, suspensionLiquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for cleaning the sinuses.50022000
100000073668 Modified-release tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet showing a rate, a place and/or a time of release different from that of a conventional-release tablet. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Modified-release tablets are intended for oral use, and include prolonged-release, delayed-release and pulsatile-release preparations. The generic term 'modified-release tablet' is used only when the more specific terms 'gastro-resistant tablet' or 'prolonged-release tablet' do not apply.10227000
100000074008 Inhalation vapour, effervescent tabletSolid preparation consisting of a tablet usually containing acid substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates that react rapidly in the presence of aqueous liquid to release carbon dioxide, intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour may be generated by adding the tablet to hot water.50031000
100000073772 Eye ointmentSemi-solid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an ointment intended for ocular use. Eye ointments may be presented in collapsible tubes fitted with a cannula and having a content of not more than 5 g of the preparation. Eye ointments may also be presented in suitably designed single-dose containers. The containers or nozzles of tubes are of a shape that facilitates administration without contamination.10603000
100000073819 Rectal creamSemi-solid preparation consisting of a cream usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for rectal use to obtain a local effect.11001000
100000073852 Inhalation vapour, capsuleSolid preparation consisting of a capsule formulation intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour is usually generated by adding the whole capsule or the capsule contents to hot water.11113000
100000073927 Medicated spongeSolid preparation consisting of a sponge impregnated with active substance(s); different routes of administration are possible.12119000
100000174027 Powder for sealantSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a sealant.13031000
100000173965 Powder for endosinusial solutionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an endosinusial solution.13025000
100000125735 Transdermal solutionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for transdermal use. The term 'Transdermal solution' is used only when more-specific terms such as 'Pour-on solution', 'Solution for iontophoresis', 'Spot-on solution' and 'Transdermal spray, solution' do not apply.10546400
100000073786 Ear drops, solutionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous or oily solution intended for application to the external auditory meatus. Multidose containers may be dropper containers or containers provided with a dropper applicator, or the dropper may be supplied separately. Drops are not necessarily administered dropwise, but may also be administered as a small volume.10704000
100000073787 Ear drops, emulsionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for application to the external auditory meatus. Multidose containers may be dropper containers or containers provided with a dropper applicator, or the dropper may be supplied separately. Drops are not necessarily administered dropwise, but may also be administered as a small volume.10706000
100000073796 Nasal spray, solutionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution in a container with or without a metering dose valve or in a container with a spray pump or equivalent device to create a spray, intended for nasal use.10808000
100000073808 Nasal powderSolid, usually multidose preparation consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) intended for nasal use by insufflation into the nasal cavity.10807000
100000174024 Intraocular instillation solutionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended to be instilled as drops into an internal part of the eye.13044000
100000075589 Solution for sealantLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for the preparation of a sealant.50061500
100000143523 Powder for dispersion for infusionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for infusion.11211500
100000073996 Emulsion for injection/infusionLiquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for administration by injection or infusion.50021000
100000073779 Ear ointmentSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an ointment intended for application to the external auditory meatus, if necessary by means of a tampon impregnated with the preparation.10703000
100000116142 Intraperitoneal solutionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for intraperitoneal use. 'Solution for peritoneal dialysis' is excluded.12111500
100000073777 Ophthalmic insertSolid sterile preparation of suitable size and shape, designed to be inserted in the conjunctival sac to produce a local or ocular effect by the release of active substance(s) over a determined period of time. Ophthalmic inserts generally consist of a reservoir of active substance(s) embedded in a matrix or bounded by a rate-controlling membrane. They are presented individually in sterile containers.10612000
100000073918 Gastroenteral suspensionLiquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for administration to the stomach or duodenum by means of a suitable applicator.12110000
100000073368 Powder for syrupSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, that may include excipients to facilitate dissolution in water and to obtain the characteristics of a syrup, intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a syrup.10118000
100000073645 Oral liquidLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a liquid active substance per se, intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a suitable device such as a measuring spoon.10104000
100000073675 Oromucosal suspensionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oromucosal use.10306000
100000074020 Powder for intravesical suspensionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an intravesical suspension.50051000
100000125707 Oromucosal spray, suspensionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oromucosal use. It is administered by spraying into the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity or the throat. It is presented in a container with a spray pump or in a pressurised container with or without a metering valve. Sublingual sprays are excluded.10308300
100000073371 Instant herbal teaSolid preparation consisting of a lyophilised herbal drug extract intended to be dissolved in water before oral use. Instant herbal teas are supplied in bulk form (multidose) or in sachets (single-dose).10202000
100000073703 LozengeSolid single-dose preparation intended to be sucked to obtain, usually, a local effect in the oral cavity and the throat. Lozenges are hard preparations prepared by moulding. They usually contain flavouring and sweetening agents. Lozenges dissolve or disintegrate slowly when sucked.10321000
100000073379 Modified-release capsule, softSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a soft shell containing a semi-solid or liquid formulation, showing a rate, a place and/or a time of release different from that of a conventional-release capsule. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Soft modified-release capsules are intended for oral use, and include prolonged-release, delayed-release and pulsatile-release preparations. The generic term 'modified-release capsule, soft' is used only when the more specific terms 'gastro-resistant capsule, soft' or 'prolonged-release capsule, soft' do not apply.10218000
100000156088 Sealant matrixSolid sterile preparation consisting of a pliable piece of material impregnated or coated with a sealant or with a powder that forms a sealant after contact with an appropriate fluid (e.g. blood). It may act as a haemostatic agent and/or tissue glue. The matrix may itself form part of the seal, and is usually absorbed by the body over time.12115100
100000073798 Nasal stickSolid single-dose preparation, usually rod-shaped or conical, intended for nasal use, usually to obtain a local effect.10812000
100000074038 Solution for injection/infusionLiquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration by injection or infusion.50060000
100000073757 Plaster for provocation testSolid flexible preparation containing an allergen product intended for provocation testing by application to the skin.10550000
100000073944 Solution for provocation testLiquid preparation consisting of a solution containing an allergen intended for provocation testing by the nasal, ocular or bronchial routes.12131000
100000073803 Ear spray, emulsionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for application to the external auditory meatus by spraying to obtain local effect. Ear sprays are presented in containers with a spray pump or in pressurised containers fitted with a spray valve.10711000
100000073890 Endotracheopulmonary instillation, powder for solutionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an endotracheopulmonary instillation solution.11602000
100000074054 Powder for solution for intraocular irrigationSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for intraocular irrigation.50073000
100000073832 Powder for rectal suspensionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal suspension.11010000
100000073679 Oromucosal pasteSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a paste of solid particles finely dispersed in a hydrophilic basis intended for oromucosal use. Oromucosal pastes are applied to the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity, to obtain a local effect. Gingival paste is excluded.10314000
100000073888 Powder for bladder irrigationSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in sterile water to obtain a bladder irrigation.11503000
100000074025 Oral/rectal suspensionLiquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral or rectal use.50038000
100000073776 Eye lotionLiquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for washing or bathing the eye.10610000
100000073914 Wound stickSolid sterile single-dose preparation, usually rod-shaped or conical, consisting of active substance(s) dissolved or dispersed in a suitable basis that may dissolve or melt at body temperature, intended to be inserted into wounds.12104000
100000073925 SealantLiquid, more or less viscous, sterile preparation intended for use as tissue glue.12115000
100000073653 Granules for syrupSolid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dissolution and to obtain the characteristics of a syrup, intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a syrup.10119000
100000073678 Gingival solutionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for gingival use.10312000
100000073680 Gingival gelSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a gel intended for gingival use to obtain a local effect.10315000
100000073701 Oromucosal capsuleSolid single-dose preparation contained in a soft shell to be chewed or sucked to obtain a local effect in the oral cavity.10317000
100000116183 Powder for concentrate for solution for injection/infusionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for solution for injection/infusion, which must subsequently be diluted before administration as a solution for injection/infusion.50049250
100000143498 Sublingual spray, emulsionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for sublingual use. Sublingual sprays are usually presented in pressurised containers with a metering valve.10309100
100000073807 Nasal drops, suspensionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for nasal use by means of a suitable applicator.10805000
100000075573 Orodispersible filmSolid preparation consisting of a single- or multilayer sheet of suitable material(s) intended to be placed in the mouth where it disperses rapidly before being swallowed.10236100
100000143547 Impregnated plugSolid preparation consisting of a piece of material (e.g. polyethylene), usually porous, in which a liquid, semi-solid or solid preparation is impregnated. Implants, pads, sponges and tampons are excluded.12117500
100000073736 PoulticeSemi-solid preparation consisting of a hydrophilic heat-retentive basis in which solid or liquid active substance(s) are dispersed, usually intended to be spread thickly on a suitable dressing and heated before application to the skin.10522000
100000073784 Ophthalmic stripSolid sterile single-dose preparation consisting of a strip made of a suitable material usually impregnated with active substance(s) intended for use on the eyeball.10613000
100000174047 Solution for injection/skin-prick testLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution containing an allergen product intended for diagnostic use in a skin-prick test or as an injection (usually intraepidermal); it may also be licensed for immunotherapy treatment by injection (usually subcutaneous).13051000
100000143503 Powder for dental cementSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended for use in the preparation of a dental cement.10413000
100000116185 Powder for epilesional solutionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an epilesional solution.50049300
100000073835 Nebuliser solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for inhalation use. The solution is converted into an aerosol by a continuously operating nebuliser or a metered-dose nebuliser.11101000
100000073677 MouthwashLiquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for use in contact with the oral mucosa. It is not to be swallowed. Mouthwashes may contain excipients to adjust the pH which as far as possible is neutral.10310000
100000074024 Modified-release granules for oral suspensionSolid preparation consisting of modified-release granules intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a modified-release oral suspension. The generic term 'Modified-release granules for oral suspension' is used only when the more-specific terms 'Gastro-resistant granules for oral suspension' or 'Prolonged-release granules for oral suspension' do not apply.50036000
100000073644 Oral drops, emulsionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for oral use. The preparation is administered in small volumes by means of a suitable measuring device such as a dropper, pipette or oral syringe capable of accurate dosing of the emulsion. The measured dose may be diluted in water or another suitable liquid before swallowing.10103000
100000073648 Oral pasteSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation intended for oral use, consisting of a paste to be swallowed after administration to the oral cavity.10109000
100000143525 Powder for cutaneous solutionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a cutaneous solution.10514500
100000074070 Inhalation solutionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for inhalation use. The preparation is presented in a non-pressurised container fitted with a metering dose mechanism. 'Nebuliser solution' and 'Pressurised inhalation, solution' are excluded.50081000
100000073863 Solution for injectionLiquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration by injection.11201000
100000073889 Urethral stickSolid sterile single-dose preparation, usually rod-shaped and of a size adapted to the dimensions of the urethra, intended for insertion into the urethra. They may be prepared by compression or moulding.11505000
100000073930 Medicinal gas, liquefiedA gas packaged under pressure, which is partially liquid (gas over liquid) at -50 °C.12303000
100000174048 Powder for solution for injection/skin-prick testSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection/skin-prick test.13052000
100000174016 Suspension for emulsion for injectionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use in the preparation of an emulsion for injection.13036000
100000073790 Ear wash, solutionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting usually of an aqueous solution with a pH within physiological limits. Ear washes are intended to clean the external auditory meatus.10712000
100000073656 Effervescent powderSolid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of one or more powders generally containing acid substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates that react rapidly in the presence of water to release carbon dioxide. Effervescent powders are intended to be dissolved or dispersed in water before administration.10203000
100000143527 Solution for cardioplegiaLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for use in inducing cardiac arrest during heart surgery. Some preparations may require mixing with other preparations prior to administration, for example to adjust the pH.11209500
100000073812 Vaginal ointmentSemi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for vaginal use to obtain a local effect.10903000
100000073667 Gastro-resistant tabletSolid single-dose, delayed-release tablet intended to resist the gastric fluid and to release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. These properties are achieved by coating the tablet with a gastro-resistant material or by embedding solid particles in the gastro-resistant material before compression. Gastro-resistant tablets are intended for oral administration.10225000
100000073695 Oromucosal gelSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a hydrophilic gel intended for oromucosal use. It is applied to the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity, to obtain a local effect. Gingival gel is excluded.10313000
100000073824 Vaginal tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated or film-coated, intended for administration to the vagina to obtain a local effect. Vaginal tablets are usually of larger size and a different shape from tablets intended for oral administration.10912000
200000025250 Concentrate for emulsion for injectionLiquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid in order to obtain an emulsion for injection.13152000
100000073994 Dental pasteSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of solid particles finely dispersed in a suitable basis, intended for administration on or inside the tooth or on and/or around the nerves supplying the teeth. Toothpaste is excluded.50017000
100000073977 Concentrate for oral/rectal solutionLiquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oral/rectal solution.50011000
100000073991 Concentrate for oral solutionLiquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oral solution.50010000
100000075579 Cutaneous spray, emulsionLiquid preparation, usually multidose, consisting of an emulsion in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump, intended for cutaneous use.50015500
100000075574 Buccal filmSolid preparation consisting of a single- or multilayer sheet of suitable material(s) intended to be applied to the buccal cavity (pouch) to obtain a systemic effect.10314011
100000075586 Powder for implantation suspensionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an implantation suspension.50049500
100000075578 Concentrate for emulsion for infusionLiquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an emulsion for infusion.50009500
100000116146 Concentrate for solution for peritoneal dialysisLiquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for peritoneal dialysis.50013250
100000116148 Cutaneous/nasal ointmentSemi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment intended for cutaneous or nasal use.50015200
100000116145 Concentrate for intravesical solutionLiquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an intravesical solution.50009750
100000116180 Powder for concentrate for dispersion for infusionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for dispersion for infusion, which must subsequently be diluted before administration as a dispersion for infusion.50048750
100000116181 Powder for concentrate for intravesical suspensionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for intravesical suspension, which must subsequently be diluted before administration as an intravesical suspension.50049100
100000125737 Cutaneous solution/concentrate for oromucosal solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for cutaneous use or intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oromucosal solution.50015450
100000143526 Powder for solution for iontophoresisSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for iontophoresis.10518500
100000116165 Nasal spray, powder for solutionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a nasal spray solution.50037100
100000116167 Nasal spray, solution/oromucosal solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as a nasal spray or an oromucosal solution.50037400
100000162557 Concentrate for solution for intraocular irrigationLiquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for intraocular irrigation.10600500
100000173961 Powder for gelSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or gel to obtain a gel (for cutaneous use).13021000
100000173955 Dispersible tablets for dose dispenserSolid preparation consisting of small, dispersible tablets that are designed to be used in a dose dispenser, each tablet usually consisting of a small fraction of a dose, with multiple tablets being automatically counted and administered as a single dose.10121500
100000173999 Concentrate for suspension for injectionLiquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a suspension for injection.13004000
100000173997 Concentrate for nebuliser solutionLiquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a nebuliser solution.13002000
100000174012 Powder for gingival gelSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or gel to obtain a gingival gel.13026000
100000173960 Nasal drops, powder for solutionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a nasal drops solution.13020000
100000174013 Powder for implantation matrixSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be used in the preparation of an implantation matrix, e.g. by dissolving in the specified liquid to prepare the solution used to impregnate the matrix.13027000
100000174014 Powder for implantation pasteSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or paste to obtain an implantation paste.13028000
100000174015 Solvent for...Liquid preparation consisting of an excipient that contains no active substances itself but is intended to be used in the preparation of a pharmaceutical product, e.g. for diluting/dissolving/dispersing the item(s) containing the active substance(s). The term is intended to cover all such excipients, with the particular specifications (e.g. sterility requirements) depending on the final product and its intended use.13035000
100000174017 Suspension for oral suspensionLiquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use in the preparation of an oral suspension.13037000
100000173998 Concentrate for oromucosal solutionLiquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oromucosal solution.13003000
100000174025 Intravesical suspensionLiquid preparation consisting of a small-volume suspension intended for intravesical use by means of a suitable applicator.13045000
100000174052 Tablet for cutaneous solutionSolid, usually single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a cutaneous solution.13066000
200000003547 Powder for vaginal solutionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a vaginal solution.13111000
200000004719 Tablet with sensorSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet intended for oral use, in which one or more ingestible sensors are embedded. The sensor is usually not digested, and is usually intended for use with external diagnostic equipment to which it can transmit data such as physiological and behavioural measurements.13118000
200000010684 Sublingual lyophilisateSolid single-dose preparation made by freeze-drying of a liquid or semi-solid preparation, intended for sublingual use.13127000
200000015705 Concentrate for dispersion for injectionLiquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for injection.13139000
200000016184 Cutaneous/oromucosal solutionNon-sterile, liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for cutaneous or oromucosal use; it is not intended for use on injured skin.13140000
100000073730 Cutaneous spray, powderSolid, usually multidose preparation presented in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump. The spray is intended for cutaneous use.10511000
100000073731 Cutaneous solutionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution of the active substance in a suitable vehicle intended for cutaneous use.10513000
100000073732 Cutaneous suspensionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension of fine particles in a suitable vehicle intended for cutaneous use.10515000
100000073733 Cutaneous powderSolid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a powder intended for cutaneous use. Cutaneous spray, powder is excluded.10517000
100000073727 Cutaneous pasteSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation containing a large proportion of finely divided solids dispersed in the basis, intended for cutaneous use.10505000
100000073729 Cutaneous spray, solutionLiquid preparation, usually multidose, consisting of a solution in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump, intended for cutaneous use.10509000
100000073813 Vaginal solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for vaginal use by means of a suitable applicator in order to obtain a local effect.10905000
100000073842 Concentrate for rectal solutionLiquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal solution.11008000
100000073857 Concentrate for solution for injectionLiquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection.11209000
100000073864 Suspension for injectionLiquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for administration by injection.11202000
100000073870 Solution for infusionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended to be introduced, usually in large volumes, usually into the circulating blood stream.11210000
100000073912 Anticoagulant and preservative solution for bloodLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution to be mixed with extracorporeal blood.12102000
100000073900 Denture lacquerLiquid preparation to be applied to dentures to form a lacquer by evaporation of the volatile solvent.12101000
100000073689 Concentrate for gargleLiquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended to be diluted in water to obtain a gargle.10302000
100000073376 Gastro-resistant capsule, hardSolid single-dose, delayed-release preparation contained in a hard shell. The preparation is intended to resist the gastric fluid and to release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. Hard gastro-resistant capsules are usually made by filling hard capsules with gastro-resistant granules or solid particles made gastro-resistant by coating or, in certain cases, by providing hard capsules with a gastro-resistant shell. They are intended for oral use.10212000
100000073377 Chewable capsule, softSolid single-dose preparation contained in a soft shell. The soft capsule is intended to be chewed to release its contents into the mouth. The contents of the soft shell may be a semi-solid or liquid preparation intended for local action or systemic delivery after absorption through the oral mucosa or, when swallowed, in the gastrointestinal tract.10214000
100000073375 Capsule, hardSolid single-dose preparation contained in a hard shell, the capacity of which can be varied. The shell is made of gelatin or other substances. It consists of two prefabricated cylindrical sections one end of which is rounded and closed, the other being open. The contents of the shell may be a solid or semi-solid preparation, which is filled into one of the sections and closed by slipping the other section over it. Hard capsules are intended for oral use.10210000
100000073659 CachetSolid discoid preparation consisting of a wafer enclosing a unit dose intended for oral use.10209000
100000073664 TabletSolid single-dose uncoated preparation obtained by compressing uniform volumes of particulate solids or by other means such as extrusion or moulding. Tablets include single-layer tablets resulting from a single compression of particles and multi-layer tablets consisting of concentric or parallel layers obtained by successive compressions of particles of different composition. Tablets are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) in the gastrointestinal fluids by a rate depending essentially on the intrinsic properties of active substance(s) (conventional release).10219000
100000073665 Film-coated tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet coated with a thin polymeric film that dissolves within a few minutes in the gastrointestinal fluid. Film-coated tablets are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) at a rate which is not significantly delayed compared to that of the uncoated tablet.10221000
100000073666 Orodispersible tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended to be placed in the mouth where it disperses rapidly in saliva before being swallowed.10223000
100000073654 Dispersible tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid before being swallowed.10121000
100000073684 Chewable tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended to be chewed before being swallowed. Chewable tablets are intended for oral administration.10228000
100000073707 Dental powderSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended for administration on teeth and gums.10405000
100000073708 Dental suspensionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for administration on teeth and gums.10407000
100000073705 Dental gelSemi-solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a hydrophilic gel intended for administration on teeth and gums by rubbing.10402000
100000073719 Cutaneous emulsionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for cutaneous use.10516000
100000073720 Cutaneous patchFlexible single-dose preparation intended to be applied to the unbroken skin to obtain a local effect by penetration of the active substance(s) into the skin.10517500
100000073723 Dental solutionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration on teeth and gums.10406000
100000073724 Dental emulsionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for administration on to the teeth and the gums.10408000
100000073717 Cutaneous liquidLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a liquid active substance per se, intended for cutaneous use.10512000
100000073718 Concentrate for cutaneous solutionLiquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a cutaneous solution.10514000
100000073655 Oral powderSingle-dose or multidose preparation consisting of one or more particulate solids of varying degrees of fineness. Oral powders are intended for oral administration. They are generally administered in or with water or another suitable liquid, but may also be swallowed directly.10201000
100000073711 Bath additiveSolid, semi-solid or liquid preparation to be added to the bath water.10501000
100000073743 Cutaneous stickSolid preparation, usually rod-shaped or conical, intended for application to the skin to obtain a local effect. Cutaneous sticks may consist of the active substance(s) alone or dissolved or dispersed in a suitable basis.10523000
100000073980 Cutaneous spray, ointmentOintment formed at the time of administration from a liquid preparation in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump.50016000
100000143497 Concentrate for oral suspensionLiquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oral suspension.10100500
100000073362 Oral suspensionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.10106000
100000073373 Gastro-resistant granulesSolid preparation consisting of delayed-release granules intended to resist the gastric fluid and release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. This deliberate modification is achieved by coating the granules with a gastro-resistant material or by embedding the solid particles in the gastro-resistant material. Gastro-resistant granules are usually single-dose preparations intended for oral use.10206000
100000073663 Modified-release capsule, hardSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a hard shell containing a solid or semi-solid formulation, showing a rate, a place and/or a time of release different from that of a conventional-release capsule. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Hard modified-release capsules are intended for oral use, and include prolonged-release, delayed-release and pulsatile-release preparations. The generic term 'modified-release capsule, hard' is used only when the more specific terms 'gastro-resistant capsule, hard' or 'prolonged-release capsule, hard' do not apply.10217000
100000073971 Chewable/dispersible tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended either to be chewed before being swallowed, or to be dispersed in the specified liquid before being swallowed.50001000
100000073699 Buccal tabletSolid single-dose preparation to be applied to the buccal cavity (pouch) to obtain systemic delivery. Buccal tablets are prepared by compression of mixtures of powders or granulations into tablets with a shape suited for the intended use.10320000
100000073660 Capsule, softSolid single-dose preparation contained in a soft shell, the capacity and shape of which can be varied. The shell is made of gelatin or other substances and may contain (a) solid active substance(s). The shell is thicker than that of hard capsules and consists of one part as soft capsules usually are formed, filled and sealed in one operation. The contents of the shell may be a semi-solid or liquid preparation. Soft capsules are intended for oral use.10211000
100000073712 CreamSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation of homogeneous appearance consisting of a lipophilic phase and an aqueous phase, one of which is finely dispersed in the other. Active substance(s) are dissolved or dispersed in the basis, which may be hydrophilic or hydrophobic. Creams are intended for cutaneous use. In certain cases, transdermal delivery may be obtained.10502000
100000073726 GelSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a single-phase basis of liquids gelled by a suitable gelling agent, intended for cutaneous use. Active substance(s) are dissolved or dispersed in the basis, which may be hydrophilic or hydrophobic.10503000
100000073839 Inhalation powderSolid, usually multidose preparation intended for inhalation use, consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) to be administered by a dry-powder inhaler containing a metering dose mechanism within the inhaler. 'Inhalation powder, hard capsule' and 'Inhalation powder, pre-dispensed' are excluded.11109000
100000073848 Pressurised inhalation, solutionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for inhalation use. The preparation is presented in a pressurised container usually fitted with a metering dose valve.11106000
100000073871 Concentrate for solution for infusionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended to be diluted in the specified aqueous liquid to obtain a solution for infusion. It may be added to a solution for infusion during the administration.11213000
100000073878 Concentrate for solution for haemodialysisLiquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution of electrolytes intended to be diluted with water of a suitable quality to obtain a solution for haemodialysis. Glucose may be included.11405000
100000073976 Concentrate for cutaneous spray, emulsionLiquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a cutaneous spray emulsion.50009000
100000074069 Concentrate for solution for injection/infusionLiquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection/infusion.50079000
100000073735 CollodionLiquid preparation usually containing pyroxylin in a mixture of ether and ethanol. When applied to the skin, the preparation forms a flexible film on the site of application.10520000
100000125708 Sublingual filmSolid preparation consisting of a single- or multilayer sheet of suitable material(s) intended for sublingual use to obtain a systemic effect.10317500
100000125736 Prolonged-release suspension for injectionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for administration by injection; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time.11208500
100000143504 Solution for dental cementLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in the preparation of a dental cement.10414000
100000169869 Urethral emulsionLiquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for urethral use by means of a suitable applicator.13077000
100000173996 Concentrate for concentrate for solution for infusionLiquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for solution for infusion, which in turn is intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for infusion.13001000
100000174000 Dispersion for concentrate for dispersion for infusionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a dispersion intended for use in the preparation of a concentrate for dispersion for infusion, which in turn is intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for infusion.13005000
100000116138 Intravesical solutionLiquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for intravesical use by means of a suitable applicator. 'Bladder irrigation' is excluded.11502500
100000174006 Eye drops, powder for suspensionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an eye drops suspension.13011000
100000174031 Coated granulesSolid preparation intended for oral use, consisting of granules coated with one or more layers of mixtures of various substances that are usually applied as a solution or suspension in conditions in which evaporation of the vehicle occurs. The thickness of the coating is greater than that of film-coated granules. When the coating dissolves or disintegrates any active substance is released into the gastrointestinal fluid at a rate depending essentially on its intrinsic properties (conventional release).13046000
100000143501 Dental cementSemi-solid preparation intended for application in or on teeth, which subsequently hardens to form a seal or bond.10401500
200000012530 Prolonged-release oral suspensionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use, showing a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release oral suspension. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.13134000
100000073380 Coated tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet coated with one or more layers of mixtures of various substances such as sugars and waxes. To the coating colouring matter, flavouring substances and active substance(s) may be added. The thickness of the coating is greater than that of a film-coated tablet. Coated tablets have a smooth surface. They are intended for oral use. When the coating dissolves or disintegrates the active substance(s) is (are) released into the gastrointestinal fluid at a rate depending essentially on its intrinsic properties (conventional release).10220000
100000073700 Compressed lozengeSolid single-dose preparation intended to be sucked to obtain a local or systemic effect. It is prepared by compression and is often rhomboid in shape. Compressed lozenges usually contain flavouring and sweetening agents. They dissolve or disintegrate slowly when sucked.10322000
100000073716 Cutaneous spray, suspensionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump, intended for cutaneous use.10510000
100000073728 Cutaneous foamLiquid, usually multidose preparation, usually presented in a pressurised container equipped with an applicator suitable for delivery of a foam consisting of large volumes of gas dispersed in a liquid containing active substance(s). Cutaneous foams are intended for cutaneous use.10507000
100000073879 Bladder irrigationSterile liquid preparation consisting of sterilised water or an aqueous solution intended for irrigation of the urinary bladder.11502000
100000111534 Concentrate for dispersion for infusionLiquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for infusion.50009300
200000017730 Prolonged-release pessarySolid, single-dose preparation usually prepared by moulding, of various shapes, usually ovoid, with a volume and consistency suitable for insertion into the vagina to obtain a local effect. It contains one or more active substances dispersed or dissolved in a suitable basis that may be soluble or dispersible in water or may melt at body temperature. It shows a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release pessary. Prolonged release is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method.13148000
100000116151 Ear/eye/nasal drops, solutionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as ear drops, eye drops or nasal drops.50019500
200000010390 Urethral ointmentSemi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment intended for urethral use by means of a suitable applicator.13123000
100000171934 Emulsion for suspension for injectionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for use in the preparation of a suspension for injection.13091000
100000174001 Ear drops, powder for suspensionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an ear drops suspension.13006000
100000174004 Endotracheopulmonary instillation, powder for suspensionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an endotracheopulmonary instillation suspension.13009000
100000174034 Dispersion for injection/infusionSterile liquid preparation consisting of two or more phases of which at least one is dispersed in the liquid phase, intended for administration by injection or infusion. To be used only when emulsion for injection/infusion is not appropriate. Solid suspension preparations are excluded.13049000
100000073817 Effervescent vaginal tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a vaginal tablet usually containing acid substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates that react rapidly in the presence of aqueous liquid to release carbon dioxide.10913000
100000073903 Endocervical gelSemi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for endocervical use by means of a suitable applicator.11701000
100000073657 Effervescent granulesSolid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of uncoated granules generally containing acidic substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates that rapidly react in the presence of water to release carbon dioxide. Effervescent granules are intended to be dissolved or dispersed in water before oral use.10205000
200000010610 Prolonged-release dispersion for injectionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of two or more phases of which at least one is dispersed in the liquid phase, intended for administration by injection; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time. To be used only when 'Prolonged-release emulsion for injection' is not appropriate. Solid suspension preparations are excluded.13126000
100000073902 Endotracheopulmonary instillation, suspensionLiquid preparation consisting of an aqueous suspension intended for instillation to the trachea and/or bronchi. Preparations for inhalation use are excluded.11603000
200000010456 Prolonged-release wound solutionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended to be administered onto a wound, including surgical wounds; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time.13128000
200000025198 Film-coated granulesSolid preparation intended for oral use, consisting of granules coated with a thin polymeric film that dissolves within a few minutes in the gastrointestinal fluid. Film-coated granules are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) at a rate that is not significantly delayed compared to that of the uncoated granules.,Solid preparation intended for oral use, consisting of granules coated with a thin polymeric film that dissolves within a few minutes in the gastrointestinal fluid. Film-coated granules are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) at a rate, which is not significantly delayed compared to that of the uncoated granule.13154000
200000012531 Modified-release oral suspensionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use, showing a rate, a place and/or a time of release of the active substance(s) that is different from that of a conventional-release oral suspension. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. The generic term 'Modified-release oral suspension' is used only when the more-specific terms 'Gastro-resistant oral suspension' or 'Prolonged-release oral suspension' do not apply. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.13135000
100000116161 Mouthwash, powder for solutionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a mouthwash.50036050
100000116164 Nasal/oromucosal spray, solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution in a container with or without a metering dose valve or in a container with a spray pump, intended for nasal or oromucosal use.50036700
100000073920 Stomach irrigationLiquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for irrigation of the stomach.12114000
100000074004 Gargle/mouthwashLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as a gargle or a mouthwash.50024000
100000074022 Inhalation vapour, emulsionLiquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour may be generated by adding the emulsion to hot water.50032000
100000074026 Oromucosal patchFlexible single-dose preparation intended to be applied to the oral cavity to obtain either a systemic or a local effect by delivering the active substance(s) over a certain period of time, after which it is then removed.50039000
100000074033 Powder for intravesical solutionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an intravesical solution.50050000
100000075576 Implantation suspensionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for implantation in the body; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time to obtain a local or systemic effect.11303500
100000116156 Granules for oral/rectal suspensionSolid preparation consisting of granules intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an oral/rectal suspension.50029150
100000116170 Oral/rectal solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for oral or rectal use.50037900
100000116171 Oromucosal/laryngopharyngeal solution/spray, solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for oromucosal or laryngopharyngeal use, presented in a container with an optional spray device to allow administration as a spray.50040500
100000116168 Oral drops, granules for solutionSolid preparation consisting of granules intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an oral drops solution.50037500
100000125754 Intravesical solution/solution for injectionLiquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for intravesical use or for administration by injection.50033400
100000125705 Oromucosal spray, emulsionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for oromucosal use. It is administered by spraying into the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity or the throat. It is presented in a container with a spray pump or in a pressurised container with or without a metering valve. Sublingual sprays are excluded.10308100
100000143550 Gargle/nasal washLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as a gargle or a nasal wash.50024500
100000174005 Eye drops, powder for solutionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an eye drops solution.13010000
100000173957 Laryngopharyngeal spray, solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for spraying onto the laryngopharynx for a local effect.13017000
100000173958 Matrix for implantation matrixSolid sterile preparation consisting of a usually pliable, absorbent piece of material (e.g. collagen) intended to be used in the preparation of an implantation matrix.13018000
100000174008 Gas for dispersion for injectionSterile preparation consisting of a gas that is intended to be mixed with the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion of the gas in the liquid, which is intended for administration by injection.13013000
100000174011 Laryngopharyngeal solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration to the laryngopharynx for a local effect, other than by spraying.13016000
200000005113 Medicinal larvaeWhole, live, medicinal larvae, usually of a species of fly such as Lucilla sericata (common greenbottle fly), provided in an appropriate container such as a mesh bag, intended to be applied to a wound and covered with an appropriate dressing in order to allow debridement of necrotic tissue over a specified period of time (usually a few days). The larvae secrete enzymes into the wound, liquefying the necrotic tissue, and ingest the resulting material.13124000
200000005069 Medicinal leechWhole, live, medicinal leech, usually of the Hirudo genus (e.g. Hirudo medicinalis, Hirudo verbana), usually intended to be applied to the skin in order to restore or improve local blood flow or to provide other local effects. After attaching itself to the host, the leech creates an incision in the skin and secretes saliva containing a variety of active substances (e.g. anaesthetics, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatories, vasodilators) that allow it to feed on the blood of the host.13115000
100000073759 Eye drops, solutionLiquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous or oily solution intended for ocular use. Multidose preparations are presented in containers that allow successive drops to be administered. The containers contain usually at most 10 mL of the preparation.10604000
100000073773 Eye drops, emulsionLiquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for ocular use. Multidose preparations are presented in containers that allow successive drops to be administered. The containers contain usually at most 10 mL of the preparation.10604500
100000073769 Transdermal systemAssembly of components intended for transdermal delivery driven by external forces (e.g. electric current, chemical reaction,...). Transdermal patch is excluded.10547000
100000073811 Vaginal creamSemi-solid preparation consisting of a cream usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for vaginal use to obtain a local effect.10901000
100000073814 Vaginal emulsionLiquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for vaginal use by means of a suitable applicator in order to obtain a local effect.10907000
100000073815 PessarySolid, single-dose preparation usually prepared by moulding, of various shapes, usually ovoid, with a volume and consistency suitable for insertion into the vagina to obtain a local effect. It contains one or more active substances dispersed or dissolved in a suitable basis that may be soluble or dispersible in water or may melt at body temperature.10909000
100000073816 Vaginal capsule, softSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a soft capsule of a size and shape suited for vaginal use, containing a liquid or semi-solid formulation, intended for a local effect.10911000
100000073820 Rectal foamLiquid preparation, usually presented in a pressurised container provided with an applicator suitable for delivery to the rectum of foam containing large volumes of gas dispersed in a liquid containing the active substance. Rectal foams are intended for a local effect.11004000
100000073821 Vaginal suspensionLiquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for vaginal use by means of a suitable applicator in order to obtain a local effect.10906000
100000073818 Vaginal delivery systemDrug delivery system intended to be inserted in the vagina where it releases its contents over an extended period of time. Medicated sponge and medicated vaginal tampon are excluded.10915000
100000073836 Powder for nebuliser suspensionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a nebuliser suspension.11103000
100000073825 Medicated vaginal tamponSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a suitable material impregnated with active substance(s) intended to be inserted in the vagina for a limited period of time.10914000
100000073838 Pressurised inhalation, suspensionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for inhalation use. The preparation is presented in a pressurised container fitted with a metering dose valve.11107000
100000073843 SuppositorySolid single-dose preparation of a shape, size and consistency suitable for rectal use, containing active substance(s) dispersed or dissolved in a suitable basis that may be soluble or dispersible in water or may melt at body temperature.11013000
100000073823 Vaginal capsule, hardSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a hard capsule of a size and shape suited for vaginal use, containing a liquid or semi-solid formulation, intended for a local effect.10910000
100000073828 Rectal ointmentSemi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for rectal use to obtain a local effect.11003000
100000073830 Rectal suspensionLiquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for rectal use or for diagnostic purposes. Rectal suspension are usually presented in containers with a volume in the range of 2.5 mL to 2000 mL. The container is fitted with an applicator or an applicator is provided separately.11006000
100000073851 Inhalation vapour, powderSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour is usually generated by adding the powder to hot water.11112000
100000073853 Inhalation vapour, tabletSolid preparation consisting of a tablet intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour is usually generated by adding the tablet to hot water.11115000
100000073865 Gel for injectionSterile single-dose preparation consisting of a hydrophilic gel intended for injection into a specific tissue or organ.11204000
100000073850 Inhalation powder, hard capsuleSolid single-dose preparation intended for inhalation use, consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) enclosed in a hard capsule. The capsule is loaded into a dry-powder inhaler to generate an aerosol.11110000
100000073849 Pressurised inhalation, emulsionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for inhalation use. The preparation is presented in a pressurised container fitted with a metering dose valve.11108000
100000073874 ImplantSolid sterile preparation of a size and shape suitable for implantation. It may be prepared by moulding or other means other than compression. Each implant is presented in a sterile container that may be provided with an administration device. Implants are intended for release over an extended period of time in order to obtain local or systemic effect. 'Implantation tablet', 'Implantation chain' and 'Implantation matrix' are excluded.11301000
100000073880 Urethral gelSemi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for urethral use by means of a suitable applicator.11504000
100000073886 Solution for haemodialysisLiquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution containing electrolytes with a concentration close to the electrolytic composition of plasma, intended for use in haemodialysis. Glucose may be included.11404000
100000073917 Gastroenteral solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration to the stomach or duodenum by means of a suitable applicator.12108000
100000073915 Radiopharmaceutical precursorA radionuclide produced for the radio-labelling of another substance prior to administration.12105000
100000073916 Radionuclide generatorA system incorporating a fixed parent radionuclide from which is produced a daughter radionuclide which is to be removed by elution or by any other method and used in a radiopharmaceutical.12106000
100000073365 Granules for oral solutionSolid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dissolution, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an oral solution, which is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.10112000
100000073370 Herbal teaSolid preparation consisting exclusively of one or more herbal drugs intended for the preparation of an oral aqueous preparation by means of decoction, infusion or maceration. Herbal teas are usually presented in bulk form or in bags. The tea is prepared immediately before oral intake.10122000
100000073923 Gastroenteral emulsionLiquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for administration to the stomach or duodenum by means of a suitable applicator.12111000
100000073926 Impregnated padSolid preparation consisting of a piece of absorbent material impregnated with a liquid preparation. Impregnated cutaneous swab is excluded.12117000
100000073928 Medicated threadSolid preparation consisting of a biodegradable or non-degradable thread impregnated with active substance(s).12130000
100000073943 Intestinal gelSemi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for intestinal use.12120000
100000073642 Oral drops, solutionLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for oral use. The preparation is administered in small volumes by means of a suitable measuring device such as a dropper, pipette or oral syringe capable of accurate dosing of the solution. The measured dose may be diluted in water or another suitable liquid before swallowing.10101000
100000073647 Oral emulsionLiquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.10107000
100000073690 Gargle, tablet for solutionSolid preparation consisting of a tablet intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a gargle.10304000
100000073652 SyrupLiquid single-dose or multidose aqueous preparation characterised by a sweet taste and a viscous consistency and usually containing aromatic or other flavouring agents, intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.10117000
100000073650 Granules for oral suspensionSolid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dispersion, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an oral suspension, which is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.10113000
100000073661 Gastro-resistant capsule, softSolid single-dose, delayed-release preparation contained in a soft shell. The preparation is intended to resist the gastric fluid and to release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. Soft gastro-resistant capsules are usually formed, filled and sealed in one operation. They may contain a liquid or semi-solid preparation in the gastro-resistant shell. Soft gastro-resistant capsules are intended for oral use.10213000
100000073662 Prolonged-release capsule, hardSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a hard shell containing a solid or semi-solid formulation, showing a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release capsule. Prolonged release is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Hard prolonged-release capsules are intended for oral use.10215000
100000073673 GargleLiquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for gargling to obtain a local effect in the oral cavity and the throat. Gargles are not to be swallowed.10301000
100000073674 Gargle, powder for solutionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a gargle.10303000
100000073685 Oral gumSolid single-dose preparation with a gum-like consistency, intended to be sucked or chewed before being swallowed. Medicated chewing gum is excluded.10230000
100000073683 Prolonged-release tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet showing a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release tablet. Prolonged release is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Prolonged-release tablets are intended for oral use.10226000
100000073697 Gingival pasteSemi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a paste of solid particles finely dispersed in a hydrophilic basis intended for gingival use to obtain a local effect.10316000
100000073698 Sublingual tabletSolid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended for sublingual use. Sublingual tablets are usually prepared by compression of mixtures of powders or granulations into tablets with a shape suited for the intended use. Other technologies such as moulding may be used.10318000
100000073704 PastilleSolid single-dose preparation intended to be sucked to obtain, usually, a local effect in the oral cavity and the throat. Pastilles are soft, flexible preparations prepared by moulding of mixtures containing natural or synthetic polymers or gums and sweeteners. They dissolve or disintegrate slowly when sucked.10323000
100000073721 Periodontal powderSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended for administration within the tooth socket/periodontal membrane.10401000
100000073669 Medicated chewing-gumSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a basis, mainly composed of gums, intended to be chewed but not swallowed. The active substance(s) is (are) released in saliva by chewing. Medicated chewing gum is intended for local treatment of mouth diseases or systemic delivery after absorption through the oral mucosa or from the gastrointestinal tract.10229000
100000073783 Eye lotion, solvent for reconstitutionLiquid preparation consisting of a sterile solvent containing no active substances, intended for reconstitution of a usually freeze-dried powder for eye lotion.10611000
100000073372 GranulesSolid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of solid, dry aggregates of powder particles that are sufficiently resistant to withstand handling. Granules are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) in the gastrointestinal fluids by a rate depending essentially on the intrinsic properties of the active substance(s) (conventional release). They may be swallowed as such and/or chewed before swallowing, and some may also be dissolved or dispersed in water or another suitable liquid before oral administration. Granules for oral solution and Granules for oral suspension are excluded.10204000
100000073709 ToothpasteSemi-solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a hydrophilic paste intended to be rubbed onto the teeth.10409000
100000073840 Inhalation powder, pre-dispensedSolid preparation intended for inhalation use, consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) presented in a suitable pharmaceutical form other than a hard capsule, either in the form of a single dose or divided into multiple single doses. The preparation is loaded into a dry-powder inhaler to generate an aerosol.11111000
100000073866 Powder for solution for injectionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection.11205000
100000073742 Medicated nail lacquerLiquid preparation to be applied to the nails to form a lacquer by evaporation of the volatile solvent.10521000
100000073725 Periodontal insertSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a medicated insert to be placed within the tooth socket/periodontal membrane. The biodegradable insert is a sheet which slowly releases active substance(s).10411000
100000073844 Rectal capsuleSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a soft capsule of elongated shape suitable for rectal use, containing a liquid or semi-solid formulation, and which may have a lubricating coating.11014000
100000074021 Inhalation powder, tabletSolid multidose preparation intended for inhalation use. The dose of inhalation powder is generated from the tablet by a metering mechanism within the inhaler, for example by scraping off a small amount of powder from the tablet.50030000
100000074058 Oral drops, powder for suspensionSolid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an oral drops suspension.50082000
100000143524 Implantation matrixSolid sterile preparation consisting of a usually pliable, absorbent piece of material (e.g. collagen), usually impregnated with a liquid preparation, intended for implantation in the body. The material may be cut into smaller pieces before implantation, and may be shaped around a tissue (e.g. a bone) or inserted into a medical device that is then implanted. Implantation matrices are intended for release over an extended period of time, usually in order to obtain a local effect. Usually the matrix disappears with time. When the product is packaged as a separate matrix, powder and solvent (or matrix and solution), which are used to prepare the implantation matrix immediately before use, the appropriate combined term should be used; see for example ‘Powder, solvent and matrix for implantation matrix’.11303300
200000012529 Gastro-resistant oral suspensionLiquid single-dose or multidose, delayed-release preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use. The preparation is intended to resist the gastric fluid and release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.13133000
200000003182 Oral herbal materialSolid preparation consisting of whole, broken or fragmented plants or parts of plants in an unprocessed state (herbal drug), intended for oral use without requiring transformation (e.g. dissolution or dispersion in water); the material may be dried or fresh, and may be chewed before being swallowed. The word ‘plant’ is used in the broader sense to include also algae, fungi and lichens. Certain exudates that have not been subjected to a specific treatment may be included. Herbal teas and instant herbal teas are excluded, as are preparations that are processed or formulated into capsules, granules, powders, etc.13106000
200000018780 Oromucosal filmSolid preparation consisting of a single- or multilayer sheet of suitable material(s) intended for oromucosal use. It is applied to the oral cavity or onto specific parts of the oral cavity, usually to obtain a systemic effect. Where a preparation is intended for use only at a single specific part of the oral cavity, the appropriate specific term (e.g. Buccal film, Sublingual film) is used instead.13149000
200000017694 Oromucosal pouchSolid single-dose preparation consisting of a small bag made of a suitable material containing a preparation such as a powder; it is intended to be placed in the oral cavity to obtain either a systemic or a local effect by delivering the active substance(s) over a certain period of time, after which it is then removed.13141000
100000073649 Powder for oral suspensionSolid preparation consisting of (a) solid active substance(s) which may also include excipients to facilitate dispersion in the prescribed liquid and to prevent sedimentation during storage of the oral suspension. Powders for oral suspension include freeze-dried powders. The oral suspension is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.10111000
100000073682 Oral lyophilisateSolid single-dose preparation made by freeze-drying of a liquid or semi-solid preparation. This fast-releasing preparation is intended to be placed in the mouth where its contents are released in saliva and swallowed or, alternatively, to be dissolved in water before oral administration.10224000
100000074027 Oromucosal/laryngopharyngeal solutionLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for oromucosal or laryngopharyngeal use. 'Oromucosal/laryngopharyngeal solution/spray, solution' is excluded.50039500
100000073799 Vaginal gelSemi-solid preparation consisting of a gel usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for vaginal use to obtain a local effect.10902000
100000074007 Granules for vaginal solutionSolid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dissolution, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a vaginal solution, which is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.50029500
100000073800 Vaginal foamLiquid preparation, usually presented in a pressurised container provided with an applicator suitable for delivery to the vagina of foam containing large volumes of gas dispersed in a liquid containing active substance(s). Vaginal foams are intended for vaginal use, for example for contraception.10904000
100000073822 Tablet for vaginal solutionSolid, usually single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a vaginal solution.10908000
100000116169 Oral drops, liquidLiquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a liquid active substance per se, intended for oral use. The preparation is administered in small volumes by means of a suitable measuring device such as a dropper, pipette or oral syringe capable of accurate dosing of the liquid. The measured dose may be diluted in water or another suitable liquid before swallowing.50037750
100000174010 Granules for rectal suspensionSolid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dispersion, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal suspension, which is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.13015000
100000174023 Implantation pasteSemi-solid sterile preparation containing large proportions of solids finely dispersed in the basis, intended to be implanted in the body for release of the active substance(s) over an extended period of time, usually to obtain a systemic effect.13043000
200000017728 Impregnated cutaneous swabSolid preparation consisting of a piece of absorbent material impregnated usually with a liquid preparation, intended to be applied to the skin for a limited period of time with one or more wiping motions, and which may be attached to an application device such as a stick. Impregnated pad is excluded.13145000
100000073744 Impregnated dressingSolid preparation consisting of a piece or strip of gauze or other suitable fabric impregnated with a liquid or semi-solid preparation intended for cutaneous use.10525000
100000073714 Medicated plasterFlexible single-dose preparation intended to be applied to the skin to obtain, usually, a local effect. Medicated plasters consist of an adhesive basis containing the active substance and spread as a uniform layer on an appropriate support made of natural or synthetic material. The adhesive layer is covered by a suitable protective liner, which is removed before applying the plaster to the skin. Medicated plasters are presented in a range of sizes or as larger sheets to be cut before use.10506000
100000074029 Powder for concentrate for solution for infusionSolid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for solution for infusion, which must subsequently be diluted before administration as a solution for infusion.50043000
100000073741 Transdermal patchFlexible single-dose preparation intended to be applied to the unbroken skin to obtain a systemic delivery over an extended period of time. Transdermal patches consist of a backing sheet supporting a reservoir or a matrix containing the active substance(s) and on the top a pressure-sensitive adhesive, which assures the adhesion of the preparation to the skin. The backing sheet is impermeable to the active substance(s) and normally impermeable to water. In reservoir systems the active substance may be dissolved or dispersed in a semi-solid basis or in a solid polymer matrix, which is separated from the skin by a rate-controlling membrane. The pressure-sensitive adhesive may, in this case, be applied to some or all parts of the membrane, or only around the border of the membrane and the backing sheet. Matrix systems contain the active substance in a solid or semi-solid matrix, the properties of which control the diffusion pattern to the skin. The matrix system may also be a solution or dispersion of the active substance in the pressure-sensitive adhesive. The releasing surface of the patch is covered by a protective liner to be removed before applying the patch to the skin.10519000
100000073364 Powder for oral solutionSolid preparation consisting of (a) solid active substance(s) which may also include excipients to facilitate dissolution in the prescribed liquid. Powders for oral solution include freeze-dried powders. The oral solution is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.10110000
100000174018 Suspension for sprayLiquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use in the preparation of a spray.13038000
100000174030 Solution for sprayLiquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in the preparation of a spray.13034000
200000027169 Eye drops, prolonged-release solutionEye drops, prolonged-release solution


  "resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
  "id" : "pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs",
  "meta" : {
    "versionId" : "3",
    "lastUpdated" : "2023-02-17T14:41:04.813+00:00"
  "text" : {
    "status" : "generated",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><p class=\"res-header-id\"><b>Generated Narrative: CodeSystem pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs</b></p><a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs\"> </a><a name=\"hcpharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs\"> </a><a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-en-US\"> </a><div style=\"display: inline-block; background-color: #d9e0e7; padding: 6px; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid #8da1b4; border-radius: 5px; line-height: 60%\"><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\">version: 3; Last updated: 2023-02-17 14:41:04+0000</p></div><p><b>Properties</b></p><p><b>This code system defines the following properties for its concepts</b></p><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Type</b></td></tr><tr><td>EDQM code</td><td>EDQM code</td><td>integer</td></tr></table><p><b>Concepts</b></p><p>This case-insensitive code system <code>https://spor.ema.europa.eu/v1/lists/200000000004</code> defines the following codes:</p><table class=\"codes\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td><td><b>Definition</b></td><td><b>EDQM code</b></td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000111496<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000111496\"> </a></td><td>Age-appropriate dosage form, other</td><td>Age-appropriate dosage form, other</td><td/></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000111513<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000111513\"> </a></td><td>Age-appropriate oral liquid dosage form</td><td>Age-appropriate oral liquid dosage form</td><td/></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000111493<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000111493\"> </a></td><td>Age-appropriate oral solid dosage form</td><td>Age-appropriate oral solid dosage form</td><td/></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000111494<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000111494\"> </a></td><td>Age-appropriate dosage form for parenteral use</td><td>Age-appropriate dosage form for parenteral use</td><td/></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000111495<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000111495\"> </a></td><td>Age-appropriate dosage form for rectal use</td><td>Age-appropriate dosage form for rectal use</td><td/></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000003236<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000003236\"> </a></td><td>Solution for cardioplegia/organ preservation</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution of electrolytes typically at a concentration close to the intracellular electrolyte composition, intended for inducing cardiac arrest during heart surgery, and for storage, protection and/or perfusion of mammalian body organs that are in particular destined for transplantation.</td><td>13107000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074055<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074055\"> </a></td><td>Solvent for solution for infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solvent containing no active substances, intended for use in the preparation of a solution for infusion.</td><td>50076000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143551<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143551\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation vapour, impregnated plug</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of an impregnated plug that generates a vapour to be inhaled, for example by the patient inhaling through a device containing the plug, thereby drawing air through or over it and vaporising the active ingredient(s) impregnated therein.</td><td>50033100</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073875<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073875\"> </a></td><td>Implantation chain</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of small spheres mounted on a non-degradable thread to form a chain that allows withdrawal of the remainder of the chain after a certain period of action. Each implantation chain is presented in a sterile container. The implantation chain is intended for release over an extended period of time in order to obtain local or systemic effect.</td><td>11303000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073696<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073696\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal cream</td><td>Semi-solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an oil-in-water emulsion intended for oromucosal use. Oromucosal creams are applied to the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity, other than the gingivae, to obtain a local effect.</td><td>10314010</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073785<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073785\"> </a></td><td>Ear gel</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a gel intended for application to the external auditory meatus, if necessary by means of a tampon impregnated with the preparation.</td><td>10702000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073791<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073791\"> </a></td><td>Ear tampon</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation intended to be inserted into the external auditory meatus for a limited period of time, consisting of a suitable material impregnated with active substance(s).</td><td>10714000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073771<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073771\"> </a></td><td>Eye cream</td><td>Semi-solid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a cream intended for ocular use. Eye creams may be presented in collapsible tubes fitted with a cannula and having a content of not more than 5 g of the preparation. Eye creams may also be presented in suitably designed single-dose containers. The containers or nozzles of tubes are of a shape that facilitates administration without contamination.</td><td>10601000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000004200<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000004200\"> </a></td><td>Nebuliser dispersion</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a dispersion intended for inhalation use. The dispersion is converted into an aerosol by a continuously operating nebuliser or a metered-dose nebuliser.</td><td>13129000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073831<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073831\"> </a></td><td>Powder for rectal solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal solution.</td><td>11009000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073913<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073913\"> </a></td><td>Solution for blood fraction modification</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in extracorporeal modification of a blood fraction that is returned to the patient following modification.</td><td>12103000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073363<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073363\"> </a></td><td>Oral gel</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation intended for oral use, consisting of a gel, usually hydrophilic, to be swallowed after administration to the oral cavity.</td><td>10108000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073722<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073722\"> </a></td><td>Dental stick</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation, rod-shaped and usually prepared by compression or moulding, intended for dental use.</td><td>10403000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073780<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073780\"> </a></td><td>Ear drops, suspension</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous or oily suspension intended for application to the external auditory meatus. Multidose containers may be dropper containers or containers provided with a dropper applicator, or the dropper may be supplied separately. Drops are not necessarily administered dropwise, but may also be administered as a small volume.</td><td>10705000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073792<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073792\"> </a></td><td>Nasal cream</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a cream, usually of oil-in-water type, intended for nasal use, usually to obtain a local effect. Nasal creams are usually presented in tubes fitted with a nasal applicator.</td><td>10801000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116131<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116131\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal ointment</td><td>Semi-solid multidose preparation consisting of an ointment intended for oromucosal use. It is applied to the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity, to obtain a local effect</td><td>10314005</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073756<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073756\"> </a></td><td>Solution for skin-prick test</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution containing an allergen product intended for diagnostic use in a skin-prick test.</td><td>10548000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073859<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073859\"> </a></td><td>Powder for solution for infusion</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified aqueous liquid to obtain a solution for infusion.</td><td>11212000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073885<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073885\"> </a></td><td>Solution for haemofiltration</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution containing electrolytes with a concentration close to the electrolytic composition of plasma, intended for parenteral use in haemofiltration. Glucose may be included.</td><td>11402000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173956<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173956\"> </a></td><td>Powder for prolonged-release suspension for injection</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a prolonged-release suspension for injection.</td><td>11208400</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074067<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074067\"> </a></td><td>Solvent for solution for intraocular irrigation</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solvent containing no active substances, intended for use in the preparation of a solution for intraocular irrigation.</td><td>50074000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073804<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073804\"> </a></td><td>Ear wash, emulsion</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting usually of an oil-in-water emulsion with a pH within physiological limits. Ear washes are intended to clean the external auditory meatus.</td><td>10713000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074036<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074036\"> </a></td><td>Prolonged-release granules for oral suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of prolonged-release granules intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a prolonged-release oral suspension.</td><td>50056000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074044<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074044\"> </a></td><td>Radiopharmaceutical precursor, solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution containing a radionuclide produced for the radio-labelling of another substance prior to administration.</td><td>50056500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000011722<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000011722\"> </a></td><td>Gastro-resistant powder for oral suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a gastro-resistant powder intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a gastro-resistant oral suspension.</td><td>13136000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073658<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073658\"> </a></td><td>Prolonged-release granules</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of granules showing a slower release than that of conventional-release granules. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Prolonged-release granules are usually single-dose preparations intended for oral use.</td><td>10207000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073924<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073924\"> </a></td><td>Irrigation solution</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a large-volume aqueous solution intended for irrigation of body cavities, wounds and surfaces, for example during surgical procedures. Irrigation solutions are either solutions of active substance(s), electrolytes or osmotically active substances in water for injections, or they consist of water for injections as such.</td><td>12113000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074001<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074001\"> </a></td><td>Ear/eye drops, solution</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as ear drops or eye drops.</td><td>50018000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074068<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074068\"> </a></td><td>Dispersion for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of two or more phases of which at least one is dispersed in the liquid phase, intended for administration by injection. To be used only when emulsion for injection is not appropriate. Solid suspension preparations are excluded.</td><td>50077000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174051<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174051\"> </a></td><td>Solution for solution for infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in the preparation of a solution for infusion.</td><td>13061000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073794<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073794\"> </a></td><td>Nasal drops, solution</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for nasal use by means of a suitable applicator.</td><td>10804000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073797<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073797\"> </a></td><td>Nasal spray, emulsion</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion in a container with or without a metering dose valve or in a container with a spray pump or equivalent device to create a spray, intended for nasal use.</td><td>10810000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073810<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073810\"> </a></td><td>Nasal wash</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of usually an aqueous isotonic solution intended for cleansing the nasal cavities.</td><td>10811000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174028<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174028\"> </a></td><td>Powder for solution for skin-prick test</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for skin-prick test.</td><td>13032000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073691<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073691\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal solution</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for oromucosal use.</td><td>10305000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073374<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073374\"> </a></td><td>Modified-release granules</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of granules showing a rate and/or place of release different from that of conventional-release granules. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Modified-release granules are usually single-dose preparations intended for oral use, and include prolonged-release, delayed release and pulsatile-release granules. The generic term 'modified-release granules' is used only when the more specific terms 'gastro-resistant granules' or 'prolonged-release granules' do not apply.</td><td>10208000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073710<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073710\"> </a></td><td>Periodontal gel</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended to be placed in the pouch between the tooth and the gingiva.</td><td>10410000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073921<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073921\"> </a></td><td>Kit for radiopharmaceutical preparation</td><td>A preparation to be reconstituted or combined with radionuclides in the final radiopharmaceutical, usually prior to its administration. The word radiopharmaceutical may be omitted if there is no ambiguity on the radiopharmaceutical nature of the product. Combinations with other standard terms are not recommended.</td><td>12107000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000125711<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000125711\"> </a></td><td>Ear/eye drops, suspension</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use as ear drops or eye drops.</td><td>50018500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174029<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174029\"> </a></td><td>Solution for solution for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in the preparation of a solution for injection.</td><td>13033000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073901<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073901\"> </a></td><td>Endotracheopulmonary instillation, solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for instillation to the trachea and/or bronchi. Preparations for inhalation use are excluded.</td><td>11601000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000125750<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000125750\"> </a></td><td>Powder for intravesical solution/solution for injection</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an intravesical solution/solution for injection.</td><td>50050500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073702<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073702\"> </a></td><td>Muco-adhesive buccal tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation to be applied to the buccal mucosa to obtain a systemic delivery over an extended period of time. Mucoadhesive buccal tablets are usually prepared by compression of mixtures of powders or granulations into tablets with a shape suited for the intended use. They usually contain hydrophilic polymers, which on wetting with saliva produce a flexible hydrogel that adheres to the buccal mucosa.</td><td>10319000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074012<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074012\"> </a></td><td>Oral solution/concentrate for nebuliser solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for oral use or intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a nebuliser solution.</td><td>50038500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073854<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073854\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation vapour, liquid</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a liquid active substance per se, such as an essential oil or a volatile anaesthetic, intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled. The vapour may be generated by adding the liquid to hot water or by the use of a vaporising device.</td><td>11117000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073861<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073861\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation vapour, solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour is usually generated by adding the solution to hot water.</td><td>11114000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073378<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073378\"> </a></td><td>Prolonged-release capsule, soft</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a soft shell containing a semi-solid or liquid formulation, showing a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release capsule. Prolonged release is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Soft prolonged-release capsules are intended for oral use.</td><td>10216000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073802<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073802\"> </a></td><td>Ear spray, solution</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for application to the external auditory meatus by spraying to obtain a local effect. Ear sprays are presented in containers with a spray pump or in pressurised containers fitted with a spray valve.</td><td>10709000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073681<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073681\"> </a></td><td>Effervescent tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet generally containing acid substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates, which react rapidly in the presence of water to release carbon dioxide. Effervescent tablets are intended to be dissolved or dispersed in water before oral use.</td><td>10222000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073713<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073713\"> </a></td><td>Ointment</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a single-phase basis in which solids or liquids may be dispersed. Active substance(s) are dissolved or dispersed in the basis, which may be hydrophilic, hydrophobic or water-emulsifying. Ointments are intended for cutaneous use. In certain cases, transdermal delivery may be obtained.</td><td>10504000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000125706<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000125706\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal spray, solution</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for oromucosal use. It is administered by spraying into the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity or the throat. It is presented in a container with a spray pump or in a pressurised container with or without a metering valve. Sublingual sprays are excluded.</td><td>10308200</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174026<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174026\"> </a></td><td>Gas for dispersion for injection/infusion</td><td>Sterile preparation consisting of a gas that is intended to be mixed with the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion of the gas in the liquid, which is intended for administration by injection or infusion.</td><td>13050000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073862<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073862\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation vapour, ointment</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour may be generated by adding the ointment to hot water.</td><td>11116000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073883<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073883\"> </a></td><td>Implantation tablet</td><td>Solid sterile preparation prepared by compression of a solid active substance as such or of a formulation thereof into an implant of a size and shape suitable for implantation, usually subcutaneously. Each implantation tablet is presented in a sterile container. Implantation tablets are intended for release over an extended period of time in order to obtain local or systemic effect.</td><td>11302000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073369<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073369\"> </a></td><td>Soluble tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid before being swallowed.</td><td>10120000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073715<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073715\"> </a></td><td>Shampoo</td><td>Liquid or, occasionally, semi-solid, usually multidose preparation intended for application to the scalp by rubbing and subsequent washing away with water. Upon rubbing with water, shampoos usually form foam. Shampoos are solutions, suspensions or emulsions containing surface-active agents.</td><td>10508000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143499<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143499\"> </a></td><td>Sublingual spray, solution</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for sublingual use. Sublingual sprays are usually presented in pressurised containers with a metering valve.</td><td>10309200</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174020<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174020\"> </a></td><td>Powder for emulsion for injection</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be mixed with the specified liquid to obtain an emulsion for injection.</td><td>13040000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073778<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073778\"> </a></td><td>Ear cream</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a cream intended for application to the external auditory meatus, if necessary by means of a tampon impregnated with the preparation.</td><td>10701000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073945<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073945\"> </a></td><td>Medicinal gas, cryogenic</td><td>A gas which liquifies at 1.013 bar at a temperature below -150 °C.</td><td>12302000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073643<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073643\"> </a></td><td>Oral drops, suspension</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use. The preparation is administered in small volumes by means of a suitable measuring device such as a dropper, pipette or oral syringe capable of accurate dosing of the suspension. The measured dose may be diluted in water or another suitable liquid before swallowing.</td><td>10102000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073670<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073670\"> </a></td><td>Pillules</td><td>Solid preparation for homoeopathic use, obtained from sucrose, lactose or other suitable excipients. Pillules may be prepared by impregnation of preformed pillules with a dilution or dilutions of homoeopathic stocks or by progressive addition of these excipients and the addition of a dilution or dilutions of homoeopathic stocks. Pillules are intended for oral or sublingual use.</td><td>10231000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073692<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073692\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal drops</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution, suspension or emulsion intended for oromucosal use. Oromucosal drops are administered by instillation into the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity.</td><td>10307000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073867<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073867\"> </a></td><td>Powder for suspension for injection</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a suspension for injection.</td><td>11206000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000002245<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000002245\"> </a></td><td>Transdermal ointment</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a single-phase basis in which solids or liquids may be dispersed. Active substance(s) are dissolved or dispersed in the basis, which may be hydrophilic, hydrophobic or water-emulsifying. Transdermal ointments are intended for transdermal use.</td><td>13102000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173966<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173966\"> </a></td><td>Powder for intraocular instillation solution</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an intraocular instillation solution.</td><td>13029000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073805<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073805\"> </a></td><td>Ear stick</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation of usually conical shape intended to be inserted in the external auditory meatus where it melts or dissolves.</td><td>10715000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073793<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073793\"> </a></td><td>Nasal gel</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of usually a hydrophilic gel, intended for nasal use, usually to obtain a local effect. Nasal gels are usually presented in tubes fitted with a nasal applicator.</td><td>10802000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073809<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073809\"> </a></td><td>Nasal spray, suspension</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension in a container with or without a metering dose valve or in a container with a spray pump or equivalent device to create a spray, intended for nasal use.</td><td>10809000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073846<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073846\"> </a></td><td>Nebuliser suspension</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for inhalation use. The suspension is converted into an aerosol by a continuously operating nebuliser or a metered-dose nebuliser.</td><td>11102000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074034<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074034\"> </a></td><td>Powder for oral/rectal suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an oral/rectal solution.</td><td>50052000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174033<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174033\"> </a></td><td>Granules for suspension for injection</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of granules intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a suspension for injection.</td><td>13048000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073895<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073895\"> </a></td><td>Intrauterine delivery system</td><td>Solid single-dose delivery system intended for intrauterine use that releases its contents of active substance(s) over an extended period of time.</td><td>11901000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073881<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073881\"> </a></td><td>Solvent for parenteral use</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solvent containing no active substances, intended for use in the preparation of a product for parenteral use.</td><td>11216000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143500<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143500\"> </a></td><td>Sublingual spray, suspension</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for sublingual use. Sublingual sprays are usually presented in pressurised containers with a metering valve.</td><td>10309300</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000169806<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000169806\"> </a></td><td>Prolonged-release solution for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration by injection; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time.</td><td>13076000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000002381<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000002381\"> </a></td><td>Sublingual powder</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a powder intended for sublingual use.</td><td>13105000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174019<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174019\"> </a></td><td>Suspension for suspension for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use in the preparation of a suspension for injection.</td><td>13039000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174022<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174022\"> </a></td><td>Epilesional solution</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended to be administered onto a lesion.</td><td>13042000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073789<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073789\"> </a></td><td>Ear spray, suspension</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for application to the external auditory meatus by spraying to obtain a local effect. Ear sprays are presented in containers with a spray pump or in pressurised containers fitted with a spray valve.</td><td>10710000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116135<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116135\"> </a></td><td>Transdermal spray, solution</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution in a pressurised container with a spray valve or a container equipped with a spray pump, intended for transdermal use.</td><td>10546500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116134<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116134\"> </a></td><td>Transdermal gel</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a single-phase basis of liquids gelled by a suitable gelling agent. Active substance(s) is (are) dissolved or dispersed in the basis, which may be hydrophilic or hydrophobic. Transdermal gels are intended for transdermal use.</td><td>10546250</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174021<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174021\"> </a></td><td>Endosinusial solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended to be administered to the sinuses to obtain a local effect.</td><td>13041000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000145128<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000145128\"> </a></td><td>Ear/nasal drops, suspension</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use as ear drops or nasal drops.</td><td>50020200</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074005<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074005\"> </a></td><td>Gastro-resistant granules for oral suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of gastro-resistant granules intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a gastro-resistant oral suspension.</td><td>50026000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073758<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073758\"> </a></td><td>Eye gel</td><td>Semi-solid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a gel intended for ocular use. Eye gels may be presented in collapsible tubes fitted with a cannula and having a content of not more than 5 g of the preparation. Eye gels may also be presented in suitably designed single-dose containers. The containers or nozzles of tubes are of a shape that facilitates administration without contamination.</td><td>10602000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073877<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073877\"> </a></td><td>Solution for haemodiafiltration</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution containing electrolytes with a concentration close to the electrolytic composition of plasma, intended for parenteral use in haemodiafiltration. Glucose may be included.</td><td>11403000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073646<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073646\"> </a></td><td>Oral solution</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.</td><td>10105000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000018781<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000018781\"> </a></td><td>Pharmaceutical dose form not applicable</td><td>Pharmaceutical dose form not applicable</td><td/></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174032<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174032\"> </a></td><td>Solution for suspension for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in the preparation of a suspension for injection.</td><td>13047000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073856<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073856\"> </a></td><td>Emulsion for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for administration by injection.</td><td>11203000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074009<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074009\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation vapour, impregnated pad</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a piece of absorbent material impregnated usually with a liquid or semi-solid preparation, intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect.</td><td>50033000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074037<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074037\"> </a></td><td>Solution for haemodialysis/haemofiltration</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as a solution for haemodialysis or a solution for haemofiltration.</td><td>50057000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174009<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174009\"> </a></td><td>Gel for gel</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for use in the preparation of a gel for cutaneous use.</td><td>13014000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073929<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073929\"> </a></td><td>Medicinal gas, compressed</td><td>A gas packaged under pressure which is entirely gaseous at - 50 °C.</td><td>12301000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116182<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116182\"> </a></td><td>Powder for concentrate for solution for haemodialysis</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for solution for haemodialysis, which must subsequently be diluted before use as a solution for haemodialysis.</td><td>50049200</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173962<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173962\"> </a></td><td>Powder for dental gel</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or gel to obtain a dental gel.</td><td>13022000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116184<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116184\"> </a></td><td>Powder for dental solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a dental solution.</td><td>50049270</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073795<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073795\"> </a></td><td>Nasal drops, emulsion</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for nasal use by means of a suitable applicator.</td><td>10806000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073806<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073806\"> </a></td><td>Nasal ointment</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an ointment, intended for nasal use, usually to obtain a local effect. Nasal ointments are usually presented in tubes fitted with a nasal applicator.</td><td>10803000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174007<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174007\"> </a></td><td>Gas for dispersion for infusion</td><td>Sterile preparation consisting of a gas that is intended to be mixed with the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion of the gas in the liquid, which is intended for administration by infusion.</td><td>13012000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073841<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073841\"> </a></td><td>Rectal emulsion</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for rectal use or for diagnostic purposes. Rectal emulsions are usually presented in containers with a volume in the range of 2.5 mL to 2000 mL. The container is fitted with an applicator or an applicator is provided separately.</td><td>11007000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073829<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073829\"> </a></td><td>Rectal solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for rectal use or for diagnostic purposes. Rectal solutions are usually presented in containers with a volume in the range of 2.5 mL to 2000 mL. The container is fitted with an applicator or an applicator is provided separately.</td><td>11005000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173963<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173963\"> </a></td><td>Powder for dispersion for injection</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for injection.</td><td>13023000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073995<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073995\"> </a></td><td>Ear/eye ointment</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment intended for auricular or ocular use.</td><td>50019000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174003<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174003\"> </a></td><td>Emulsion for emulsion for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for use in the preparation of an emulsion for injection.</td><td>13008000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073837<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073837\"> </a></td><td>Nebuliser emulsion</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for inhalation to obtain local effect or systemic delivery. The emulsion is converted into an aerosol by a continuously operating nebuliser or a metered-dose nebuliser.</td><td>11105000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000003971<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000003971\"> </a></td><td>Intrauterine gel</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for intrauterine use.</td><td>13113000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073734<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073734\"> </a></td><td>Solution for iontophoresis</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for transdermal delivery by means of iontophoresis.</td><td>10518000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073775<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073775\"> </a></td><td>Eye drops, solvent for reconstitution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a sterile solvent containing no active substances, intended for reconstitution of a usually freeze-dried powder for eye drops.</td><td>10608000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073834<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073834\"> </a></td><td>Tablet for rectal suspension</td><td>Solid, usually single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal suspension.</td><td>11012000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073845<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073845\"> </a></td><td>Rectal tampon</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a suitable material impregnated with active substance(s) intended to be inserted in the rectum for a limited period of time usually for a local effect.</td><td>11015000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073847<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073847\"> </a></td><td>Powder for nebuliser solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a nebuliser solution.</td><td>11104000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000023323<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000023323\"> </a></td><td>Not assigned</td><td>Not assigned</td><td/></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174002<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174002\"> </a></td><td>Effervescent granules for oral suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of effervescent granules intended to be dispersed or dissolved in the specified liquid, which is supplied in the same packaging, to obtain an oral suspension. Where the granules are intended to be dispersed in water, the term 'Effervescent granules' is used instead.</td><td>13007000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073694<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073694\"> </a></td><td>Mouthwash, tablet for solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a mouthwash.</td><td>10311000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073760<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073760\"> </a></td><td>Eye drops, suspension</td><td>Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous or oily suspension intended for ocular use. Multidose preparations are presented in containers that allow successive drops to be administered. The containers contain usually at most 10 mL of the preparation.</td><td>10605000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073827<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073827\"> </a></td><td>Rectal gel</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for rectal use to obtain a local effect.</td><td>11002000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073833<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073833\"> </a></td><td>Tablet for rectal solution</td><td>Solid, usually single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal solution.</td><td>11011000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073876<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073876\"> </a></td><td>Solution for peritoneal dialysis</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution containing electrolytes with a concentration close to the electrolytic composition of plasma and glucose in varying concentrations or other suitable osmotic agents, intended for intraperitoneal use as a dialysis solution.</td><td>11401000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073919<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073919\"> </a></td><td>Solution for organ preservation</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution of electrolytes typically at a concentration close to the intracellular electrolyte composition, intended for storage, protection and/or perfusion of mammalian body organs that are in particular destined for transplantation.</td><td>12112000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173964<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173964\"> </a></td><td>Powder for endocervical gel</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or gel to obtain an endocervical gel.</td><td>13024000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116186<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116186\"> </a></td><td>Powder for solution for injection/infusion</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection/infusion.</td><td>50053500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174055<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174055\"> </a></td><td>Solution for intraocular irrigation</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for irrigation of one or more internal structures of the eye, for example during surgical procedures.</td><td>50073500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073788<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073788\"> </a></td><td>Ear powder</td><td>Solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of one or more powders consisting of (a) solid active substance(s) intended for application to the external auditory meatus. Ear powders are presented in containers fitted with a suitable applicator or device for insufflation.</td><td>10708000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073858<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073858\"> </a></td><td>Emulsion for infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an oil-in-water emulsion intended to be introduced, usually in large volumes, usually into the circulating blood stream.</td><td>11211000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000111533<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000111533\"> </a></td><td>Dispersion for infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of two or more phases of which at least one is dispersed in the liquid phase, intended to be introduced, usually in large volumes, usually into the circulating blood stream. To be used only when emulsion for infusion is not appropriate. Solid suspension preparations are excluded.</td><td>50017500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116163<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116163\"> </a></td><td>Nasal/oromucosal solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for nasal or oromucosal application. 'Nasal/oromucosal spray, solution' and 'Nasal spray, solution/oromucosal solution' are excluded.</td><td>50036500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073770<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073770\"> </a></td><td>Solution for skin-scratch test</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution containing an allergen product intended for diagnostic use in a skin-scratch test.</td><td>10549000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073942<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073942\"> </a></td><td>Living tissue equivalent</td><td>Cultured, living tissue used for the reconstruction of parts of the body. The tissue may consist of ex vivo expanded cells with an extracellular matrix. Where appropriate, the tissue of origin, such as epidermis, dermis, cartilage or muscle, will need to be stated elsewhere in the product information.</td><td>12118000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000157838<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000157838\"> </a></td><td>Sealant powder</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be applied directly onto the intended site (e.g. a lesion) to form a haemostatic agent and/or tissue glue after contact with an appropriate fluid (e.g. blood).</td><td>12115200</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074003<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074003\"> </a></td><td>Endosinusial wash, suspension</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for cleaning the sinuses.</td><td>50022000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073668<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073668\"> </a></td><td>Modified-release tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet showing a rate, a place and/or a time of release different from that of a conventional-release tablet. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Modified-release tablets are intended for oral use, and include prolonged-release, delayed-release and pulsatile-release preparations. The generic term 'modified-release tablet' is used only when the more specific terms 'gastro-resistant tablet' or 'prolonged-release tablet' do not apply.</td><td>10227000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074008<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074008\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation vapour, effervescent tablet</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a tablet usually containing acid substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates that react rapidly in the presence of aqueous liquid to release carbon dioxide, intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour may be generated by adding the tablet to hot water.</td><td>50031000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073772<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073772\"> </a></td><td>Eye ointment</td><td>Semi-solid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an ointment intended for ocular use. Eye ointments may be presented in collapsible tubes fitted with a cannula and having a content of not more than 5 g of the preparation. Eye ointments may also be presented in suitably designed single-dose containers. The containers or nozzles of tubes are of a shape that facilitates administration without contamination.</td><td>10603000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073819<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073819\"> </a></td><td>Rectal cream</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of a cream usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for rectal use to obtain a local effect.</td><td>11001000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073852<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073852\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation vapour, capsule</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a capsule formulation intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour is usually generated by adding the whole capsule or the capsule contents to hot water.</td><td>11113000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073927<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073927\"> </a></td><td>Medicated sponge</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a sponge impregnated with active substance(s); different routes of administration are possible.</td><td>12119000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174027<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174027\"> </a></td><td>Powder for sealant</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a sealant.</td><td>13031000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173965<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173965\"> </a></td><td>Powder for endosinusial solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an endosinusial solution.</td><td>13025000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000125735<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000125735\"> </a></td><td>Transdermal solution</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for transdermal use. The term 'Transdermal solution' is used only when more-specific terms such as 'Pour-on solution', 'Solution for iontophoresis', 'Spot-on solution' and 'Transdermal spray, solution' do not apply.</td><td>10546400</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073786<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073786\"> </a></td><td>Ear drops, solution</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous or oily solution intended for application to the external auditory meatus. Multidose containers may be dropper containers or containers provided with a dropper applicator, or the dropper may be supplied separately. Drops are not necessarily administered dropwise, but may also be administered as a small volume.</td><td>10704000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073787<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073787\"> </a></td><td>Ear drops, emulsion</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for application to the external auditory meatus. Multidose containers may be dropper containers or containers provided with a dropper applicator, or the dropper may be supplied separately. Drops are not necessarily administered dropwise, but may also be administered as a small volume.</td><td>10706000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073796<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073796\"> </a></td><td>Nasal spray, solution</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution in a container with or without a metering dose valve or in a container with a spray pump or equivalent device to create a spray, intended for nasal use.</td><td>10808000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073808<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073808\"> </a></td><td>Nasal powder</td><td>Solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) intended for nasal use by insufflation into the nasal cavity.</td><td>10807000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174024<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174024\"> </a></td><td>Intraocular instillation solution</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended to be instilled as drops into an internal part of the eye.</td><td>13044000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000075589<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000075589\"> </a></td><td>Solution for sealant</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for the preparation of a sealant.</td><td>50061500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143523<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143523\"> </a></td><td>Powder for dispersion for infusion</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for infusion.</td><td>11211500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073996<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073996\"> </a></td><td>Emulsion for injection/infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for administration by injection or infusion.</td><td>50021000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073779<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073779\"> </a></td><td>Ear ointment</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an ointment intended for application to the external auditory meatus, if necessary by means of a tampon impregnated with the preparation.</td><td>10703000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116142<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116142\"> </a></td><td>Intraperitoneal solution</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for intraperitoneal use. 'Solution for peritoneal dialysis' is excluded.</td><td>12111500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073777<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073777\"> </a></td><td>Ophthalmic insert</td><td>Solid sterile preparation of suitable size and shape, designed to be inserted in the conjunctival sac to produce a local or ocular effect by the release of active substance(s) over a determined period of time. Ophthalmic inserts generally consist of a reservoir of active substance(s) embedded in a matrix or bounded by a rate-controlling membrane. They are presented individually in sterile containers.</td><td>10612000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073918<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073918\"> </a></td><td>Gastroenteral suspension</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for administration to the stomach or duodenum by means of a suitable applicator.</td><td>12110000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073368<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073368\"> </a></td><td>Powder for syrup</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, that may include excipients to facilitate dissolution in water and to obtain the characteristics of a syrup, intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a syrup.</td><td>10118000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073645<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073645\"> </a></td><td>Oral liquid</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a liquid active substance per se, intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a suitable device such as a measuring spoon.</td><td>10104000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073675<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073675\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal suspension</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oromucosal use.</td><td>10306000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074020<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074020\"> </a></td><td>Powder for intravesical suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an intravesical suspension.</td><td>50051000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000125707<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000125707\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal spray, suspension</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oromucosal use. It is administered by spraying into the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity or the throat. It is presented in a container with a spray pump or in a pressurised container with or without a metering valve. Sublingual sprays are excluded.</td><td>10308300</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073371<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073371\"> </a></td><td>Instant herbal tea</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a lyophilised herbal drug extract intended to be dissolved in water before oral use. Instant herbal teas are supplied in bulk form (multidose) or in sachets (single-dose).</td><td>10202000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073703<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073703\"> </a></td><td>Lozenge</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation intended to be sucked to obtain, usually, a local effect in the oral cavity and the throat. Lozenges are hard preparations prepared by moulding. They usually contain flavouring and sweetening agents. Lozenges dissolve or disintegrate slowly when sucked.</td><td>10321000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073379<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073379\"> </a></td><td>Modified-release capsule, soft</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a soft shell containing a semi-solid or liquid formulation, showing a rate, a place and/or a time of release different from that of a conventional-release capsule. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Soft modified-release capsules are intended for oral use, and include prolonged-release, delayed-release and pulsatile-release preparations. The generic term 'modified-release capsule, soft' is used only when the more specific terms 'gastro-resistant capsule, soft' or 'prolonged-release capsule, soft' do not apply.</td><td>10218000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000156088<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000156088\"> </a></td><td>Sealant matrix</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of a pliable piece of material impregnated or coated with a sealant or with a powder that forms a sealant after contact with an appropriate fluid (e.g. blood). It may act as a haemostatic agent and/or tissue glue. The matrix may itself form part of the seal, and is usually absorbed by the body over time.</td><td>12115100</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073798<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073798\"> </a></td><td>Nasal stick</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation, usually rod-shaped or conical, intended for nasal use, usually to obtain a local effect.</td><td>10812000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074038<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074038\"> </a></td><td>Solution for injection/infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration by injection or infusion.</td><td>50060000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073757<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073757\"> </a></td><td>Plaster for provocation test</td><td>Solid flexible preparation containing an allergen product intended for provocation testing by application to the skin.</td><td>10550000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073944<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073944\"> </a></td><td>Solution for provocation test</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution containing an allergen intended for provocation testing by the nasal, ocular or bronchial routes.</td><td>12131000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073803<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073803\"> </a></td><td>Ear spray, emulsion</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for application to the external auditory meatus by spraying to obtain local effect. Ear sprays are presented in containers with a spray pump or in pressurised containers fitted with a spray valve.</td><td>10711000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073890<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073890\"> </a></td><td>Endotracheopulmonary instillation, powder for solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an endotracheopulmonary instillation solution.</td><td>11602000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074054<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074054\"> </a></td><td>Powder for solution for intraocular irrigation</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for intraocular irrigation.</td><td>50073000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073832<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073832\"> </a></td><td>Powder for rectal suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal suspension.</td><td>11010000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073679<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073679\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal paste</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a paste of solid particles finely dispersed in a hydrophilic basis intended for oromucosal use. Oromucosal pastes are applied to the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity, to obtain a local effect. Gingival paste is excluded.</td><td>10314000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073888<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073888\"> </a></td><td>Powder for bladder irrigation</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in sterile water to obtain a bladder irrigation.</td><td>11503000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074025<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074025\"> </a></td><td>Oral/rectal suspension</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral or rectal use.</td><td>50038000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073776<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073776\"> </a></td><td>Eye lotion</td><td>Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for washing or bathing the eye.</td><td>10610000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073914<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073914\"> </a></td><td>Wound stick</td><td>Solid sterile single-dose preparation, usually rod-shaped or conical, consisting of active substance(s) dissolved or dispersed in a suitable basis that may dissolve or melt at body temperature, intended to be inserted into wounds.</td><td>12104000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073925<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073925\"> </a></td><td>Sealant</td><td>Liquid, more or less viscous, sterile preparation intended for use as tissue glue.</td><td>12115000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073653<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073653\"> </a></td><td>Granules for syrup</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dissolution and to obtain the characteristics of a syrup, intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a syrup.</td><td>10119000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073678<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073678\"> </a></td><td>Gingival solution</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for gingival use.</td><td>10312000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073680<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073680\"> </a></td><td>Gingival gel</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a gel intended for gingival use to obtain a local effect.</td><td>10315000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073701<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073701\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal capsule</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation contained in a soft shell to be chewed or sucked to obtain a local effect in the oral cavity.</td><td>10317000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116183<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116183\"> </a></td><td>Powder for concentrate for solution for injection/infusion</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for solution for injection/infusion, which must subsequently be diluted before administration as a solution for injection/infusion.</td><td>50049250</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143498<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143498\"> </a></td><td>Sublingual spray, emulsion</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for sublingual use. Sublingual sprays are usually presented in pressurised containers with a metering valve.</td><td>10309100</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073807<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073807\"> </a></td><td>Nasal drops, suspension</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for nasal use by means of a suitable applicator.</td><td>10805000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000075573<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000075573\"> </a></td><td>Orodispersible film</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a single- or multilayer sheet of suitable material(s) intended to be placed in the mouth where it disperses rapidly before being swallowed.</td><td>10236100</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143547<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143547\"> </a></td><td>Impregnated plug</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a piece of material (e.g. polyethylene), usually porous, in which a liquid, semi-solid or solid preparation is impregnated. Implants, pads, sponges and tampons are excluded.</td><td>12117500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073736<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073736\"> </a></td><td>Poultice</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of a hydrophilic heat-retentive basis in which solid or liquid active substance(s) are dispersed, usually intended to be spread thickly on a suitable dressing and heated before application to the skin.</td><td>10522000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073784<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073784\"> </a></td><td>Ophthalmic strip</td><td>Solid sterile single-dose preparation consisting of a strip made of a suitable material usually impregnated with active substance(s) intended for use on the eyeball.</td><td>10613000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174047<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174047\"> </a></td><td>Solution for injection/skin-prick test</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution containing an allergen product intended for diagnostic use in a skin-prick test or as an injection (usually intraepidermal); it may also be licensed for immunotherapy treatment by injection (usually subcutaneous).</td><td>13051000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143503<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143503\"> </a></td><td>Powder for dental cement</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended for use in the preparation of a dental cement.</td><td>10413000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116185<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116185\"> </a></td><td>Powder for epilesional solution</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an epilesional solution.</td><td>50049300</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073835<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073835\"> </a></td><td>Nebuliser solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for inhalation use. The solution is converted into an aerosol by a continuously operating nebuliser or a metered-dose nebuliser.</td><td>11101000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073677<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073677\"> </a></td><td>Mouthwash</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for use in contact with the oral mucosa. It is not to be swallowed. Mouthwashes may contain excipients to adjust the pH which as far as possible is neutral.</td><td>10310000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074024<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074024\"> </a></td><td>Modified-release granules for oral suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of modified-release granules intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a modified-release oral suspension. The generic term 'Modified-release granules for oral suspension' is used only when the more-specific terms 'Gastro-resistant granules for oral suspension' or 'Prolonged-release granules for oral suspension' do not apply.</td><td>50036000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073644<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073644\"> </a></td><td>Oral drops, emulsion</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for oral use. The preparation is administered in small volumes by means of a suitable measuring device such as a dropper, pipette or oral syringe capable of accurate dosing of the emulsion. The measured dose may be diluted in water or another suitable liquid before swallowing.</td><td>10103000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073648<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073648\"> </a></td><td>Oral paste</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation intended for oral use, consisting of a paste to be swallowed after administration to the oral cavity.</td><td>10109000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143525<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143525\"> </a></td><td>Powder for cutaneous solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a cutaneous solution.</td><td>10514500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074070<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074070\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation solution</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for inhalation use. The preparation is presented in a non-pressurised container fitted with a metering dose mechanism. 'Nebuliser solution' and 'Pressurised inhalation, solution' are excluded.</td><td>50081000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073863<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073863\"> </a></td><td>Solution for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration by injection.</td><td>11201000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073889<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073889\"> </a></td><td>Urethral stick</td><td>Solid sterile single-dose preparation, usually rod-shaped and of a size adapted to the dimensions of the urethra, intended for insertion into the urethra. They may be prepared by compression or moulding.</td><td>11505000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073930<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073930\"> </a></td><td>Medicinal gas, liquefied</td><td>A gas packaged under pressure, which is partially liquid (gas over liquid) at -50 °C.</td><td>12303000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174048<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174048\"> </a></td><td>Powder for solution for injection/skin-prick test</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection/skin-prick test.</td><td>13052000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174016<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174016\"> </a></td><td>Suspension for emulsion for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use in the preparation of an emulsion for injection.</td><td>13036000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073790<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073790\"> </a></td><td>Ear wash, solution</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting usually of an aqueous solution with a pH within physiological limits. Ear washes are intended to clean the external auditory meatus.</td><td>10712000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073656<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073656\"> </a></td><td>Effervescent powder</td><td>Solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of one or more powders generally containing acid substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates that react rapidly in the presence of water to release carbon dioxide. Effervescent powders are intended to be dissolved or dispersed in water before administration.</td><td>10203000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143527<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143527\"> </a></td><td>Solution for cardioplegia</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for use in inducing cardiac arrest during heart surgery. Some preparations may require mixing with other preparations prior to administration, for example to adjust the pH.</td><td>11209500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073812<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073812\"> </a></td><td>Vaginal ointment</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for vaginal use to obtain a local effect.</td><td>10903000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073667<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073667\"> </a></td><td>Gastro-resistant tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose, delayed-release tablet intended to resist the gastric fluid and to release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. These properties are achieved by coating the tablet with a gastro-resistant material or by embedding solid particles in the gastro-resistant material before compression. Gastro-resistant tablets are intended for oral administration.</td><td>10225000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073695<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073695\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal gel</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a hydrophilic gel intended for oromucosal use. It is applied to the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity, to obtain a local effect. Gingival gel is excluded.</td><td>10313000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073824<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073824\"> </a></td><td>Vaginal tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated or film-coated, intended for administration to the vagina to obtain a local effect. Vaginal tablets are usually of larger size and a different shape from tablets intended for oral administration.</td><td>10912000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000025250<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000025250\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for emulsion for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid in order to obtain an emulsion for injection.</td><td>13152000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073994<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073994\"> </a></td><td>Dental paste</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of solid particles finely dispersed in a suitable basis, intended for administration on or inside the tooth or on and/or around the nerves supplying the teeth. Toothpaste is excluded.</td><td>50017000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073977<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073977\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for oral/rectal solution</td><td>Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oral/rectal solution.</td><td>50011000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073991<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073991\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for oral solution</td><td>Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oral solution.</td><td>50010000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000075579<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000075579\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous spray, emulsion</td><td>Liquid preparation, usually multidose, consisting of an emulsion in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump, intended for cutaneous use.</td><td>50015500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000075574<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000075574\"> </a></td><td>Buccal film</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a single- or multilayer sheet of suitable material(s) intended to be applied to the buccal cavity (pouch) to obtain a systemic effect.</td><td>10314011</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000075586<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000075586\"> </a></td><td>Powder for implantation suspension</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an implantation suspension.</td><td>50049500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000075578<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000075578\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for emulsion for infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an emulsion for infusion.</td><td>50009500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116146<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116146\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for solution for peritoneal dialysis</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for peritoneal dialysis.</td><td>50013250</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116148<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116148\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous/nasal ointment</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment intended for cutaneous or nasal use.</td><td>50015200</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116145<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116145\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for intravesical solution</td><td>Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an intravesical solution.</td><td>50009750</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116180<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116180\"> </a></td><td>Powder for concentrate for dispersion for infusion</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for dispersion for infusion, which must subsequently be diluted before administration as a dispersion for infusion.</td><td>50048750</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116181<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116181\"> </a></td><td>Powder for concentrate for intravesical suspension</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for intravesical suspension, which must subsequently be diluted before administration as an intravesical suspension.</td><td>50049100</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000125737<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000125737\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous solution/concentrate for oromucosal solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for cutaneous use or intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oromucosal solution.</td><td>50015450</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143526<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143526\"> </a></td><td>Powder for solution for iontophoresis</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for iontophoresis.</td><td>10518500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116165<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116165\"> </a></td><td>Nasal spray, powder for solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a nasal spray solution.</td><td>50037100</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116167<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116167\"> </a></td><td>Nasal spray, solution/oromucosal solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as a nasal spray or an oromucosal solution.</td><td>50037400</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000162557<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000162557\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for solution for intraocular irrigation</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for intraocular irrigation.</td><td>10600500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173961<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173961\"> </a></td><td>Powder for gel</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or gel to obtain a gel (for cutaneous use).</td><td>13021000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173955<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173955\"> </a></td><td>Dispersible tablets for dose dispenser</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of small, dispersible tablets that are designed to be used in a dose dispenser, each tablet usually consisting of a small fraction of a dose, with multiple tablets being automatically counted and administered as a single dose.</td><td>10121500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173999<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173999\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for suspension for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a suspension for injection.</td><td>13004000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173997<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173997\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for nebuliser solution</td><td>Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a nebuliser solution.</td><td>13002000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174012<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174012\"> </a></td><td>Powder for gingival gel</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or gel to obtain a gingival gel.</td><td>13026000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173960<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173960\"> </a></td><td>Nasal drops, powder for solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a nasal drops solution.</td><td>13020000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174013<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174013\"> </a></td><td>Powder for implantation matrix</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be used in the preparation of an implantation matrix, e.g. by dissolving in the specified liquid to prepare the solution used to impregnate the matrix.</td><td>13027000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174014<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174014\"> </a></td><td>Powder for implantation paste</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or paste to obtain an implantation paste.</td><td>13028000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174015<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174015\"> </a></td><td>Solvent for...</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an excipient that contains no active substances itself but is intended to be used in the preparation of a pharmaceutical product, e.g. for diluting/dissolving/dispersing the item(s) containing the active substance(s). The term is intended to cover all such excipients, with the particular specifications (e.g. sterility requirements) depending on the final product and its intended use.</td><td>13035000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174017<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174017\"> </a></td><td>Suspension for oral suspension</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use in the preparation of an oral suspension.</td><td>13037000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173998<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173998\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for oromucosal solution</td><td>Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oromucosal solution.</td><td>13003000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174025<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174025\"> </a></td><td>Intravesical suspension</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a small-volume suspension intended for intravesical use by means of a suitable applicator.</td><td>13045000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174052<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174052\"> </a></td><td>Tablet for cutaneous solution</td><td>Solid, usually single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a cutaneous solution.</td><td>13066000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000003547<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000003547\"> </a></td><td>Powder for vaginal solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a vaginal solution.</td><td>13111000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000004719<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000004719\"> </a></td><td>Tablet with sensor</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet intended for oral use, in which one or more ingestible sensors are embedded. The sensor is usually not digested, and is usually intended for use with external diagnostic equipment to which it can transmit data such as physiological and behavioural measurements.</td><td>13118000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000010684<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000010684\"> </a></td><td>Sublingual lyophilisate</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation made by freeze-drying of a liquid or semi-solid preparation, intended for sublingual use.</td><td>13127000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000015705<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000015705\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for dispersion for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for injection.</td><td>13139000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000016184<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000016184\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous/oromucosal solution</td><td>Non-sterile, liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for cutaneous or oromucosal use; it is not intended for use on injured skin.</td><td>13140000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073730<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073730\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous spray, powder</td><td>Solid, usually multidose preparation presented in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump. The spray is intended for cutaneous use.</td><td>10511000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073731<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073731\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous solution</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution of the active substance in a suitable vehicle intended for cutaneous use.</td><td>10513000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073732<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073732\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous suspension</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension of fine particles in a suitable vehicle intended for cutaneous use.</td><td>10515000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073733<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073733\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous powder</td><td>Solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a powder intended for cutaneous use. Cutaneous spray, powder is excluded.</td><td>10517000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073727<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073727\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous paste</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation containing a large proportion of finely divided solids dispersed in the basis, intended for cutaneous use.</td><td>10505000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073729<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073729\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous spray, solution</td><td>Liquid preparation, usually multidose, consisting of a solution in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump, intended for cutaneous use.</td><td>10509000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073813<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073813\"> </a></td><td>Vaginal solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for vaginal use by means of a suitable applicator in order to obtain a local effect.</td><td>10905000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073842<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073842\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for rectal solution</td><td>Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal solution.</td><td>11008000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073857<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073857\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for solution for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection.</td><td>11209000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073864<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073864\"> </a></td><td>Suspension for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for administration by injection.</td><td>11202000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073870<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073870\"> </a></td><td>Solution for infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended to be introduced, usually in large volumes, usually into the circulating blood stream.</td><td>11210000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073912<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073912\"> </a></td><td>Anticoagulant and preservative solution for blood</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution to be mixed with extracorporeal blood.</td><td>12102000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073900<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073900\"> </a></td><td>Denture lacquer</td><td>Liquid preparation to be applied to dentures to form a lacquer by evaporation of the volatile solvent.</td><td>12101000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073689<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073689\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for gargle</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended to be diluted in water to obtain a gargle.</td><td>10302000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073376<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073376\"> </a></td><td>Gastro-resistant capsule, hard</td><td>Solid single-dose, delayed-release preparation contained in a hard shell. The preparation is intended to resist the gastric fluid and to release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. Hard gastro-resistant capsules are usually made by filling hard capsules with gastro-resistant granules or solid particles made gastro-resistant by coating or, in certain cases, by providing hard capsules with a gastro-resistant shell. They are intended for oral use.</td><td>10212000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073377<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073377\"> </a></td><td>Chewable capsule, soft</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation contained in a soft shell. The soft capsule is intended to be chewed to release its contents into the mouth. The contents of the soft shell may be a semi-solid or liquid preparation intended for local action or systemic delivery after absorption through the oral mucosa or, when swallowed, in the gastrointestinal tract.</td><td>10214000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073375<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073375\"> </a></td><td>Capsule, hard</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation contained in a hard shell, the capacity of which can be varied. The shell is made of gelatin or other substances. It consists of two prefabricated cylindrical sections one end of which is rounded and closed, the other being open. The contents of the shell may be a solid or semi-solid preparation, which is filled into one of the sections and closed by slipping the other section over it. Hard capsules are intended for oral use.</td><td>10210000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073659<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073659\"> </a></td><td>Cachet</td><td>Solid discoid preparation consisting of a wafer enclosing a unit dose intended for oral use.</td><td>10209000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073664<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073664\"> </a></td><td>Tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose uncoated preparation obtained by compressing uniform volumes of particulate solids or by other means such as extrusion or moulding. Tablets include single-layer tablets resulting from a single compression of particles and multi-layer tablets consisting of concentric or parallel layers obtained by successive compressions of particles of different composition. Tablets are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) in the gastrointestinal fluids by a rate depending essentially on the intrinsic properties of active substance(s) (conventional release).</td><td>10219000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073665<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073665\"> </a></td><td>Film-coated tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet coated with a thin polymeric film that dissolves within a few minutes in the gastrointestinal fluid. Film-coated tablets are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) at a rate which is not significantly delayed compared to that of the uncoated tablet.</td><td>10221000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073666<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073666\"> </a></td><td>Orodispersible tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended to be placed in the mouth where it disperses rapidly in saliva before being swallowed.</td><td>10223000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073654<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073654\"> </a></td><td>Dispersible tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid before being swallowed.</td><td>10121000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073684<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073684\"> </a></td><td>Chewable tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended to be chewed before being swallowed. Chewable tablets are intended for oral administration.</td><td>10228000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073707<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073707\"> </a></td><td>Dental powder</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended for administration on teeth and gums.</td><td>10405000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073708<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073708\"> </a></td><td>Dental suspension</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for administration on teeth and gums.</td><td>10407000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073705<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073705\"> </a></td><td>Dental gel</td><td>Semi-solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a hydrophilic gel intended for administration on teeth and gums by rubbing.</td><td>10402000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073719<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073719\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous emulsion</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for cutaneous use.</td><td>10516000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073720<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073720\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous patch</td><td>Flexible single-dose preparation intended to be applied to the unbroken skin to obtain a local effect by penetration of the active substance(s) into the skin.</td><td>10517500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073723<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073723\"> </a></td><td>Dental solution</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration on teeth and gums.</td><td>10406000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073724<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073724\"> </a></td><td>Dental emulsion</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for administration on to the teeth and the gums.</td><td>10408000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073717<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073717\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous liquid</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a liquid active substance per se, intended for cutaneous use.</td><td>10512000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073718<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073718\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for cutaneous solution</td><td>Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a cutaneous solution.</td><td>10514000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073655<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073655\"> </a></td><td>Oral powder</td><td>Single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of one or more particulate solids of varying degrees of fineness. Oral powders are intended for oral administration. They are generally administered in or with water or another suitable liquid, but may also be swallowed directly.</td><td>10201000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073711<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073711\"> </a></td><td>Bath additive</td><td>Solid, semi-solid or liquid preparation to be added to the bath water.</td><td>10501000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073743<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073743\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous stick</td><td>Solid preparation, usually rod-shaped or conical, intended for application to the skin to obtain a local effect. Cutaneous sticks may consist of the active substance(s) alone or dissolved or dispersed in a suitable basis.</td><td>10523000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073980<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073980\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous spray, ointment</td><td>Ointment formed at the time of administration from a liquid preparation in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump.</td><td>50016000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143497<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143497\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for oral suspension</td><td>Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oral suspension.</td><td>10100500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073362<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073362\"> </a></td><td>Oral suspension</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.</td><td>10106000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073373<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073373\"> </a></td><td>Gastro-resistant granules</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of delayed-release granules intended to resist the gastric fluid and release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. This deliberate modification is achieved by coating the granules with a gastro-resistant material or by embedding the solid particles in the gastro-resistant material. Gastro-resistant granules are usually single-dose preparations intended for oral use.</td><td>10206000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073663<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073663\"> </a></td><td>Modified-release capsule, hard</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a hard shell containing a solid or semi-solid formulation, showing a rate, a place and/or a time of release different from that of a conventional-release capsule. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Hard modified-release capsules are intended for oral use, and include prolonged-release, delayed-release and pulsatile-release preparations. The generic term 'modified-release capsule, hard' is used only when the more specific terms 'gastro-resistant capsule, hard' or 'prolonged-release capsule, hard' do not apply.</td><td>10217000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073971<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073971\"> </a></td><td>Chewable/dispersible tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended either to be chewed before being swallowed, or to be dispersed in the specified liquid before being swallowed.</td><td>50001000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073699<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073699\"> </a></td><td>Buccal tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation to be applied to the buccal cavity (pouch) to obtain systemic delivery. Buccal tablets are prepared by compression of mixtures of powders or granulations into tablets with a shape suited for the intended use.</td><td>10320000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073660<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073660\"> </a></td><td>Capsule, soft</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation contained in a soft shell, the capacity and shape of which can be varied. The shell is made of gelatin or other substances and may contain (a) solid active substance(s). The shell is thicker than that of hard capsules and consists of one part as soft capsules usually are formed, filled and sealed in one operation. The contents of the shell may be a semi-solid or liquid preparation. Soft capsules are intended for oral use.</td><td>10211000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073712<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073712\"> </a></td><td>Cream</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation of homogeneous appearance consisting of a lipophilic phase and an aqueous phase, one of which is finely dispersed in the other. Active substance(s) are dissolved or dispersed in the basis, which may be hydrophilic or hydrophobic. Creams are intended for cutaneous use. In certain cases, transdermal delivery may be obtained.</td><td>10502000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073726<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073726\"> </a></td><td>Gel</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a single-phase basis of liquids gelled by a suitable gelling agent, intended for cutaneous use. Active substance(s) are dissolved or dispersed in the basis, which may be hydrophilic or hydrophobic.</td><td>10503000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073839<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073839\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation powder</td><td>Solid, usually multidose preparation intended for inhalation use, consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) to be administered by a dry-powder inhaler containing a metering dose mechanism within the inhaler. 'Inhalation powder, hard capsule' and 'Inhalation powder, pre-dispensed' are excluded.</td><td>11109000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073848<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073848\"> </a></td><td>Pressurised inhalation, solution</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for inhalation use. The preparation is presented in a pressurised container usually fitted with a metering dose valve.</td><td>11106000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073871<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073871\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for solution for infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended to be diluted in the specified aqueous liquid to obtain a solution for infusion. It may be added to a solution for infusion during the administration.</td><td>11213000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073878<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073878\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for solution for haemodialysis</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution of electrolytes intended to be diluted with water of a suitable quality to obtain a solution for haemodialysis. Glucose may be included.</td><td>11405000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073976<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073976\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for cutaneous spray, emulsion</td><td>Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a cutaneous spray emulsion.</td><td>50009000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074069<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074069\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for solution for injection/infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection/infusion.</td><td>50079000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073735<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073735\"> </a></td><td>Collodion</td><td>Liquid preparation usually containing pyroxylin in a mixture of ether and ethanol. When applied to the skin, the preparation forms a flexible film on the site of application.</td><td>10520000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000125708<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000125708\"> </a></td><td>Sublingual film</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a single- or multilayer sheet of suitable material(s) intended for sublingual use to obtain a systemic effect.</td><td>10317500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000125736<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000125736\"> </a></td><td>Prolonged-release suspension for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for administration by injection; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time.</td><td>11208500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143504<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143504\"> </a></td><td>Solution for dental cement</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in the preparation of a dental cement.</td><td>10414000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000169869<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000169869\"> </a></td><td>Urethral emulsion</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for urethral use by means of a suitable applicator.</td><td>13077000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173996<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173996\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for concentrate for solution for infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for solution for infusion, which in turn is intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for infusion.</td><td>13001000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174000<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174000\"> </a></td><td>Dispersion for concentrate for dispersion for infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a dispersion intended for use in the preparation of a concentrate for dispersion for infusion, which in turn is intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for infusion.</td><td>13005000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116138<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116138\"> </a></td><td>Intravesical solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for intravesical use by means of a suitable applicator. 'Bladder irrigation' is excluded.</td><td>11502500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174006<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174006\"> </a></td><td>Eye drops, powder for suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an eye drops suspension.</td><td>13011000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174031<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174031\"> </a></td><td>Coated granules</td><td>Solid preparation intended for oral use, consisting of granules coated with one or more layers of mixtures of various substances that are usually applied as a solution or suspension in conditions in which evaporation of the vehicle occurs. The thickness of the coating is greater than that of film-coated granules. When the coating dissolves or disintegrates any active substance is released into the gastrointestinal fluid at a rate depending essentially on its intrinsic properties (conventional release).</td><td>13046000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143501<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143501\"> </a></td><td>Dental cement</td><td>Semi-solid preparation intended for application in or on teeth, which subsequently hardens to form a seal or bond.</td><td>10401500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000012530<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000012530\"> </a></td><td>Prolonged-release oral suspension</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use, showing a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release oral suspension. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.</td><td>13134000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073380<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073380\"> </a></td><td>Coated tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet coated with one or more layers of mixtures of various substances such as sugars and waxes. To the coating colouring matter, flavouring substances and active substance(s) may be added. The thickness of the coating is greater than that of a film-coated tablet. Coated tablets have a smooth surface. They are intended for oral use. When the coating dissolves or disintegrates the active substance(s) is (are) released into the gastrointestinal fluid at a rate depending essentially on its intrinsic properties (conventional release).</td><td>10220000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073700<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073700\"> </a></td><td>Compressed lozenge</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation intended to be sucked to obtain a local or systemic effect. It is prepared by compression and is often rhomboid in shape. Compressed lozenges usually contain flavouring and sweetening agents. They dissolve or disintegrate slowly when sucked.</td><td>10322000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073716<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073716\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous spray, suspension</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump, intended for cutaneous use.</td><td>10510000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073728<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073728\"> </a></td><td>Cutaneous foam</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation, usually presented in a pressurised container equipped with an applicator suitable for delivery of a foam consisting of large volumes of gas dispersed in a liquid containing active substance(s). Cutaneous foams are intended for cutaneous use.</td><td>10507000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073879<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073879\"> </a></td><td>Bladder irrigation</td><td>Sterile liquid preparation consisting of sterilised water or an aqueous solution intended for irrigation of the urinary bladder.</td><td>11502000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000111534<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000111534\"> </a></td><td>Concentrate for dispersion for infusion</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for infusion.</td><td>50009300</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000017730<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000017730\"> </a></td><td>Prolonged-release pessary</td><td>Solid, single-dose preparation usually prepared by moulding, of various shapes, usually ovoid, with a volume and consistency suitable for insertion into the vagina to obtain a local effect. It contains one or more active substances dispersed or dissolved in a suitable basis that may be soluble or dispersible in water or may melt at body temperature. It shows a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release pessary. Prolonged release is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method.</td><td>13148000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116151<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116151\"> </a></td><td>Ear/eye/nasal drops, solution</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as ear drops, eye drops or nasal drops.</td><td>50019500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000010390<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000010390\"> </a></td><td>Urethral ointment</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment intended for urethral use by means of a suitable applicator.</td><td>13123000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000171934<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000171934\"> </a></td><td>Emulsion for suspension for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for use in the preparation of a suspension for injection.</td><td>13091000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174001<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174001\"> </a></td><td>Ear drops, powder for suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an ear drops suspension.</td><td>13006000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174004<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174004\"> </a></td><td>Endotracheopulmonary instillation, powder for suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an endotracheopulmonary instillation suspension.</td><td>13009000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174034<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174034\"> </a></td><td>Dispersion for injection/infusion</td><td>Sterile liquid preparation consisting of two or more phases of which at least one is dispersed in the liquid phase, intended for administration by injection or infusion. To be used only when emulsion for injection/infusion is not appropriate. Solid suspension preparations are excluded.</td><td>13049000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073817<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073817\"> </a></td><td>Effervescent vaginal tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a vaginal tablet usually containing acid substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates that react rapidly in the presence of aqueous liquid to release carbon dioxide.</td><td>10913000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073903<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073903\"> </a></td><td>Endocervical gel</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for endocervical use by means of a suitable applicator.</td><td>11701000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073657<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073657\"> </a></td><td>Effervescent granules</td><td>Solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of uncoated granules generally containing acidic substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates that rapidly react in the presence of water to release carbon dioxide. Effervescent granules are intended to be dissolved or dispersed in water before oral use.</td><td>10205000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000010610<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000010610\"> </a></td><td>Prolonged-release dispersion for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of two or more phases of which at least one is dispersed in the liquid phase, intended for administration by injection; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time. To be used only when 'Prolonged-release emulsion for injection' is not appropriate. Solid suspension preparations are excluded.</td><td>13126000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073902<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073902\"> </a></td><td>Endotracheopulmonary instillation, suspension</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous suspension intended for instillation to the trachea and/or bronchi. Preparations for inhalation use are excluded.</td><td>11603000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000010456<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000010456\"> </a></td><td>Prolonged-release wound solution</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended to be administered onto a wound, including surgical wounds; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time.</td><td>13128000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000025198<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000025198\"> </a></td><td>Film-coated granules</td><td>Solid preparation intended for oral use, consisting of granules coated with a thin polymeric film that dissolves within a few minutes in the gastrointestinal fluid. Film-coated granules are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) at a rate that is not significantly delayed compared to that of the uncoated granules.,Solid preparation intended for oral use, consisting of granules coated with a thin polymeric film that dissolves within a few minutes in the gastrointestinal fluid. Film-coated granules are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) at a rate, which is not significantly delayed compared to that of the uncoated granule.</td><td>13154000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000012531<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000012531\"> </a></td><td>Modified-release oral suspension</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use, showing a rate, a place and/or a time of release of the active substance(s) that is different from that of a conventional-release oral suspension. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. The generic term 'Modified-release oral suspension' is used only when the more-specific terms 'Gastro-resistant oral suspension' or 'Prolonged-release oral suspension' do not apply. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.</td><td>13135000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116161<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116161\"> </a></td><td>Mouthwash, powder for solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a mouthwash.</td><td>50036050</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116164<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116164\"> </a></td><td>Nasal/oromucosal spray, solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution in a container with or without a metering dose valve or in a container with a spray pump, intended for nasal or oromucosal use.</td><td>50036700</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073920<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073920\"> </a></td><td>Stomach irrigation</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for irrigation of the stomach.</td><td>12114000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074004<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074004\"> </a></td><td>Gargle/mouthwash</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as a gargle or a mouthwash.</td><td>50024000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074022<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074022\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation vapour, emulsion</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour may be generated by adding the emulsion to hot water.</td><td>50032000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074026<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074026\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal patch</td><td>Flexible single-dose preparation intended to be applied to the oral cavity to obtain either a systemic or a local effect by delivering the active substance(s) over a certain period of time, after which it is then removed.</td><td>50039000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074033<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074033\"> </a></td><td>Powder for intravesical solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an intravesical solution.</td><td>50050000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000075576<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000075576\"> </a></td><td>Implantation suspension</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for implantation in the body; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time to obtain a local or systemic effect.</td><td>11303500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116156<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116156\"> </a></td><td>Granules for oral/rectal suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of granules intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an oral/rectal suspension.</td><td>50029150</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116170<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116170\"> </a></td><td>Oral/rectal solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for oral or rectal use.</td><td>50037900</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116171<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116171\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal/laryngopharyngeal solution/spray, solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for oromucosal or laryngopharyngeal use, presented in a container with an optional spray device to allow administration as a spray.</td><td>50040500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116168<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116168\"> </a></td><td>Oral drops, granules for solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of granules intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an oral drops solution.</td><td>50037500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000125754<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000125754\"> </a></td><td>Intravesical solution/solution for injection</td><td>Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for intravesical use or for administration by injection.</td><td>50033400</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000125705<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000125705\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal spray, emulsion</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for oromucosal use. It is administered by spraying into the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity or the throat. It is presented in a container with a spray pump or in a pressurised container with or without a metering valve. Sublingual sprays are excluded.</td><td>10308100</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143550<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143550\"> </a></td><td>Gargle/nasal wash</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as a gargle or a nasal wash.</td><td>50024500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174005<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174005\"> </a></td><td>Eye drops, powder for solution</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an eye drops solution.</td><td>13010000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173957<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173957\"> </a></td><td>Laryngopharyngeal spray, solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for spraying onto the laryngopharynx for a local effect.</td><td>13017000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000173958<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000173958\"> </a></td><td>Matrix for implantation matrix</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of a usually pliable, absorbent piece of material (e.g. collagen) intended to be used in the preparation of an implantation matrix.</td><td>13018000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174008<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174008\"> </a></td><td>Gas for dispersion for injection</td><td>Sterile preparation consisting of a gas that is intended to be mixed with the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion of the gas in the liquid, which is intended for administration by injection.</td><td>13013000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174011<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174011\"> </a></td><td>Laryngopharyngeal solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration to the laryngopharynx for a local effect, other than by spraying.</td><td>13016000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000005113<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000005113\"> </a></td><td>Medicinal larvae</td><td>Whole, live, medicinal larvae, usually of a species of fly such as Lucilla sericata (common greenbottle fly), provided in an appropriate container such as a mesh bag, intended to be applied to a wound and covered with an appropriate dressing in order to allow debridement of necrotic tissue over a specified period of time (usually a few days). The larvae secrete enzymes into the wound, liquefying the necrotic tissue, and ingest the resulting material.</td><td>13124000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000005069<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000005069\"> </a></td><td>Medicinal leech</td><td>Whole, live, medicinal leech, usually of the Hirudo genus (e.g. Hirudo medicinalis, Hirudo verbana), usually intended to be applied to the skin in order to restore or improve local blood flow or to provide other local effects. After attaching itself to the host, the leech creates an incision in the skin and secretes saliva containing a variety of active substances (e.g. anaesthetics, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatories, vasodilators) that allow it to feed on the blood of the host.</td><td>13115000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073759<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073759\"> </a></td><td>Eye drops, solution</td><td>Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous or oily solution intended for ocular use. Multidose preparations are presented in containers that allow successive drops to be administered. The containers contain usually at most 10 mL of the preparation.</td><td>10604000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073773<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073773\"> </a></td><td>Eye drops, emulsion</td><td>Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for ocular use. Multidose preparations are presented in containers that allow successive drops to be administered. The containers contain usually at most 10 mL of the preparation.</td><td>10604500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073769<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073769\"> </a></td><td>Transdermal system</td><td>Assembly of components intended for transdermal delivery driven by external forces (e.g. electric current, chemical reaction,...). Transdermal patch is excluded.</td><td>10547000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073811<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073811\"> </a></td><td>Vaginal cream</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of a cream usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for vaginal use to obtain a local effect.</td><td>10901000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073814<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073814\"> </a></td><td>Vaginal emulsion</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for vaginal use by means of a suitable applicator in order to obtain a local effect.</td><td>10907000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073815<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073815\"> </a></td><td>Pessary</td><td>Solid, single-dose preparation usually prepared by moulding, of various shapes, usually ovoid, with a volume and consistency suitable for insertion into the vagina to obtain a local effect. It contains one or more active substances dispersed or dissolved in a suitable basis that may be soluble or dispersible in water or may melt at body temperature.</td><td>10909000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073816<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073816\"> </a></td><td>Vaginal capsule, soft</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a soft capsule of a size and shape suited for vaginal use, containing a liquid or semi-solid formulation, intended for a local effect.</td><td>10911000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073820<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073820\"> </a></td><td>Rectal foam</td><td>Liquid preparation, usually presented in a pressurised container provided with an applicator suitable for delivery to the rectum of foam containing large volumes of gas dispersed in a liquid containing the active substance. Rectal foams are intended for a local effect.</td><td>11004000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073821<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073821\"> </a></td><td>Vaginal suspension</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for vaginal use by means of a suitable applicator in order to obtain a local effect.</td><td>10906000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073818<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073818\"> </a></td><td>Vaginal delivery system</td><td>Drug delivery system intended to be inserted in the vagina where it releases its contents over an extended period of time. Medicated sponge and medicated vaginal tampon are excluded.</td><td>10915000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073836<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073836\"> </a></td><td>Powder for nebuliser suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a nebuliser suspension.</td><td>11103000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073825<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073825\"> </a></td><td>Medicated vaginal tampon</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a suitable material impregnated with active substance(s) intended to be inserted in the vagina for a limited period of time.</td><td>10914000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073838<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073838\"> </a></td><td>Pressurised inhalation, suspension</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for inhalation use. The preparation is presented in a pressurised container fitted with a metering dose valve.</td><td>11107000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073843<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073843\"> </a></td><td>Suppository</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation of a shape, size and consistency suitable for rectal use, containing active substance(s) dispersed or dissolved in a suitable basis that may be soluble or dispersible in water or may melt at body temperature.</td><td>11013000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073823<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073823\"> </a></td><td>Vaginal capsule, hard</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a hard capsule of a size and shape suited for vaginal use, containing a liquid or semi-solid formulation, intended for a local effect.</td><td>10910000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073828<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073828\"> </a></td><td>Rectal ointment</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for rectal use to obtain a local effect.</td><td>11003000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073830<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073830\"> </a></td><td>Rectal suspension</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for rectal use or for diagnostic purposes. Rectal suspension are usually presented in containers with a volume in the range of 2.5 mL to 2000 mL. The container is fitted with an applicator or an applicator is provided separately.</td><td>11006000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073851<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073851\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation vapour, powder</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour is usually generated by adding the powder to hot water.</td><td>11112000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073853<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073853\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation vapour, tablet</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a tablet intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour is usually generated by adding the tablet to hot water.</td><td>11115000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073865<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073865\"> </a></td><td>Gel for injection</td><td>Sterile single-dose preparation consisting of a hydrophilic gel intended for injection into a specific tissue or organ.</td><td>11204000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073850<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073850\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation powder, hard capsule</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation intended for inhalation use, consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) enclosed in a hard capsule. The capsule is loaded into a dry-powder inhaler to generate an aerosol.</td><td>11110000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073849<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073849\"> </a></td><td>Pressurised inhalation, emulsion</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for inhalation use. The preparation is presented in a pressurised container fitted with a metering dose valve.</td><td>11108000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073874<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073874\"> </a></td><td>Implant</td><td>Solid sterile preparation of a size and shape suitable for implantation. It may be prepared by moulding or other means other than compression. Each implant is presented in a sterile container that may be provided with an administration device. Implants are intended for release over an extended period of time in order to obtain local or systemic effect. 'Implantation tablet', 'Implantation chain' and 'Implantation matrix' are excluded.</td><td>11301000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073880<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073880\"> </a></td><td>Urethral gel</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for urethral use by means of a suitable applicator.</td><td>11504000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073886<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073886\"> </a></td><td>Solution for haemodialysis</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution containing electrolytes with a concentration close to the electrolytic composition of plasma, intended for use in haemodialysis. Glucose may be included.</td><td>11404000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073917<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073917\"> </a></td><td>Gastroenteral solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration to the stomach or duodenum by means of a suitable applicator.</td><td>12108000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073915<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073915\"> </a></td><td>Radiopharmaceutical precursor</td><td>A radionuclide produced for the radio-labelling of another substance prior to administration.</td><td>12105000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073916<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073916\"> </a></td><td>Radionuclide generator</td><td>A system incorporating a fixed parent radionuclide from which is produced a daughter radionuclide which is to be removed by elution or by any other method and used in a radiopharmaceutical.</td><td>12106000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073365<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073365\"> </a></td><td>Granules for oral solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dissolution, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an oral solution, which is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.</td><td>10112000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073370<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073370\"> </a></td><td>Herbal tea</td><td>Solid preparation consisting exclusively of one or more herbal drugs intended for the preparation of an oral aqueous preparation by means of decoction, infusion or maceration. Herbal teas are usually presented in bulk form or in bags. The tea is prepared immediately before oral intake.</td><td>10122000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073923<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073923\"> </a></td><td>Gastroenteral emulsion</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for administration to the stomach or duodenum by means of a suitable applicator.</td><td>12111000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073926<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073926\"> </a></td><td>Impregnated pad</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a piece of absorbent material impregnated with a liquid preparation. Impregnated cutaneous swab is excluded.</td><td>12117000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073928<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073928\"> </a></td><td>Medicated thread</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a biodegradable or non-degradable thread impregnated with active substance(s).</td><td>12130000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073943<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073943\"> </a></td><td>Intestinal gel</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for intestinal use.</td><td>12120000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073642<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073642\"> </a></td><td>Oral drops, solution</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for oral use. The preparation is administered in small volumes by means of a suitable measuring device such as a dropper, pipette or oral syringe capable of accurate dosing of the solution. The measured dose may be diluted in water or another suitable liquid before swallowing.</td><td>10101000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073647<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073647\"> </a></td><td>Oral emulsion</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.</td><td>10107000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073690<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073690\"> </a></td><td>Gargle, tablet for solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a tablet intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a gargle.</td><td>10304000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073652<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073652\"> </a></td><td>Syrup</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose aqueous preparation characterised by a sweet taste and a viscous consistency and usually containing aromatic or other flavouring agents, intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.</td><td>10117000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073650<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073650\"> </a></td><td>Granules for oral suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dispersion, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an oral suspension, which is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.</td><td>10113000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073661<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073661\"> </a></td><td>Gastro-resistant capsule, soft</td><td>Solid single-dose, delayed-release preparation contained in a soft shell. The preparation is intended to resist the gastric fluid and to release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. Soft gastro-resistant capsules are usually formed, filled and sealed in one operation. They may contain a liquid or semi-solid preparation in the gastro-resistant shell. Soft gastro-resistant capsules are intended for oral use.</td><td>10213000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073662<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073662\"> </a></td><td>Prolonged-release capsule, hard</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a hard shell containing a solid or semi-solid formulation, showing a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release capsule. Prolonged release is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Hard prolonged-release capsules are intended for oral use.</td><td>10215000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073673<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073673\"> </a></td><td>Gargle</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for gargling to obtain a local effect in the oral cavity and the throat. Gargles are not to be swallowed.</td><td>10301000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073674<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073674\"> </a></td><td>Gargle, powder for solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a gargle.</td><td>10303000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073685<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073685\"> </a></td><td>Oral gum</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation with a gum-like consistency, intended to be sucked or chewed before being swallowed. Medicated chewing gum is excluded.</td><td>10230000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073683<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073683\"> </a></td><td>Prolonged-release tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet showing a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release tablet. Prolonged release is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Prolonged-release tablets are intended for oral use.</td><td>10226000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073697<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073697\"> </a></td><td>Gingival paste</td><td>Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a paste of solid particles finely dispersed in a hydrophilic basis intended for gingival use to obtain a local effect.</td><td>10316000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073698<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073698\"> </a></td><td>Sublingual tablet</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended for sublingual use. Sublingual tablets are usually prepared by compression of mixtures of powders or granulations into tablets with a shape suited for the intended use. Other technologies such as moulding may be used.</td><td>10318000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073704<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073704\"> </a></td><td>Pastille</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation intended to be sucked to obtain, usually, a local effect in the oral cavity and the throat. Pastilles are soft, flexible preparations prepared by moulding of mixtures containing natural or synthetic polymers or gums and sweeteners. They dissolve or disintegrate slowly when sucked.</td><td>10323000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073721<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073721\"> </a></td><td>Periodontal powder</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended for administration within the tooth socket/periodontal membrane.</td><td>10401000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073669<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073669\"> </a></td><td>Medicated chewing-gum</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a basis, mainly composed of gums, intended to be chewed but not swallowed. The active substance(s) is (are) released in saliva by chewing. Medicated chewing gum is intended for local treatment of mouth diseases or systemic delivery after absorption through the oral mucosa or from the gastrointestinal tract.</td><td>10229000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073783<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073783\"> </a></td><td>Eye lotion, solvent for reconstitution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a sterile solvent containing no active substances, intended for reconstitution of a usually freeze-dried powder for eye lotion.</td><td>10611000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073372<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073372\"> </a></td><td>Granules</td><td>Solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of solid, dry aggregates of powder particles that are sufficiently resistant to withstand handling. Granules are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) in the gastrointestinal fluids by a rate depending essentially on the intrinsic properties of the active substance(s) (conventional release). They may be swallowed as such and/or chewed before swallowing, and some may also be dissolved or dispersed in water or another suitable liquid before oral administration. Granules for oral solution and Granules for oral suspension are excluded.</td><td>10204000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073709<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073709\"> </a></td><td>Toothpaste</td><td>Semi-solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a hydrophilic paste intended to be rubbed onto the teeth.</td><td>10409000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073840<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073840\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation powder, pre-dispensed</td><td>Solid preparation intended for inhalation use, consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) presented in a suitable pharmaceutical form other than a hard capsule, either in the form of a single dose or divided into multiple single doses. The preparation is loaded into a dry-powder inhaler to generate an aerosol.</td><td>11111000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073866<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073866\"> </a></td><td>Powder for solution for injection</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection.</td><td>11205000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073742<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073742\"> </a></td><td>Medicated nail lacquer</td><td>Liquid preparation to be applied to the nails to form a lacquer by evaporation of the volatile solvent.</td><td>10521000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073725<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073725\"> </a></td><td>Periodontal insert</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a medicated insert to be placed within the tooth socket/periodontal membrane. The biodegradable insert is a sheet which slowly releases active substance(s).</td><td>10411000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073844<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073844\"> </a></td><td>Rectal capsule</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a soft capsule of elongated shape suitable for rectal use, containing a liquid or semi-solid formulation, and which may have a lubricating coating.</td><td>11014000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074021<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074021\"> </a></td><td>Inhalation powder, tablet</td><td>Solid multidose preparation intended for inhalation use. The dose of inhalation powder is generated from the tablet by a metering mechanism within the inhaler, for example by scraping off a small amount of powder from the tablet.</td><td>50030000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074058<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074058\"> </a></td><td>Oral drops, powder for suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an oral drops suspension.</td><td>50082000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000143524<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000143524\"> </a></td><td>Implantation matrix</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of a usually pliable, absorbent piece of material (e.g. collagen), usually impregnated with a liquid preparation, intended for implantation in the body. The material may be cut into smaller pieces before implantation, and may be shaped around a tissue (e.g. a bone) or inserted into a medical device that is then implanted. Implantation matrices are intended for release over an extended period of time, usually in order to obtain a local effect. Usually the matrix disappears with time. When the product is packaged as a separate matrix, powder and solvent (or matrix and solution), which are used to prepare the implantation matrix immediately before use, the appropriate combined term should be used; see for example ‘Powder, solvent and matrix for implantation matrix’.</td><td>11303300</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000012529<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000012529\"> </a></td><td>Gastro-resistant oral suspension</td><td>Liquid single-dose or multidose, delayed-release preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use. The preparation is intended to resist the gastric fluid and release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.</td><td>13133000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000003182<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000003182\"> </a></td><td>Oral herbal material</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of whole, broken or fragmented plants or parts of plants in an unprocessed state (herbal drug), intended for oral use without requiring transformation (e.g. dissolution or dispersion in water); the material may be dried or fresh, and may be chewed before being swallowed. The word ‘plant’ is used in the broader sense to include also algae, fungi and lichens. Certain exudates that have not been subjected to a specific treatment may be included. Herbal teas and instant herbal teas are excluded, as are preparations that are processed or formulated into capsules, granules, powders, etc.</td><td>13106000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000018780<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000018780\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal film</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a single- or multilayer sheet of suitable material(s) intended for oromucosal use. It is applied to the oral cavity or onto specific parts of the oral cavity, usually to obtain a systemic effect. Where a preparation is intended for use only at a single specific part of the oral cavity, the appropriate specific term (e.g. Buccal film, Sublingual film) is used instead.</td><td>13149000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000017694<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000017694\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal pouch</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a small bag made of a suitable material containing a preparation such as a powder; it is intended to be placed in the oral cavity to obtain either a systemic or a local effect by delivering the active substance(s) over a certain period of time, after which it is then removed.</td><td>13141000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073649<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073649\"> </a></td><td>Powder for oral suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of (a) solid active substance(s) which may also include excipients to facilitate dispersion in the prescribed liquid and to prevent sedimentation during storage of the oral suspension. Powders for oral suspension include freeze-dried powders. The oral suspension is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.</td><td>10111000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073682<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073682\"> </a></td><td>Oral lyophilisate</td><td>Solid single-dose preparation made by freeze-drying of a liquid or semi-solid preparation. This fast-releasing preparation is intended to be placed in the mouth where its contents are released in saliva and swallowed or, alternatively, to be dissolved in water before oral administration.</td><td>10224000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074027<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074027\"> </a></td><td>Oromucosal/laryngopharyngeal solution</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for oromucosal or laryngopharyngeal use. 'Oromucosal/laryngopharyngeal solution/spray, solution' is excluded.</td><td>50039500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073799<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073799\"> </a></td><td>Vaginal gel</td><td>Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for vaginal use to obtain a local effect.</td><td>10902000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074007<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074007\"> </a></td><td>Granules for vaginal solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dissolution, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a vaginal solution, which is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.</td><td>50029500</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073800<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073800\"> </a></td><td>Vaginal foam</td><td>Liquid preparation, usually presented in a pressurised container provided with an applicator suitable for delivery to the vagina of foam containing large volumes of gas dispersed in a liquid containing active substance(s). Vaginal foams are intended for vaginal use, for example for contraception.</td><td>10904000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073822<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073822\"> </a></td><td>Tablet for vaginal solution</td><td>Solid, usually single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a vaginal solution.</td><td>10908000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000116169<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000116169\"> </a></td><td>Oral drops, liquid</td><td>Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a liquid active substance per se, intended for oral use. The preparation is administered in small volumes by means of a suitable measuring device such as a dropper, pipette or oral syringe capable of accurate dosing of the liquid. The measured dose may be diluted in water or another suitable liquid before swallowing.</td><td>50037750</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174010<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174010\"> </a></td><td>Granules for rectal suspension</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dispersion, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal suspension, which is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.</td><td>13015000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174023<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174023\"> </a></td><td>Implantation paste</td><td>Semi-solid sterile preparation containing large proportions of solids finely dispersed in the basis, intended to be implanted in the body for release of the active substance(s) over an extended period of time, usually to obtain a systemic effect.</td><td>13043000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000017728<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000017728\"> </a></td><td>Impregnated cutaneous swab</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a piece of absorbent material impregnated usually with a liquid preparation, intended to be applied to the skin for a limited period of time with one or more wiping motions, and which may be attached to an application device such as a stick. Impregnated pad is excluded.</td><td>13145000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073744<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073744\"> </a></td><td>Impregnated dressing</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of a piece or strip of gauze or other suitable fabric impregnated with a liquid or semi-solid preparation intended for cutaneous use.</td><td>10525000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073714<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073714\"> </a></td><td>Medicated plaster</td><td>Flexible single-dose preparation intended to be applied to the skin to obtain, usually, a local effect. Medicated plasters consist of an adhesive basis containing the active substance and spread as a uniform layer on an appropriate support made of natural or synthetic material. The adhesive layer is covered by a suitable protective liner, which is removed before applying the plaster to the skin. Medicated plasters are presented in a range of sizes or as larger sheets to be cut before use.</td><td>10506000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000074029<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000074029\"> </a></td><td>Powder for concentrate for solution for infusion</td><td>Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for solution for infusion, which must subsequently be diluted before administration as a solution for infusion.</td><td>50043000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073741<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073741\"> </a></td><td>Transdermal patch</td><td>Flexible single-dose preparation intended to be applied to the unbroken skin to obtain a systemic delivery over an extended period of time. Transdermal patches consist of a backing sheet supporting a reservoir or a matrix containing the active substance(s) and on the top a pressure-sensitive adhesive, which assures the adhesion of the preparation to the skin. The backing sheet is impermeable to the active substance(s) and normally impermeable to water. In reservoir systems the active substance may be dissolved or dispersed in a semi-solid basis or in a solid polymer matrix, which is separated from the skin by a rate-controlling membrane. The pressure-sensitive adhesive may, in this case, be applied to some or all parts of the membrane, or only around the border of the membrane and the backing sheet. Matrix systems contain the active substance in a solid or semi-solid matrix, the properties of which control the diffusion pattern to the skin. The matrix system may also be a solution or dispersion of the active substance in the pressure-sensitive adhesive. The releasing surface of the patch is covered by a protective liner to be removed before applying the patch to the skin.</td><td>10519000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000073364<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000073364\"> </a></td><td>Powder for oral solution</td><td>Solid preparation consisting of (a) solid active substance(s) which may also include excipients to facilitate dissolution in the prescribed liquid. Powders for oral solution include freeze-dried powders. The oral solution is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.</td><td>10110000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174018<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174018\"> </a></td><td>Suspension for spray</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use in the preparation of a spray.</td><td>13038000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">100000174030<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-100000174030\"> </a></td><td>Solution for spray</td><td>Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in the preparation of a spray.</td><td>13034000</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200000027169<a name=\"pharmaceutical-dose-form-ema-cs-200000027169\"> </a></td><td>Eye drops, prolonged-release solution</td><td>Eye drops, prolonged-release solution</td><td/></tr></table></div>"
  "url" : "https://spor.ema.europa.eu/v1/lists/200000000004",
  "version" : "0.1.0",
  "name" : "PharmaceuticalDoseForm_EMA_CS",
  "title" : "Pharmaceutical Dose Form EMA",
  "status" : "draft",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2024-10-11T11:07:46+00:00",
  "publisher" : "UNICOM",
  "contact" : [
      "name" : "UNICOM",
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
     &re the granules are intended to be dispersed in water, the term 'Effervescent granules' is used instead.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13007000
      "code" : "100000073694",
      "display" : "Mouthwash, tablet for solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a mouthwash.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10311000
      "code" : "100000073760",
      "display" : "Eye drops, suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous or oily suspension intended for ocular use. Multidose preparations are presented in containers that allow successive drops to be administered. The containers contain usually at most 10 mL of the preparation.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10605000
      "code" : "100000073827",
      "display" : "Rectal gel",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for rectal use to obtain a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11002000
      "code" : "100000073833",
      "display" : "Tablet for rectal solution",
      "definition" : "Solid, usually single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11011000
      "code" : "100000073876",
      "display" : "Solution for peritoneal dialysis",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution containing electrolytes with a concentration close to the electrolytic composition of plasma and glucose in varying concentrations or other suitable osmotic agents, intended for intraperitoneal use as a dialysis solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11401000
      "code" : "100000073919",
      "display" : "Solution for organ preservation",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution of electrolytes typically at a concentration close to the intracellular electrolyte composition, intended for storage, protection and/or perfusion of mammalian body organs that are in particular destined for transplantation.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12112000
      "code" : "100000173964",
      "display" : "Powder for endocervical gel",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or gel to obtain an endocervical gel.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13024000
      "code" : "100000116186",
      "display" : "Powder for solution for injection/infusion",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection/infusion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50053500
      "code" : "100000174055",
      "display" : "Solution for intraocular irrigation",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for irrigation of one or more internal structures of the eye, for example during surgical procedures.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50073500
      "code" : "100000073788",
      "display" : "Ear powder",
      "definition" : "Solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of one or more powders consisting of (a) solid active substance(s) intended for application to the external auditory meatus. Ear powders are presented in containers fitted with a suitable applicator or device for insufflation.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10708000
      "code" : "100000073858",
      "display" : "Emulsion for infusion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an oil-in-water emulsion intended to be introduced, usually in large volumes, usually into the circulating blood stream.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11211000
      "code" : "100000111533",
      "display" : "Dispersion for infusion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of two or more phases of which at least one is dispersed in the liquid phase, intended to be introduced, usually in large volumes, usually into the circulating blood stream. To be used only when emulsion for infusion is not appropriate. Solid suspension preparations are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50017500
      "code" : "100000116163",
      "display" : "Nasal/oromucosal solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for nasal or oromucosal application. 'Nasal/oromucosal spray, solution' and 'Nasal spray, solution/oromucosal solution' are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50036500
      "code" : "100000073770",
      "display" : "Solution for skin-scratch test",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution containing an allergen product intended for diagnostic use in a skin-scratch test.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10549000
      "code" : "100000073942",
      "display" : "Living tissue equivalent",
      "definition" : "Cultured, living tissue used for the reconstruction of parts of the body. The tissue may consist of ex vivo expanded cells with an extracellular matrix. Where appropriate, the tissue of origin, such as epidermis, dermis, cartilage or muscle, will need to be stated elsewhere in the product information.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12118000
      "code" : "100000157838",
      "display" : "Sealant powder",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be applied directly onto the intended site (e.g. a lesion) to form a haemostatic agent and/or tissue glue after contact with an appropriate fluid (e.g. blood).",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12115200
      "code" : "100000074003",
      "display" : "Endosinusial wash, suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for cleaning the sinuses.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50022000
      "code" : "100000073668",
      "display" : "Modified-release tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet showing a rate, a place and/or a time of release different from that of a conventional-release tablet. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Modified-release tablets are intended for oral use, and include prolonged-release, delayed-release and pulsatile-release preparations. The generic term 'modified-release tablet' is used only when the more specific terms 'gastro-resistant tablet' or 'prolonged-release tablet' do not apply.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10227000
      "code" : "100000074008",
      "display" : "Inhalation vapour, effervescent tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a tablet usually containing acid substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates that react rapidly in the presence of aqueous liquid to release carbon dioxide, intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour may be generated by adding the tablet to hot water.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50031000
      "code" : "100000073772",
      "display" : "Eye ointment",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an ointment intended for ocular use. Eye ointments may be presented in collapsible tubes fitted with a cannula and having a content of not more than 5 g of the preparation. Eye ointments may also be presented in suitably designed single-dose containers. The containers or nozzles of tubes are of a shape that facilitates administration without contamination.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10603000
      "code" : "100000073819",
      "display" : "Rectal cream",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation consisting of a cream usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for rectal use to obtain a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11001000
      "code" : "100000073852",
      "display" : "Inhalation vapour, capsule",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a capsule formulation intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour is usually generated by adding the whole capsule or the capsule contents to hot water.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11113000
      "code" : "100000073927",
      "display" : "Medicated sponge",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a sponge impregnated with active substance(s); different routes of administration are possible.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12119000
      "code" : "100000174027",
      "display" : "Powder for sealant",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a sealant.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13031000
      "code" : "100000173965",
      "display" : "Powder for endosinusial solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an endosinusial solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13025000
      "code" : "100000125735",
      "display" : "Transdermal solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for transdermal use. The term 'Transdermal solution' is used only when more-specific terms such as 'Pour-on solution', 'Solution for iontophoresis', 'Spot-on solution' and 'Transdermal spray, solution' do not apply.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10546400
      "code" : "100000073786",
      "display" : "Ear drops, solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous or oily solution intended for application to the external auditory meatus. Multidose containers may be dropper containers or containers provided with a dropper applicator, or the dropper may be supplied separately. Drops are not necessarily administered dropwise, but may also be administered as a small volume.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10704000
      "code" : "100000073787",
      "display" : "Ear drops, emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for application to the external auditory meatus. Multidose containers may be dropper containers or containers provided with a dropper applicator, or the dropper may be supplied separately. Drops are not necessarily administered dropwise, but may also be administered as a small volume.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10706000
      "code" : "100000073796",
      "display" : "Nasal spray, solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution in a container with or without a metering dose valve or in a container with a spray pump or equivalent device to create a spray, intended for nasal use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10808000
      "code" : "100000073808",
      "display" : "Nasal powder",
      "definition" : "Solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) intended for nasal use by insufflation into the nasal cavity.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10807000
      "code" : "100000174024",
      "display" : "Intraocular instillation solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended to be instilled as drops into an internal part of the eye.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13044000
      "code" : "100000075589",
      "display" : "Solution for sealant",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for the preparation of a sealant.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50061500
      "code" : "100000143523",
      "display" : "Powder for dispersion for infusion",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for infusion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11211500
      "code" : "100000073996",
      "display" : "Emulsion for injection/infusion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for administration by injection or infusion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50021000
      "code" : "100000073779",
      "display" : "Ear ointment",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an ointment intended for application to the external auditory meatus, if necessary by means of a tampon impregnated with the preparation.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10703000
      "code" : "100000116142",
      "display" : "Intraperitoneal solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for intraperitoneal use. 'Solution for peritoneal dialysis' is excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12111500
      "code" : "100000073777",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic insert",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation of suitable size and shape, designed to be inserted in the conjunctival sac to produce a local or ocular effect by the release of active substance(s) over a determined period of time. Ophthalmic inserts generally consist of a reservoir of active substance(s) embedded in a matrix or bounded by a rate-controlling membrane. They are presented individually in sterile containers.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10612000
      "code" : "100000073918",
      "display" : "Gastroenteral suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for administration to the stomach or duodenum by means of a suitable applicator.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12110000
      "code" : "100000073368",
      "display" : "Powder for syrup",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, that may include excipients to facilitate dissolution in water and to obtain the characteristics of a syrup, intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a syrup.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10118000
      "code" : "100000073645",
      "display" : "Oral liquid",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a liquid active substance per se, intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a suitable device such as a measuring spoon.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10104000
      "code" : "100000073675",
      "display" : "Oromucosal suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oromucosal use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10306000
      "code" : "100000074020",
      "display" : "Powder for intravesical suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an intravesical suspension.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50051000
      "code" : "100000125707",
      "display" : "Oromucosal spray, suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oromucosal use. It is administered by spraying into the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity or the throat. It is presented in a container with a spray pump or in a pressurised container with or without a metering valve. Sublingual sprays are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10308300
      "code" : "100000073371",
      "display" : "Instant herbal tea",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a lyophilised herbal drug extract intended to be dissolved in water before oral use. Instant herbal teas are supplied in bulk form (multidose) or in sachets (single-dose).",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10202000
      "code" : "100000073703",
      "display" : "Lozenge",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation intended to be sucked to obtain, usually, a local effect in the oral cavity and the throat. Lozenges are hard preparations prepared by moulding. They usually contain flavouring and sweetening agents. Lozenges dissolve or disintegrate slowly when sucked.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10321000
      "code" : "100000073379",
      "display" : "Modified-release capsule, soft",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a soft shell containing a semi-solid or liquid formulation, showing a rate, a place and/or a time of release different from that of a conventional-release capsule. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Soft modified-release capsules are intended for oral use, and include prolonged-release, delayed-release and pulsatile-release preparations. The generic term 'modified-release capsule, soft' is used only when the more specific terms 'gastro-resistant capsule, soft' or 'prolonged-release capsule, soft' do not apply.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10218000
      "code" : "100000156088",
      "display" : "Sealant matrix",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of a pliable piece of material impregnated or coated with a sealant or with a powder that forms a sealant after contact with an appropriate fluid (e.g. blood). It may act as a haemostatic agent and/or tissue glue. The matrix may itself form part of the seal, and is usually absorbed by the body over time.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12115100
      "code" : "100000073798",
      "display" : "Nasal stick",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation, usually rod-shaped or conical, intended for nasal use, usually to obtain a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10812000
      "code" : "100000074038",
      "display" : "Solution for injection/infusion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration by injection or infusion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50060000
      "code" : "100000073757",
      "display" : "Plaster for provocation test",
      "definition" : "Solid flexible preparation containing an allergen product intended for provocation testing by application to the skin.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10550000
      "code" : "100000073944",
      "display" : "Solution for provocation test",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution containing an allergen intended for provocation testing by the nasal, ocular or bronchial routes.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12131000
      "code" : "100000073803",
      "display" : "Ear spray, emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for application to the external auditory meatus by spraying to obtain local effect. Ear sprays are presented in containers with a spray pump or in pressurised containers fitted with a spray valve.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10711000
      "code" : "100000073890",
      "display" : "Endotracheopulmonary instillation, powder for solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an endotracheopulmonary instillation solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11602000
      "code" : "100000074054",
      "display" : "Powder for solution for intraocular irrigation",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for intraocular irrigation.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50073000
      "code" : "100000073832",
      "display" : "Powder for rectal suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal suspension.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11010000
      "code" : "100000073679",
      "display" : "Oromucosal paste",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a paste of solid particles finely dispersed in a hydrophilic basis intended for oromucosal use. Oromucosal pastes are applied to the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity, to obtain a local effect. Gingival paste is excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10314000
      "code" : "100000073888",
      "display" : "Powder for bladder irrigation",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in sterile water to obtain a bladder irrigation.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11503000
      "code" : "100000074025",
      "display" : "Oral/rectal suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral or rectal use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50038000
      "code" : "100000073776",
      "display" : "Eye lotion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for washing or bathing the eye.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10610000
      "code" : "100000073914",
      "display" : "Wound stick",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile single-dose preparation, usually rod-shaped or conical, consisting of active substance(s) dissolved or dispersed in a suitable basis that may dissolve or melt at body temperature, intended to be inserted into wounds.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12104000
      "code" : "100000073925",
      "display" : "Sealant",
      "definition" : "Liquid, more or less viscous, sterile preparation intended for use as tissue glue.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12115000
      "code" : "100000073653",
      "display" : "Granules for syrup",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dissolution and to obtain the characteristics of a syrup, intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a syrup.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10119000
      "code" : "100000073678",
      "display" : "Gingival solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for gingival use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10312000
      "code" : "100000073680",
      "display" : "Gingival gel",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a gel intended for gingival use to obtain a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10315000
      "code" : "100000073701",
      "display" : "Oromucosal capsule",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation contained in a soft shell to be chewed or sucked to obtain a local effect in the oral cavity.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10317000
      "code" : "100000116183",
      "display" : "Powder for concentrate for solution for injection/infusion",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for solution for injection/infusion, which must subsequently be diluted before administration as a solution for injection/infusion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50049250
      "code" : "100000143498",
      "display" : "Sublingual spray, emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for sublingual use. Sublingual sprays are usually presented in pressurised containers with a metering valve.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10309100
      "code" : "100000073807",
      "display" : "Nasal drops, suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for nasal use by means of a suitable applicator.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10805000
      "code" : "100000075573",
      "display" : "Orodispersible film",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a single- or multilayer sheet of suitable material(s) intended to be placed in the mouth where it disperses rapidly before being swallowed.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10236100
      "code" : "100000143547",
      "display" : "Impregnated plug",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a piece of material (e.g. polyethylene), usually porous, in which a liquid, semi-solid or solid preparation is impregnated. Implants, pads, sponges and tampons are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12117500
      "code" : "100000073736",
      "display" : "Poultice",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation consisting of a hydrophilic heat-retentive basis in which solid or liquid active substance(s) are dispersed, usually intended to be spread thickly on a suitable dressing and heated before application to the skin.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10522000
      "code" : "100000073784",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic strip",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile single-dose preparation consisting of a strip made of a suitable material usually impregnated with active substance(s) intended for use on the eyeball.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10613000
      "code" : "100000174047",
      "display" : "Solution for injection/skin-prick test",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution containing an allergen product intended for diagnostic use in a skin-prick test or as an injection (usually intraepidermal); it may also be licensed for immunotherapy treatment by injection (usually subcutaneous).",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13051000
      "code" : "100000143503",
      "display" : "Powder for dental cement",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended for use in the preparation of a dental cement.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10413000
      "code" : "100000116185",
      "display" : "Powder for epilesional solution",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an epilesional solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50049300
      "code" : "100000073835",
      "display" : "Nebuliser solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for inhalation use. The solution is converted into an aerosol by a continuously operating nebuliser or a metered-dose nebuliser.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11101000
      "code" : "100000073677",
      "display" : "Mouthwash",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for use in contact with the oral mucosa. It is not to be swallowed. Mouthwashes may contain excipients to adjust the pH which as far as possible is neutral.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10310000
      "code" : "100000074024",
      "display" : "Modified-release granules for oral suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of modified-release granules intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a modified-release oral suspension. The generic term 'Modified-release granules for oral suspension' is used only when the more-specific terms 'Gastro-resistant granules for oral suspension' or 'Prolonged-release granules for oral suspension' do not apply.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50036000
      "code" : "100000073644",
      "display" : "Oral drops, emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for oral use. The preparation is administered in small volumes by means of a suitable measuring device such as a dropper, pipette or oral syringe capable of accurate dosing of the emulsion. The measured dose may be diluted in water or another suitable liquid before swallowing.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10103000
      "code" : "100000073648",
      "display" : "Oral paste",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation intended for oral use, consisting of a paste to be swallowed after administration to the oral cavity.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10109000
      "code" : "100000143525",
      "display" : "Powder for cutaneous solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a cutaneous solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10514500
      "code" : "100000074070",
      "display" : "Inhalation solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for inhalation use. The preparation is presented in a non-pressurised container fitted with a metering dose mechanism. 'Nebuliser solution' and 'Pressurised inhalation, solution' are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50081000
      "code" : "100000073863",
      "display" : "Solution for injection",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration by injection.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11201000
      "code" : "100000073889",
      "display" : "Urethral stick",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile single-dose preparation, usually rod-shaped and of a size adapted to the dimensions of the urethra, intended for insertion into the urethra. They may be prepared by compression or moulding.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11505000
      "code" : "100000073930",
      "display" : "Medicinal gas, liquefied",
      "definition" : "A gas packaged under pressure, which is partially liquid (gas over liquid) at -50 °C.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12303000
      "code" : "100000174048",
      "display" : "Powder for solution for injection/skin-prick test",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection/skin-prick test.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13052000
      "code" : "100000174016",
      "display" : "Suspension for emulsion for injection",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use in the preparation of an emulsion for injection.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13036000
      "code" : "100000073790",
      "display" : "Ear wash, solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting usually of an aqueous solution with a pH within physiological limits. Ear washes are intended to clean the external auditory meatus.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10712000
      "code" : "100000073656",
      "display" : "Effervescent powder",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of one or more powders generally containing acid substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates that react rapidly in the presence of water to release carbon dioxide. Effervescent powders are intended to be dissolved or dispersed in water before administration.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10203000
      "code" : "100000143527",
      "display" : "Solution for cardioplegia",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for use in inducing cardiac arrest during heart surgery. Some preparations may require mixing with other preparations prior to administration, for example to adjust the pH.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11209500
      "code" : "100000073812",
      "display" : "Vaginal ointment",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for vaginal use to obtain a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10903000
      "code" : "100000073667",
      "display" : "Gastro-resistant tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose, delayed-release tablet intended to resist the gastric fluid and to release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. These properties are achieved by coating the tablet with a gastro-resistant material or by embedding solid particles in the gastro-resistant material before compression. Gastro-resistant tablets are intended for oral administration.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10225000
      "code" : "100000073695",
      "display" : "Oromucosal gel",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a hydrophilic gel intended for oromucosal use. It is applied to the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity, to obtain a local effect. Gingival gel is excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10313000
      "code" : "100000073824",
      "display" : "Vaginal tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated or film-coated, intended for administration to the vagina to obtain a local effect. Vaginal tablets are usually of larger size and a different shape from tablets intended for oral administration.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10912000
      "code" : "200000025250",
      "display" : "Concentrate for emulsion for injection",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid in order to obtain an emulsion for injection.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13152000
      "code" : "100000073994",
      "display" : "Dental paste",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of solid particles finely dispersed in a suitable basis, intended for administration on or inside the tooth or on and/or around the nerves supplying the teeth. Toothpaste is excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50017000
      "code" : "100000073977",
      "display" : "Concentrate for oral/rectal solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oral/rectal solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50011000
      "code" : "100000073991",
      "display" : "Concentrate for oral solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oral solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50010000
      "code" : "100000075579",
      "display" : "Cutaneous spray, emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation, usually multidose, consisting of an emulsion in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump, intended for cutaneous use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50015500
      "code" : "100000075574",
      "display" : "Buccal film",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a single- or multilayer sheet of suitable material(s) intended to be applied to the buccal cavity (pouch) to obtain a systemic effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10314011
      "code" : "100000075586",
      "display" : "Powder for implantation suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an implantation suspension.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50049500
      "code" : "100000075578",
      "display" : "Concentrate for emulsion for infusion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an emulsion for infusion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50009500
      "code" : "100000116146",
      "display" : "Concentrate for solution for peritoneal dialysis",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for peritoneal dialysis.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50013250
      "code" : "100000116148",
      "display" : "Cutaneous/nasal ointment",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment intended for cutaneous or nasal use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50015200
      "code" : "100000116145",
      "display" : "Concentrate for intravesical solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an intravesical solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50009750
      "code" : "100000116180",
      "display" : "Powder for concentrate for dispersion for infusion",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for dispersion for infusion, which must subsequently be diluted before administration as a dispersion for infusion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50048750
      "code" : "100000116181",
      "display" : "Powder for concentrate for intravesical suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for intravesical suspension, which must subsequently be diluted before administration as an intravesical suspension.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50049100
      "code" : "100000125737",
      "display" : "Cutaneous solution/concentrate for oromucosal solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for cutaneous use or intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oromucosal solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50015450
      "code" : "100000143526",
      "display" : "Powder for solution for iontophoresis",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for iontophoresis.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10518500
      "code" : "100000116165",
      "display" : "Nasal spray, powder for solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a nasal spray solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50037100
      "code" : "100000116167",
      "display" : "Nasal spray, solution/oromucosal solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as a nasal spray or an oromucosal solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50037400
      "code" : "100000162557",
      "display" : "Concentrate for solution for intraocular irrigation",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for intraocular irrigation.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10600500
      "code" : "100000173961",
      "display" : "Powder for gel",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or gel to obtain a gel (for cutaneous use).",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13021000
      "code" : "100000173955",
      "display" : "Dispersible tablets for dose dispenser",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of small, dispersible tablets that are designed to be used in a dose dispenser, each tablet usually consisting of a small fraction of a dose, with multiple tablets being automatically counted and administered as a single dose.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10121500
      "code" : "100000173999",
      "display" : "Concentrate for suspension for injection",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a suspension for injection.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13004000
      "code" : "100000173997",
      "display" : "Concentrate for nebuliser solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a nebuliser solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13002000
      "code" : "100000174012",
      "display" : "Powder for gingival gel",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or gel to obtain a gingival gel.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13026000
      "code" : "100000173960",
      "display" : "Nasal drops, powder for solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a nasal drops solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13020000
      "code" : "100000174013",
      "display" : "Powder for implantation matrix",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be used in the preparation of an implantation matrix, e.g. by dissolving in the specified liquid to prepare the solution used to impregnate the matrix.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13027000
      "code" : "100000174014",
      "display" : "Powder for implantation paste",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be mixed with the specified liquid or paste to obtain an implantation paste.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13028000
      "code" : "100000174015",
      "display" : "Solvent for...",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of an excipient that contains no active substances itself but is intended to be used in the preparation of a pharmaceutical product, e.g. for diluting/dissolving/dispersing the item(s) containing the active substance(s). The term is intended to cover all such excipients, with the particular specifications (e.g. sterility requirements) depending on the final product and its intended use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13035000
      "code" : "100000174017",
      "display" : "Suspension for oral suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use in the preparation of an oral suspension.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13037000
      "code" : "100000173998",
      "display" : "Concentrate for oromucosal solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oromucosal solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13003000
      "code" : "100000174025",
      "display" : "Intravesical suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a small-volume suspension intended for intravesical use by means of a suitable applicator.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13045000
      "code" : "100000174052",
      "display" : "Tablet for cutaneous solution",
      "definition" : "Solid, usually single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a cutaneous solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13066000
      "code" : "200000003547",
      "display" : "Powder for vaginal solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a vaginal solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13111000
      "code" : "200000004719",
      "display" : "Tablet with sensor",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet intended for oral use, in which one or more ingestible sensors are embedded. The sensor is usually not digested, and is usually intended for use with external diagnostic equipment to which it can transmit data such as physiological and behavioural measurements.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13118000
      "code" : "200000010684",
      "display" : "Sublingual lyophilisate",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation made by freeze-drying of a liquid or semi-solid preparation, intended for sublingual use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13127000
      "code" : "200000015705",
      "display" : "Concentrate for dispersion for injection",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for injection.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13139000
      "code" : "200000016184",
      "display" : "Cutaneous/oromucosal solution",
      "definition" : "Non-sterile, liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for cutaneous or oromucosal use; it is not intended for use on injured skin.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13140000
      "code" : "100000073730",
      "display" : "Cutaneous spray, powder",
      "definition" : "Solid, usually multidose preparation presented in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump. The spray is intended for cutaneous use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10511000
      "code" : "100000073731",
      "display" : "Cutaneous solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution of the active substance in a suitable vehicle intended for cutaneous use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10513000
      "code" : "100000073732",
      "display" : "Cutaneous suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension of fine particles in a suitable vehicle intended for cutaneous use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10515000
      "code" : "100000073733",
      "display" : "Cutaneous powder",
      "definition" : "Solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a powder intended for cutaneous use. Cutaneous spray, powder is excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10517000
      "code" : "100000073727",
      "display" : "Cutaneous paste",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation containing a large proportion of finely divided solids dispersed in the basis, intended for cutaneous use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10505000
      "code" : "100000073729",
      "display" : "Cutaneous spray, solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation, usually multidose, consisting of a solution in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump, intended for cutaneous use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10509000
      "code" : "100000073813",
      "display" : "Vaginal solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for vaginal use by means of a suitable applicator in order to obtain a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10905000
      "code" : "100000073842",
      "display" : "Concentrate for rectal solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11008000
      "code" : "100000073857",
      "display" : "Concentrate for solution for injection",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11209000
      "code" : "100000073864",
      "display" : "Suspension for injection",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for administration by injection.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11202000
      "code" : "100000073870",
      "display" : "Solution for infusion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended to be introduced, usually in large volumes, usually into the circulating blood stream.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11210000
      "code" : "100000073912",
      "display" : "Anticoagulant and preservative solution for blood",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution to be mixed with extracorporeal blood.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12102000
      "code" : "100000073900",
      "display" : "Denture lacquer",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation to be applied to dentures to form a lacquer by evaporation of the volatile solvent.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12101000
      "code" : "100000073689",
      "display" : "Concentrate for gargle",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended to be diluted in water to obtain a gargle.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10302000
      "code" : "100000073376",
      "display" : "Gastro-resistant capsule, hard",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose, delayed-release preparation contained in a hard shell. The preparation is intended to resist the gastric fluid and to release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. Hard gastro-resistant capsules are usually made by filling hard capsules with gastro-resistant granules or solid particles made gastro-resistant by coating or, in certain cases, by providing hard capsules with a gastro-resistant shell. They are intended for oral use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10212000
      "code" : "100000073377",
      "display" : "Chewable capsule, soft",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation contained in a soft shell. The soft capsule is intended to be chewed to release its contents into the mouth. The contents of the soft shell may be a semi-solid or liquid preparation intended for local action or systemic delivery after absorption through the oral mucosa or, when swallowed, in the gastrointestinal tract.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10214000
      "code" : "100000073375",
      "display" : "Capsule, hard",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation contained in a hard shell, the capacity of which can be varied. The shell is made of gelatin or other substances. It consists of two prefabricated cylindrical sections one end of which is rounded and closed, the other being open. The contents of the shell may be a solid or semi-solid preparation, which is filled into one of the sections and closed by slipping the other section over it. Hard capsules are intended for oral use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10210000
      "code" : "100000073659",
      "display" : "Cachet",
      "definition" : "Solid discoid preparation consisting of a wafer enclosing a unit dose intended for oral use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10209000
      "code" : "100000073664",
      "display" : "Tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose uncoated preparation obtained by compressing uniform volumes of particulate solids or by other means such as extrusion or moulding. Tablets include single-layer tablets resulting from a single compression of particles and multi-layer tablets consisting of concentric or parallel layers obtained by successive compressions of particles of different composition. Tablets are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) in the gastrointestinal fluids by a rate depending essentially on the intrinsic properties of active substance(s) (conventional release).",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10219000
      "code" : "100000073665",
      "display" : "Film-coated tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet coated with a thin polymeric film that dissolves within a few minutes in the gastrointestinal fluid. Film-coated tablets are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) at a rate which is not significantly delayed compared to that of the uncoated tablet.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10221000
      "code" : "100000073666",
      "display" : "Orodispersible tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended to be placed in the mouth where it disperses rapidly in saliva before being swallowed.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10223000
      "code" : "100000073654",
      "display" : "Dispersible tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid before being swallowed.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10121000
      "code" : "100000073684",
      "display" : "Chewable tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended to be chewed before being swallowed. Chewable tablets are intended for oral administration.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10228000
      "code" : "100000073707",
      "display" : "Dental powder",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended for administration on teeth and gums.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10405000
      "code" : "100000073708",
      "display" : "Dental suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for administration on teeth and gums.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10407000
      "code" : "100000073705",
      "display" : "Dental gel",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a hydrophilic gel intended for administration on teeth and gums by rubbing.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10402000
      "code" : "100000073719",
      "display" : "Cutaneous emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for cutaneous use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10516000
      "code" : "100000073720",
      "display" : "Cutaneous patch",
      "definition" : "Flexible single-dose preparation intended to be applied to the unbroken skin to obtain a local effect by penetration of the active substance(s) into the skin.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10517500
      "code" : "100000073723",
      "display" : "Dental solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration on teeth and gums.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10406000
      "code" : "100000073724",
      "display" : "Dental emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for administration on to the teeth and the gums.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10408000
      "code" : "100000073717",
      "display" : "Cutaneous liquid",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a liquid active substance per se, intended for cutaneous use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10512000
      "code" : "100000073718",
      "display" : "Concentrate for cutaneous solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a cutaneous solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10514000
      "code" : "100000073655",
      "display" : "Oral powder",
      "definition" : "Single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of one or more particulate solids of varying degrees of fineness. Oral powders are intended for oral administration. They are generally administered in or with water or another suitable liquid, but may also be swallowed directly.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10201000
      "code" : "100000073711",
      "display" : "Bath additive",
      "definition" : "Solid, semi-solid or liquid preparation to be added to the bath water.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10501000
      "code" : "100000073743",
      "display" : "Cutaneous stick",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation, usually rod-shaped or conical, intended for application to the skin to obtain a local effect. Cutaneous sticks may consist of the active substance(s) alone or dissolved or dispersed in a suitable basis.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10523000
      "code" : "100000073980",
      "display" : "Cutaneous spray, ointment",
      "definition" : "Ointment formed at the time of administration from a liquid preparation in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50016000
      "code" : "100000143497",
      "display" : "Concentrate for oral suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain an oral suspension.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10100500
      "code" : "100000073362",
      "display" : "Oral suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10106000
      "code" : "100000073373",
      "display" : "Gastro-resistant granules",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of delayed-release granules intended to resist the gastric fluid and release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. This deliberate modification is achieved by coating the granules with a gastro-resistant material or by embedding the solid particles in the gastro-resistant material. Gastro-resistant granules are usually single-dose preparations intended for oral use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10206000
      "code" : "100000073663",
      "display" : "Modified-release capsule, hard",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a hard shell containing a solid or semi-solid formulation, showing a rate, a place and/or a time of release different from that of a conventional-release capsule. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Hard modified-release capsules are intended for oral use, and include prolonged-release, delayed-release and pulsatile-release preparations. The generic term 'modified-release capsule, hard' is used only when the more specific terms 'gastro-resistant capsule, hard' or 'prolonged-release capsule, hard' do not apply.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10217000
      "code" : "100000073971",
      "display" : "Chewable/dispersible tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended either to be chewed before being swallowed, or to be dispersed in the specified liquid before being swallowed.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50001000
      "code" : "100000073699",
      "display" : "Buccal tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation to be applied to the buccal cavity (pouch) to obtain systemic delivery. Buccal tablets are prepared by compression of mixtures of powders or granulations into tablets with a shape suited for the intended use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10320000
      "code" : "100000073660",
      "display" : "Capsule, soft",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation contained in a soft shell, the capacity and shape of which can be varied. The shell is made of gelatin or other substances and may contain (a) solid active substance(s). The shell is thicker than that of hard capsules and consists of one part as soft capsules usually are formed, filled and sealed in one operation. The contents of the shell may be a semi-solid or liquid preparation. Soft capsules are intended for oral use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10211000
      "code" : "100000073712",
      "display" : "Cream",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation of homogeneous appearance consisting of a lipophilic phase and an aqueous phase, one of which is finely dispersed in the other. Active substance(s) are dissolved or dispersed in the basis, which may be hydrophilic or hydrophobic. Creams are intended for cutaneous use. In certain cases, transdermal delivery may be obtained.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10502000
      "code" : "100000073726",
      "display" : "Gel",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a single-phase basis of liquids gelled by a suitable gelling agent, intended for cutaneous use. Active substance(s) are dissolved or dispersed in the basis, which may be hydrophilic or hydrophobic.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10503000
      "code" : "100000073839",
      "display" : "Inhalation powder",
      "definition" : "Solid, usually multidose preparation intended for inhalation use, consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) to be administered by a dry-powder inhaler containing a metering dose mechanism within the inhaler. 'Inhalation powder, hard capsule' and 'Inhalation powder, pre-dispensed' are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11109000
      "code" : "100000073848",
      "display" : "Pressurised inhalation, solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for inhalation use. The preparation is presented in a pressurised container usually fitted with a metering dose valve.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11106000
      "code" : "100000073871",
      "display" : "Concentrate for solution for infusion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended to be diluted in the specified aqueous liquid to obtain a solution for infusion. It may be added to a solution for infusion during the administration.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11213000
      "code" : "100000073878",
      "display" : "Concentrate for solution for haemodialysis",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution of electrolytes intended to be diluted with water of a suitable quality to obtain a solution for haemodialysis. Glucose may be included.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11405000
      "code" : "100000073976",
      "display" : "Concentrate for cutaneous spray, emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a cutaneous spray emulsion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50009000
      "code" : "100000074069",
      "display" : "Concentrate for solution for injection/infusion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection/infusion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50079000
      "code" : "100000073735",
      "display" : "Collodion",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation usually containing pyroxylin in a mixture of ether and ethanol. When applied to the skin, the preparation forms a flexible film on the site of application.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10520000
      "code" : "100000125708",
      "display" : "Sublingual film",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a single- or multilayer sheet of suitable material(s) intended for sublingual use to obtain a systemic effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10317500
      "code" : "100000125736",
      "display" : "Prolonged-release suspension for injection",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for administration by injection; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11208500
      "code" : "100000143504",
      "display" : "Solution for dental cement",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in the preparation of a dental cement.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10414000
      "code" : "100000169869",
      "display" : "Urethral emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for urethral use by means of a suitable applicator.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13077000
      "code" : "100000173996",
      "display" : "Concentrate for concentrate for solution for infusion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for solution for infusion, which in turn is intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for infusion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13001000
      "code" : "100000174000",
      "display" : "Dispersion for concentrate for dispersion for infusion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a dispersion intended for use in the preparation of a concentrate for dispersion for infusion, which in turn is intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for infusion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13005000
      "code" : "100000116138",
      "display" : "Intravesical solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for intravesical use by means of a suitable applicator. 'Bladder irrigation' is excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11502500
      "code" : "100000174006",
      "display" : "Eye drops, powder for suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an eye drops suspension.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13011000
      "code" : "100000174031",
      "display" : "Coated granules",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation intended for oral use, consisting of granules coated with one or more layers of mixtures of various substances that are usually applied as a solution or suspension in conditions in which evaporation of the vehicle occurs. The thickness of the coating is greater than that of film-coated granules. When the coating dissolves or disintegrates any active substance is released into the gastrointestinal fluid at a rate depending essentially on its intrinsic properties (conventional release).",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13046000
      "code" : "100000143501",
      "display" : "Dental cement",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation intended for application in or on teeth, which subsequently hardens to form a seal or bond.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10401500
      "code" : "200000012530",
      "display" : "Prolonged-release oral suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use, showing a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release oral suspension. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13134000
      "code" : "100000073380",
      "display" : "Coated tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet coated with one or more layers of mixtures of various substances such as sugars and waxes. To the coating colouring matter, flavouring substances and active substance(s) may be added. The thickness of the coating is greater than that of a film-coated tablet. Coated tablets have a smooth surface. They are intended for oral use. When the coating dissolves or disintegrates the active substance(s) is (are) released into the gastrointestinal fluid at a rate depending essentially on its intrinsic properties (conventional release).",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10220000
      "code" : "100000073700",
      "display" : "Compressed lozenge",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation intended to be sucked to obtain a local or systemic effect. It is prepared by compression and is often rhomboid in shape. Compressed lozenges usually contain flavouring and sweetening agents. They dissolve or disintegrate slowly when sucked.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10322000
      "code" : "100000073716",
      "display" : "Cutaneous spray, suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension in a pressurised container with a spray valve or in a container equipped with a spray pump, intended for cutaneous use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10510000
      "code" : "100000073728",
      "display" : "Cutaneous foam",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation, usually presented in a pressurised container equipped with an applicator suitable for delivery of a foam consisting of large volumes of gas dispersed in a liquid containing active substance(s). Cutaneous foams are intended for cutaneous use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10507000
      "code" : "100000073879",
      "display" : "Bladder irrigation",
      "definition" : "Sterile liquid preparation consisting of sterilised water or an aqueous solution intended for irrigation of the urinary bladder.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11502000
      "code" : "100000111534",
      "display" : "Concentrate for dispersion for infusion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation intended to be diluted in the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion for infusion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50009300
      "code" : "200000017730",
      "display" : "Prolonged-release pessary",
      "definition" : "Solid, single-dose preparation usually prepared by moulding, of various shapes, usually ovoid, with a volume and consistency suitable for insertion into the vagina to obtain a local effect. It contains one or more active substances dispersed or dissolved in a suitable basis that may be soluble or dispersible in water or may melt at body temperature. It shows a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release pessary. Prolonged release is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13148000
      "code" : "100000116151",
      "display" : "Ear/eye/nasal drops, solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as ear drops, eye drops or nasal drops.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50019500
      "code" : "200000010390",
      "display" : "Urethral ointment",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment intended for urethral use by means of a suitable applicator.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13123000
      "code" : "100000171934",
      "display" : "Emulsion for suspension for injection",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for use in the preparation of a suspension for injection.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13091000
      "code" : "100000174001",
      "display" : "Ear drops, powder for suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an ear drops suspension.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13006000
      "code" : "100000174004",
      "display" : "Endotracheopulmonary instillation, powder for suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an endotracheopulmonary instillation suspension.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13009000
      "code" : "100000174034",
      "display" : "Dispersion for injection/infusion",
      "definition" : "Sterile liquid preparation consisting of two or more phases of which at least one is dispersed in the liquid phase, intended for administration by injection or infusion. To be used only when emulsion for injection/infusion is not appropriate. Solid suspension preparations are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13049000
      "code" : "100000073817",
      "display" : "Effervescent vaginal tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a vaginal tablet usually containing acid substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates that react rapidly in the presence of aqueous liquid to release carbon dioxide.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10913000
      "code" : "100000073903",
      "display" : "Endocervical gel",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for endocervical use by means of a suitable applicator.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11701000
      "code" : "100000073657",
      "display" : "Effervescent granules",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of uncoated granules generally containing acidic substances and carbonates or hydrogen carbonates that rapidly react in the presence of water to release carbon dioxide. Effervescent granules are intended to be dissolved or dispersed in water before oral use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10205000
      "code" : "200000010610",
      "display" : "Prolonged-release dispersion for injection",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of two or more phases of which at least one is dispersed in the liquid phase, intended for administration by injection; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time. To be used only when 'Prolonged-release emulsion for injection' is not appropriate. Solid suspension preparations are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13126000
      "code" : "100000073902",
      "display" : "Endotracheopulmonary instillation, suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous suspension intended for instillation to the trachea and/or bronchi. Preparations for inhalation use are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11603000
      "code" : "200000010456",
      "display" : "Prolonged-release wound solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended to be administered onto a wound, including surgical wounds; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13128000
      "code" : "200000025198",
      "display" : "Film-coated granules",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation intended for oral use, consisting of granules coated with a thin polymeric film that dissolves within a few minutes in the gastrointestinal fluid. Film-coated granules are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) at a rate that is not significantly delayed compared to that of the uncoated granules.,Solid preparation intended for oral use, consisting of granules coated with a thin polymeric film that dissolves within a few minutes in the gastrointestinal fluid. Film-coated granules are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) at a rate, which is not significantly delayed compared to that of the uncoated granule.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13154000
      "code" : "200000012531",
      "display" : "Modified-release oral suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use, showing a rate, a place and/or a time of release of the active substance(s) that is different from that of a conventional-release oral suspension. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. The generic term 'Modified-release oral suspension' is used only when the more-specific terms 'Gastro-resistant oral suspension' or 'Prolonged-release oral suspension' do not apply. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13135000
      "code" : "100000116161",
      "display" : "Mouthwash, powder for solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a mouthwash.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50036050
      "code" : "100000116164",
      "display" : "Nasal/oromucosal spray, solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution in a container with or without a metering dose valve or in a container with a spray pump, intended for nasal or oromucosal use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50036700
      "code" : "100000073920",
      "display" : "Stomach irrigation",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for irrigation of the stomach.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12114000
      "code" : "100000074004",
      "display" : "Gargle/mouthwash",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as a gargle or a mouthwash.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50024000
      "code" : "100000074022",
      "display" : "Inhalation vapour, emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour may be generated by adding the emulsion to hot water.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50032000
      "code" : "100000074026",
      "display" : "Oromucosal patch",
      "definition" : "Flexible single-dose preparation intended to be applied to the oral cavity to obtain either a systemic or a local effect by delivering the active substance(s) over a certain period of time, after which it is then removed.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50039000
      "code" : "100000074033",
      "display" : "Powder for intravesical solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an intravesical solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50050000
      "code" : "100000075576",
      "display" : "Implantation suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a suspension intended for implantation in the body; the active substance(s) are released over an extended period of time to obtain a local or systemic effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11303500
      "code" : "100000116156",
      "display" : "Granules for oral/rectal suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of granules intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an oral/rectal suspension.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50029150
      "code" : "100000116170",
      "display" : "Oral/rectal solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for oral or rectal use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50037900
      "code" : "100000116171",
      "display" : "Oromucosal/laryngopharyngeal solution/spray, solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for oromucosal or laryngopharyngeal use, presented in a container with an optional spray device to allow administration as a spray.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50040500
      "code" : "100000116168",
      "display" : "Oral drops, granules for solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of granules intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an oral drops solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50037500
      "code" : "100000125754",
      "display" : "Intravesical solution/solution for injection",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile preparation consisting of a solution intended for intravesical use or for administration by injection.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50033400
      "code" : "100000125705",
      "display" : "Oromucosal spray, emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for oromucosal use. It is administered by spraying into the oral cavity or onto a specific part of the oral cavity or the throat. It is presented in a container with a spray pump or in a pressurised container with or without a metering valve. Sublingual sprays are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10308100
      "code" : "100000143550",
      "display" : "Gargle/nasal wash",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use as a gargle or a nasal wash.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50024500
      "code" : "100000174005",
      "display" : "Eye drops, powder for solution",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an eye drops solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13010000
      "code" : "100000173957",
      "display" : "Laryngopharyngeal spray, solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for spraying onto the laryngopharynx for a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13017000
      "code" : "100000173958",
      "display" : "Matrix for implantation matrix",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of a usually pliable, absorbent piece of material (e.g. collagen) intended to be used in the preparation of an implantation matrix.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13018000
      "code" : "100000174008",
      "display" : "Gas for dispersion for injection",
      "definition" : "Sterile preparation consisting of a gas that is intended to be mixed with the specified liquid to obtain a dispersion of the gas in the liquid, which is intended for administration by injection.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13013000
      "code" : "100000174011",
      "display" : "Laryngopharyngeal solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration to the laryngopharynx for a local effect, other than by spraying.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13016000
      "code" : "200000005113",
      "display" : "Medicinal larvae",
      "definition" : "Whole, live, medicinal larvae, usually of a species of fly such as Lucilla sericata (common greenbottle fly), provided in an appropriate container such as a mesh bag, intended to be applied to a wound and covered with an appropriate dressing in order to allow debridement of necrotic tissue over a specified period of time (usually a few days). The larvae secrete enzymes into the wound, liquefying the necrotic tissue, and ingest the resulting material.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13124000
      "code" : "200000005069",
      "display" : "Medicinal leech",
      "definition" : "Whole, live, medicinal leech, usually of the Hirudo genus (e.g. Hirudo medicinalis, Hirudo verbana), usually intended to be applied to the skin in order to restore or improve local blood flow or to provide other local effects. After attaching itself to the host, the leech creates an incision in the skin and secretes saliva containing a variety of active substances (e.g. anaesthetics, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatories, vasodilators) that allow it to feed on the blood of the host.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13115000
      "code" : "100000073759",
      "display" : "Eye drops, solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an aqueous or oily solution intended for ocular use. Multidose preparations are presented in containers that allow successive drops to be administered. The containers contain usually at most 10 mL of the preparation.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10604000
      "code" : "100000073773",
      "display" : "Eye drops, emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid sterile single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for ocular use. Multidose preparations are presented in containers that allow successive drops to be administered. The containers contain usually at most 10 mL of the preparation.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10604500
      "code" : "100000073769",
      "display" : "Transdermal system",
      "definition" : "Assembly of components intended for transdermal delivery driven by external forces (e.g. electric current, chemical reaction,...). Transdermal patch is excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10547000
      "code" : "100000073811",
      "display" : "Vaginal cream",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation consisting of a cream usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for vaginal use to obtain a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10901000
      "code" : "100000073814",
      "display" : "Vaginal emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for vaginal use by means of a suitable applicator in order to obtain a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10907000
      "code" : "100000073815",
      "display" : "Pessary",
      "definition" : "Solid, single-dose preparation usually prepared by moulding, of various shapes, usually ovoid, with a volume and consistency suitable for insertion into the vagina to obtain a local effect. It contains one or more active substances dispersed or dissolved in a suitable basis that may be soluble or dispersible in water or may melt at body temperature.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10909000
      "code" : "100000073816",
      "display" : "Vaginal capsule, soft",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a soft capsule of a size and shape suited for vaginal use, containing a liquid or semi-solid formulation, intended for a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10911000
      "code" : "100000073820",
      "display" : "Rectal foam",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation, usually presented in a pressurised container provided with an applicator suitable for delivery to the rectum of foam containing large volumes of gas dispersed in a liquid containing the active substance. Rectal foams are intended for a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11004000
      "code" : "100000073821",
      "display" : "Vaginal suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for vaginal use by means of a suitable applicator in order to obtain a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10906000
      "code" : "100000073818",
      "display" : "Vaginal delivery system",
      "definition" : "Drug delivery system intended to be inserted in the vagina where it releases its contents over an extended period of time. Medicated sponge and medicated vaginal tampon are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10915000
      "code" : "100000073836",
      "display" : "Powder for nebuliser suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a nebuliser suspension.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11103000
      "code" : "100000073825",
      "display" : "Medicated vaginal tampon",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a suitable material impregnated with active substance(s) intended to be inserted in the vagina for a limited period of time.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10914000
      "code" : "100000073838",
      "display" : "Pressurised inhalation, suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a suspension intended for inhalation use. The preparation is presented in a pressurised container fitted with a metering dose valve.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11107000
      "code" : "100000073843",
      "display" : "Suppository",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation of a shape, size and consistency suitable for rectal use, containing active substance(s) dispersed or dissolved in a suitable basis that may be soluble or dispersible in water or may melt at body temperature.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11013000
      "code" : "100000073823",
      "display" : "Vaginal capsule, hard",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a hard capsule of a size and shape suited for vaginal use, containing a liquid or semi-solid formulation, intended for a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10910000
      "code" : "100000073828",
      "display" : "Rectal ointment",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation consisting of an ointment usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for rectal use to obtain a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11003000
      "code" : "100000073830",
      "display" : "Rectal suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for rectal use or for diagnostic purposes. Rectal suspension are usually presented in containers with a volume in the range of 2.5 mL to 2000 mL. The container is fitted with an applicator or an applicator is provided separately.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11006000
      "code" : "100000073851",
      "display" : "Inhalation vapour, powder",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour is usually generated by adding the powder to hot water.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11112000
      "code" : "100000073853",
      "display" : "Inhalation vapour, tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a tablet intended for generation of vapour to be inhaled to obtain a local effect. The vapour is usually generated by adding the tablet to hot water.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11115000
      "code" : "100000073865",
      "display" : "Gel for injection",
      "definition" : "Sterile single-dose preparation consisting of a hydrophilic gel intended for injection into a specific tissue or organ.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11204000
      "code" : "100000073850",
      "display" : "Inhalation powder, hard capsule",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation intended for inhalation use, consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) enclosed in a hard capsule. The capsule is loaded into a dry-powder inhaler to generate an aerosol.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11110000
      "code" : "100000073849",
      "display" : "Pressurised inhalation, emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for inhalation use. The preparation is presented in a pressurised container fitted with a metering dose valve.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11108000
      "code" : "100000073874",
      "display" : "Implant",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation of a size and shape suitable for implantation. It may be prepared by moulding or other means other than compression. Each implant is presented in a sterile container that may be provided with an administration device. Implants are intended for release over an extended period of time in order to obtain local or systemic effect. 'Implantation tablet', 'Implantation chain' and 'Implantation matrix' are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11301000
      "code" : "100000073880",
      "display" : "Urethral gel",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for urethral use by means of a suitable applicator.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11504000
      "code" : "100000073886",
      "display" : "Solution for haemodialysis",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution containing electrolytes with a concentration close to the electrolytic composition of plasma, intended for use in haemodialysis. Glucose may be included.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11404000
      "code" : "100000073917",
      "display" : "Gastroenteral solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for administration to the stomach or duodenum by means of a suitable applicator.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12108000
      "code" : "100000073915",
      "display" : "Radiopharmaceutical precursor",
      "definition" : "A radionuclide produced for the radio-labelling of another substance prior to administration.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12105000
      "code" : "100000073916",
      "display" : "Radionuclide generator",
      "definition" : "A system incorporating a fixed parent radionuclide from which is produced a daughter radionuclide which is to be removed by elution or by any other method and used in a radiopharmaceutical.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12106000
      "code" : "100000073365",
      "display" : "Granules for oral solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dissolution, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain an oral solution, which is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10112000
      "code" : "100000073370",
      "display" : "Herbal tea",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting exclusively of one or more herbal drugs intended for the preparation of an oral aqueous preparation by means of decoction, infusion or maceration. Herbal teas are usually presented in bulk form or in bags. The tea is prepared immediately before oral intake.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10122000
      "code" : "100000073923",
      "display" : "Gastroenteral emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for administration to the stomach or duodenum by means of a suitable applicator.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12111000
      "code" : "100000073926",
      "display" : "Impregnated pad",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a piece of absorbent material impregnated with a liquid preparation. Impregnated cutaneous swab is excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12117000
      "code" : "100000073928",
      "display" : "Medicated thread",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a biodegradable or non-degradable thread impregnated with active substance(s).",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12130000
      "code" : "100000073943",
      "display" : "Intestinal gel",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel intended for intestinal use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 12120000
      "code" : "100000073642",
      "display" : "Oral drops, solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a solution intended for oral use. The preparation is administered in small volumes by means of a suitable measuring device such as a dropper, pipette or oral syringe capable of accurate dosing of the solution. The measured dose may be diluted in water or another suitable liquid before swallowing.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10101000
      "code" : "100000073647",
      "display" : "Oral emulsion",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of an emulsion intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10107000
      "code" : "100000073690",
      "display" : "Gargle, tablet for solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a tablet intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a gargle.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10304000
      "code" : "100000073652",
      "display" : "Syrup",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose aqueous preparation characterised by a sweet taste and a viscous consistency and usually containing aromatic or other flavouring agents, intended for oral use. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10117000
      "code" : "100000073650",
      "display" : "Granules for oral suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dispersion, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an oral suspension, which is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10113000
      "code" : "100000073661",
      "display" : "Gastro-resistant capsule, soft",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose, delayed-release preparation contained in a soft shell. The preparation is intended to resist the gastric fluid and to release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. Soft gastro-resistant capsules are usually formed, filled and sealed in one operation. They may contain a liquid or semi-solid preparation in the gastro-resistant shell. Soft gastro-resistant capsules are intended for oral use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10213000
      "code" : "100000073662",
      "display" : "Prolonged-release capsule, hard",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a hard shell containing a solid or semi-solid formulation, showing a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release capsule. Prolonged release is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Hard prolonged-release capsules are intended for oral use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10215000
      "code" : "100000073673",
      "display" : "Gargle",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of an aqueous solution intended for gargling to obtain a local effect in the oral cavity and the throat. Gargles are not to be swallowed.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10301000
      "code" : "100000073674",
      "display" : "Gargle, powder for solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended to be dissolved in water to obtain a gargle.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10303000
      "code" : "100000073685",
      "display" : "Oral gum",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation with a gum-like consistency, intended to be sucked or chewed before being swallowed. Medicated chewing gum is excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10230000
      "code" : "100000073683",
      "display" : "Prolonged-release tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet showing a slower release of the active substance(s) than that of a conventional-release tablet. Prolonged release is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Prolonged-release tablets are intended for oral use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10226000
      "code" : "100000073697",
      "display" : "Gingival paste",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of a paste of solid particles finely dispersed in a hydrophilic basis intended for gingival use to obtain a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10316000
      "code" : "100000073698",
      "display" : "Sublingual tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of an uncoated tablet intended for sublingual use. Sublingual tablets are usually prepared by compression of mixtures of powders or granulations into tablets with a shape suited for the intended use. Other technologies such as moulding may be used.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10318000
      "code" : "100000073704",
      "display" : "Pastille",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation intended to be sucked to obtain, usually, a local effect in the oral cavity and the throat. Pastilles are soft, flexible preparations prepared by moulding of mixtures containing natural or synthetic polymers or gums and sweeteners. They dissolve or disintegrate slowly when sucked.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10323000
      "code" : "100000073721",
      "display" : "Periodontal powder",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders intended for administration within the tooth socket/periodontal membrane.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10401000
      "code" : "100000073669",
      "display" : "Medicated chewing-gum",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a basis, mainly composed of gums, intended to be chewed but not swallowed. The active substance(s) is (are) released in saliva by chewing. Medicated chewing gum is intended for local treatment of mouth diseases or systemic delivery after absorption through the oral mucosa or from the gastrointestinal tract.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10229000
      "code" : "100000073783",
      "display" : "Eye lotion, solvent for reconstitution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a sterile solvent containing no active substances, intended for reconstitution of a usually freeze-dried powder for eye lotion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10611000
      "code" : "100000073372",
      "display" : "Granules",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose or multidose preparation consisting of solid, dry aggregates of powder particles that are sufficiently resistant to withstand handling. Granules are intended for oral use to release active substance(s) in the gastrointestinal fluids by a rate depending essentially on the intrinsic properties of the active substance(s) (conventional release). They may be swallowed as such and/or chewed before swallowing, and some may also be dissolved or dispersed in water or another suitable liquid before oral administration. Granules for oral solution and Granules for oral suspension are excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10204000
      "code" : "100000073709",
      "display" : "Toothpaste",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a hydrophilic paste intended to be rubbed onto the teeth.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10409000
      "code" : "100000073840",
      "display" : "Inhalation powder, pre-dispensed",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation intended for inhalation use, consisting of one or more powders of solid active substance(s) presented in a suitable pharmaceutical form other than a hard capsule, either in the form of a single dose or divided into multiple single doses. The preparation is loaded into a dry-powder inhaler to generate an aerosol.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11111000
      "code" : "100000073866",
      "display" : "Powder for solution for injection",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a solution for injection.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11205000
      "code" : "100000073742",
      "display" : "Medicated nail lacquer",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation to be applied to the nails to form a lacquer by evaporation of the volatile solvent.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10521000
      "code" : "100000073725",
      "display" : "Periodontal insert",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a medicated insert to be placed within the tooth socket/periodontal membrane. The biodegradable insert is a sheet which slowly releases active substance(s).",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10411000
      "code" : "100000073844",
      "display" : "Rectal capsule",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a soft capsule of elongated shape suitable for rectal use, containing a liquid or semi-solid formulation, and which may have a lubricating coating.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11014000
      "code" : "100000074021",
      "display" : "Inhalation powder, tablet",
      "definition" : "Solid multidose preparation intended for inhalation use. The dose of inhalation powder is generated from the tablet by a metering mechanism within the inhaler, for example by scraping off a small amount of powder from the tablet.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50030000
      "code" : "100000074058",
      "display" : "Oral drops, powder for suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain an oral drops suspension.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50082000
      "code" : "100000143524",
      "display" : "Implantation matrix",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of a usually pliable, absorbent piece of material (e.g. collagen), usually impregnated with a liquid preparation, intended for implantation in the body. The material may be cut into smaller pieces before implantation, and may be shaped around a tissue (e.g. a bone) or inserted into a medical device that is then implanted. Implantation matrices are intended for release over an extended period of time, usually in order to obtain a local effect. Usually the matrix disappears with time. When the product is packaged as a separate matrix, powder and solvent (or matrix and solution), which are used to prepare the implantation matrix immediately before use, the appropriate combined term should be used; see for example ‘Powder, solvent and matrix for implantation matrix’.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 11303300
      "code" : "200000012529",
      "display" : "Gastro-resistant oral suspension",
      "definition" : "Liquid single-dose or multidose, delayed-release preparation consisting of a suspension intended for oral use. The preparation is intended to resist the gastric fluid and release the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. Each dose from a multidose container is administered by means of a device suitable for measuring the prescribed volume, generally 5 mL or multiples thereof.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13133000
      "code" : "200000003182",
      "display" : "Oral herbal material",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of whole, broken or fragmented plants or parts of plants in an unprocessed state (herbal drug), intended for oral use without requiring transformation (e.g. dissolution or dispersion in water); the material may be dried or fresh, and may be chewed before being swallowed. The word ‘plant’ is used in the broader sense to include also algae, fungi and lichens. Certain exudates that have not been subjected to a specific treatment may be included. Herbal teas and instant herbal teas are excluded, as are preparations that are processed or formulated into capsules, granules, powders, etc.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13106000
      "code" : "200000018780",
      "display" : "Oromucosal film",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a single- or multilayer sheet of suitable material(s) intended for oromucosal use. It is applied to the oral cavity or onto specific parts of the oral cavity, usually to obtain a systemic effect. Where a preparation is intended for use only at a single specific part of the oral cavity, the appropriate specific term (e.g. Buccal film, Sublingual film) is used instead.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13149000
      "code" : "200000017694",
      "display" : "Oromucosal pouch",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation consisting of a small bag made of a suitable material containing a preparation such as a powder; it is intended to be placed in the oral cavity to obtain either a systemic or a local effect by delivering the active substance(s) over a certain period of time, after which it is then removed.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13141000
      "code" : "100000073649",
      "display" : "Powder for oral suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of (a) solid active substance(s) which may also include excipients to facilitate dispersion in the prescribed liquid and to prevent sedimentation during storage of the oral suspension. Powders for oral suspension include freeze-dried powders. The oral suspension is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10111000
      "code" : "100000073682",
      "display" : "Oral lyophilisate",
      "definition" : "Solid single-dose preparation made by freeze-drying of a liquid or semi-solid preparation. This fast-releasing preparation is intended to be placed in the mouth where its contents are released in saliva and swallowed or, alternatively, to be dissolved in water before oral administration.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10224000
      "code" : "100000074027",
      "display" : "Oromucosal/laryngopharyngeal solution",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for oromucosal or laryngopharyngeal use. 'Oromucosal/laryngopharyngeal solution/spray, solution' is excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50039500
      "code" : "100000073799",
      "display" : "Vaginal gel",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid preparation consisting of a gel usually presented in a single-dose container provided with a suitable applicator, intended for vaginal use to obtain a local effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10902000
      "code" : "100000074007",
      "display" : "Granules for vaginal solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dissolution, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a vaginal solution, which is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50029500
      "code" : "100000073800",
      "display" : "Vaginal foam",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation, usually presented in a pressurised container provided with an applicator suitable for delivery to the vagina of foam containing large volumes of gas dispersed in a liquid containing active substance(s). Vaginal foams are intended for vaginal use, for example for contraception.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10904000
      "code" : "100000073822",
      "display" : "Tablet for vaginal solution",
      "definition" : "Solid, usually single-dose preparation consisting of a tablet, usually uncoated, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a vaginal solution.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10908000
      "code" : "100000116169",
      "display" : "Oral drops, liquid",
      "definition" : "Liquid, usually multidose preparation consisting of a liquid active substance per se, intended for oral use. The preparation is administered in small volumes by means of a suitable measuring device such as a dropper, pipette or oral syringe capable of accurate dosing of the liquid. The measured dose may be diluted in water or another suitable liquid before swallowing.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50037750
      "code" : "100000174010",
      "display" : "Granules for rectal suspension",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of aggregated particles that may include excipients to facilitate wetting and dispersion, intended to be dispersed in the specified liquid to obtain a rectal suspension, which is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13015000
      "code" : "100000174023",
      "display" : "Implantation paste",
      "definition" : "Semi-solid sterile preparation containing large proportions of solids finely dispersed in the basis, intended to be implanted in the body for release of the active substance(s) over an extended period of time, usually to obtain a systemic effect.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13043000
      "code" : "200000017728",
      "display" : "Impregnated cutaneous swab",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a piece of absorbent material impregnated usually with a liquid preparation, intended to be applied to the skin for a limited period of time with one or more wiping motions, and which may be attached to an application device such as a stick. Impregnated pad is excluded.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13145000
      "code" : "100000073744",
      "display" : "Impregnated dressing",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of a piece or strip of gauze or other suitable fabric impregnated with a liquid or semi-solid preparation intended for cutaneous use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10525000
      "code" : "100000073714",
      "display" : "Medicated plaster",
      "definition" : "Flexible single-dose preparation intended to be applied to the skin to obtain, usually, a local effect. Medicated plasters consist of an adhesive basis containing the active substance and spread as a uniform layer on an appropriate support made of natural or synthetic material. The adhesive layer is covered by a suitable protective liner, which is removed before applying the plaster to the skin. Medicated plasters are presented in a range of sizes or as larger sheets to be cut before use.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10506000
      "code" : "100000074029",
      "display" : "Powder for concentrate for solution for infusion",
      "definition" : "Solid sterile preparation consisting of one or more powders, including freeze-dried powders, intended to be dissolved in the specified liquid to obtain a concentrate for solution for infusion, which must subsequently be diluted before administration as a solution for infusion.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 50043000
      "code" : "100000073741",
      "display" : "Transdermal patch",
      "definition" : "Flexible single-dose preparation intended to be applied to the unbroken skin to obtain a systemic delivery over an extended period of time. Transdermal patches consist of a backing sheet supporting a reservoir or a matrix containing the active substance(s) and on the top a pressure-sensitive adhesive, which assures the adhesion of the preparation to the skin. The backing sheet is impermeable to the active substance(s) and normally impermeable to water. In reservoir systems the active substance may be dissolved or dispersed in a semi-solid basis or in a solid polymer matrix, which is separated from the skin by a rate-controlling membrane. The pressure-sensitive adhesive may, in this case, be applied to some or all parts of the membrane, or only around the border of the membrane and the backing sheet. Matrix systems contain the active substance in a solid or semi-solid matrix, the properties of which control the diffusion pattern to the skin. The matrix system may also be a solution or dispersion of the active substance in the pressure-sensitive adhesive. The releasing surface of the patch is covered by a protective liner to be removed before applying the patch to the skin.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10519000
      "code" : "100000073364",
      "display" : "Powder for oral solution",
      "definition" : "Solid preparation consisting of (a) solid active substance(s) which may also include excipients to facilitate dissolution in the prescribed liquid. Powders for oral solution include freeze-dried powders. The oral solution is usually prepared just before administration to the patient.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 10110000
      "code" : "100000174018",
      "display" : "Suspension for spray",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a suspension intended for use in the preparation of a spray.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13038000
      "code" : "100000174030",
      "display" : "Solution for spray",
      "definition" : "Liquid preparation consisting of a solution intended for use in the preparation of a spray.",
      "property" : [
          "code" : "EDQM code",
          "valueInteger" : 13034000
      "code" : "200000027169",
      "display" : "Eye drops, prolonged-release solution",
      "definition" : "Eye drops, prolonged-release solution"

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.